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 Sacred Journey's, 2002 ~page 1


 I will tell you the story of how I got to the Place of Peace.  So many years ago, before I knew why Indian blood would call to me, a divorce had made me decide it was time to rewrite my life.  The way that I did this was through a series of poems, even though my life was filled with so much sorrow and I had harden my heart against men in general, I spent 2 years writing love poems to a love I knew not.

There was something Indian that called to me, something undefined that I could not explain why the vision of the one who came to guide me from within was Indian, and why when I had asked 'God' for a sign, he sent the Eagle into my vision to let me know he heard my prayer.

At the end of rewriting my life, my head was still full of much pain and torture over the guy thing, and disappointments were common ground that I walked upon.  With torrents of tears I wept in bitter disappointment over a guy thing that was going on in my life.

And as I wept a vision came to a friend of mine, an Indian man stepped out of edge of the forest and she told me that when he came into my life he would comfort me in my great sorrow.  That he was my other half, my mated one.

At the time I thought, "yeah right, like an Indian will ever speak to me."  But 2 weeks later another friend called me up to tell me about a dream she had and the same Indian man was in her dream, steeping into the clearing from the forest.  She said she thought of me and went to talk to him, but when she mentioned my name he said I was not seeking him, I was seeking.. something that translated to power.

Even though my heart was broken and I was very angry with men, this set me on a journey, so I began writing letters to him.  I was broken.  I did not even know how to seek him, so I just wrote him letters.

In the year 2000, the end of my broken journey, I surrendered to my higher calling, the path for which I was sent to fulfill.. and since I had been told that it involved an Indian man I began to seek him, to write him letters on a regular basis.

In the year 2001 I was told to write a book, so I did.  I called it Journey to the Edge of the Precipice.  As I write this in 2006, I still don't know why they wanted me to write the book, but by 2002 my brother and I had gotten into our genealogy and on my grandfathers side we had been able to get the names back to the 1700's.  This set me to thinking that part of these names had to go to our Indian heritage, so I began trying to see if I could find any of these names .. somewhere.. in Indian places.

When I found the Place of Peace, I also found this beautiful piece written by a man called the the Place of Peace American Indian Village.  It was the dream for a Village where people could come and sit in the presence of Indians in their daily life and in ceremony.  So I promptly sent a letter to this beautiful man.. and it promptly came back, return to sender..

Then Indians started showing up in my dreams.. and the next thing you know, I am receiving an invitation to go to this Gathering in Hot Springs Ark.  As soon as I got this invitation I knew I was supposed to go, so I did and the magic began before I even got there, even as I drove down the highway, once the eagle appeared, I knew magic was going to me there.  I knew I was to pay attention to everything I heard while I was there.

This piece is the final chapter to Journey to the Edge of the Precipice.  While I was there I received the instructions that the prayer had been sent and now it was time to let go.. As I write this in 2006, I'm not certain I was ever destined to marry an Indian man.  It's more like I was given this path to follow because the Lightworker and the Indian were always destined to become One.


The Happening

oooo-oo and then it happened
(and then it happened)

oooo-oo and then it happened
(then it happened)
0000-oo and then it happened
The Happening
(the happening)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)









