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Volume I                                                                                                                                                                    Issue 2

From the editor's desk


Blash: A report on the Trading Game

Port Visit : A report

Faculty Speak

Keep them in place:The impact of QR's in India

TRIPS:An Understanding

The Mantra of International Distribution:strategies for International Distribution

Volksvagen:Backward and forward at the same time
A case study

The American Leviathan
Superpower or Superbully

War-cry in Afghanistan
Afghanistan -   A Laboratory

Editor's Choice
Rethinking the economy: the impact of WTC bombing on the public and the private sector

Asian Employment Gazzete:Placement offer from an MNC you'd never leave

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This Page is dedicated to our E-Magazine named the "IIFTian"
Web Master: Suprateem Moitra      Editor: Amit Misra

Copyright © October 2001