The Car care Guide

Whether or not you pump your own gas your car probably receives less attention than it should.Regular maintenance cheecks and servive reduce the cost of vehicle ownership.These should include periodic diagnostic checks of engine fuel,ignition and emission control systems.


Preventive checks, maintenance and tune-ups can prevent some time the disastrous situation.Symptoms of engie trouble on most cars today are subtle. its is not easy to tell,weather the car needs the tune-up or not.Preventive measures taken on time can keep your car running -trouble free for years.If you find any change in your vehicle's performance , do make a small note of it and report to your technician for corrective measures.

Followings are couple of symptoms which normaly indicates the tecnician or the driver(if technically supported) that the vehicle is due for the tune-up;

  1. Hard starting.
  2. Knocking.
  3. Stalling
  4. Power loss or low gas mileage
  5. Exhaust Odor
  6. Rough running

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