Friday, September 27, 2002

O my love, I am so glad my Guardians allowed me to come back in here and write you this last letter!  Every since the Place of Peace my Guardians have been trying to stress on me the fact that like a prayer that is prayed, it was now time for me to let go of my need to seek you.  They said, ever so softly, ‘the gift comes after you let go.’  And something about for me to continue seeking you any further would in fact hamper the gift they were wanting to give me. .
I didn’t know what they meant and it was so hard for me to let go of thinking of you constantly so that you would know I was seeking you.  I went to the Place of Peace 3 months ago and was told that the time had come for me to let go.  It took me all the way until September 4th to do that.
After I wrote that last letter, I wanted desperately to write you again!  I had no idea it would be the last letter I wrote you.  But the next day, when I got up and went to my computer to write you, my Guardians said “No” that I was not to write you any more letters.  (That was when they really began explaining how it would hurt what I was doing if I was to write you any more letters.)
For days after that I sat poised at my computer begging them to please let me write you one last letter.  But each day they said no.  I’ve gone against what they said before and each time it has brought me pain.  And for the last year, I have tried to follow each instruction they have given me.  So I wasn’t going to go against what they were instructing me to do now.
Within a week I lost my desire to be with my Talisman.  I never even was with him again after I wrote you that last letter.  But I couldn’t tell you because they said I couldn’t write you any more letters.  And I hated the way this book ended, but there was nothing I could do about it.
I’ve told you before that it felt like there was a veil standing between my world and yours.  Then I discovered that I had been born with the soul of an Indian. So when I found the Pennagansett it felt like I had finally penetrated the veil. 
Well, to me, being at the Pennagansett was like penetrating the veil to find myself in a place most holy.  It was a quiet place where it seemed it would be inappropriate of me to speak loudly.  So mostly I was quiet while I was there.
Then I went to the Place of Peace and something inside of me changed.  And the next thing you know alls I could think was I want to sing!  I want to sing to the high heavens and show them what this Love has done for me.  And I couldn’t help it.  Every day I went there and I wanted to sing Bible scriptures!
Finally I just had to ask permission.  I asked them if I could sing.  One girl spoke up and said she would love to hear me sing.  So I began sending in the song I sang during my Transformation.  Another girl spoke up and talked about hope restored.  I heard it in her voice.  I could see her hope being restored!
In the middle of this, I suddenly realized that this story of my Transformation did have a place in this book.  I had to show you what had happened to me before I began this journey that had so devastated me that alls I could do was slowly crawl towards you.  And the 2 girls, well I brought them with me.  (I send them one piece a day.  Right now we are up to 4…88.)
It was right here, on September 4th that I wrote my last letter to you.  And even though it was hard for me to release it, I did, and then something began to change.  I just lost my desire to have my Talisman ever touch me again.
Then I was back at the Pennagansett, and I was sitting there real quiet when I heard a little voice say, “Come visit.”
I turned and followed the voice and found myself in Nadjas Haven.  I was instructed that I was free to browse around.  So I did.  I went through her whole web page.  And then finally I found a link for American Indians recovering from all forms of abuse.
Well I knew that I was recovering from all forms of abuse and I wanted to know what was going on in there and the only way to get in was to become a member, so I subscribed.  And suddenly it was like I was standing at a door that said For Members Only, which I opened anyway, never feeling like I really was suppose to be there.
Well inside I heard this laughter and all these words of encouragement being passed out.  There was this girl there who I just wanted to reach out and hug.  She was feeling kind of crazy inside of her head.  And I know that feeling of being crazy inside your head.  There was never anyone (human) around to help me when the crazies were inside my head.  But here they were giving this girl so much love and good advice and listening. . And the great key: laughter.  There was laughter in that healing room!
Two girls, one Angel and another I'll call Welcome Home, Welcome Home shouted out welcoming messages to me. . But by this time I was feeling that I really didn’t have a right to be there.  I had been born with the soul of an Indian but I didn’t have the one thing that I needed to be there.  I was a white girl who had been born with the soul of an Indian.  I knew I had suffered abuse, but I didn’t have that other thing.  And alls I could think was I needed to apologize and make my way from the room.
So I wrote a letter to "Welcome home, welcome home" and Angel to explain to them that ‘oops’ I don’t think I’m suppose to be here.  But they both came right back and told me that if I had been guided there it was most likely because that was where I needed to be.
They asked me so softly not to leave, so I kept talking to them trying to explain that I was only 1/8th blood of their Ancestors which meant I didn’t have the right to be there.  But then "Welcome home, welcome home" came back with this:




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