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The American Leviathan

        Why is there so much hatred towards America? Who hates them. People across the world. Why?
        Contrary to what even most americans believe, we don’t hate Amercians. We don’t even hate America.
        How can any place so bountiful, so blessed by nature, so rich in diversity ever be hated?
        How can we hate people a lot of whom are from our own nations. A land which so free so full of opportunity ,
        how can  we hate it ?
        So what do we hate? What do we….. the billions across the world in whose heart simmers a thirst for vengeance
        against America for a crime that they cannot pinpoint, HATE?

         It is the American Leviathan.

         Thomas Hobbes in the 17th century wrote the "The Leviathan", a book on whose cover was a muscular man --powerful, towering above all. The body of the man was a collection of human bodies. The Leviathan as the mans was called was thus a reflection of the aspirations of all people. The Leviathan, for Hobbes, was the State.

         This was later propounded further by Friedrich Hegel in his "Encyclopaedia of Scinces". Adolf Schopenhauer, the pro-Nazi philosopher supported this idea. It was an idea that Ayn Rand hated. She launches a virulent diatribe against it giving it a communist look in "Atlas Shrugged". Albert Camus had strong reservations against in his "La Rebelle".

         In today's America there is a Leviathan.

        This leviathan disguises himself under the name of "The ideal of America". SO what does this Leviathan do?
            His functioning is simple yet immaculate.
            He convinces people first about how fortunate they are to be int his promised land.
            He promises and delivers freedom of enterprise, thought and expression.
            He offers rights to privacy, and respect of rights of propperty and possession.
            He promises avenues to express oneself and for self-actualization and a market for everything on earth.
            He is the leviathan.
            He controls all. He ensures that successive governements, be they republican or democratic, patronise jingoism and
            He sends surges of patriotism through he veins of the most hardcore anarchists.
            And worst, he convinces innocent citizens that he is drinking their blood., feeding on their resources that he uses
            to fund massacres all for the good of the American citrizens.
             He is devious and morally corrupt.. he claims that an attack on him is an attack on America and its people.
            He claims that people who hate him, who hate the millions of conflagarations that he creates are actually enemies of
            He manipulates and deceives.
            He claims that attacks on him are attacks on the ideal of freedom itself, they are attacks on the american "way of life",
            on the "Amercian Dream".
            He hungers for the fruits of capitalism and then deals death-wielding blows to capitalism and democracy throughout the
            He is the Leviathan. And we want him dead.

            This is the Leviathan that Robert M.Pirsig calls "The Giant". The Giant of Civilization that nurtures men, and then demands its pound of flesh.

            Pan-Germanism was the plague that precipitated World War I. A baseless pride born out of the euphoria of the Bismarckian era.

                This pride, chauvinism, and..the Leviathan.
                They created the war. And now another has just started.

            As said before The Leviathan feeds both on men's mind and meterial. He feeds on their sentiments of affection for their country for their parents , for all their loved ones. He claims that if you don’t obey me you are betraying your blood relatives .. your loves and friends.

            He explioits patriotism, fraternal love.. you name it ,, he uses it. He exploits the American people's feelings of guilt. Of not being a part of their community. In a society which has no common ethnic or cultural backgrounds, the much misused"American identity" and "patriotism" and "Might of the Market" are the only strings binding 400 million americans. And the Leviathan knows this,. He uses it to his advantage.

            He is everywhere... in the media which potrays anything unamerican as outdated, redundant, repulsive, fanatic or dangerous….he is there in the governemnt that asks media to shut their mouths up about who shot down the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania and not to replay messages of Bin Laden. He is the World Bank.. the IMF.. he is int eh Pemntagon where 25,000 employees work towards goals some which no civilised  country can ever subscribe to. He is Joseph McCarthy, the mastermind behind the communist inquisition in the late 1940s.

            The Leviathan is present of the stock market where irrational expectations drive down the Dow jones taking down with it the destinies of a dozen countries across the globe.

            The Leviathan is the CIA, the NSA's Project Echelon that taps into email and telephones across the is the office of the Presidentr of the United States.

            The Leviathan coaxes people into paying for the idiosyncrasies of greyhaired hypocrites in the Capitol Hill.  He sells the world ideas like "If you are not with us, ylu are with them". The Leviathan threatens to engulfa d swalow the smaller Leviathans of the other nations of the world.

            The American Leviathan. An object of hate. An object that takes pride in its efficiency of execution..of jobs and men.
The Leviathan is a tyrant. And he will go the way of all tyrants. He will be forced to commit harakiri.

                                                                                                                        Contributed By
                                                                                                                        Raja Karthikeya Gundu
                                                                                                                        (MPIB 2001-03)

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