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Sanctify ~

To make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing. . To make holy; consecrate. . To entitle to reverence or respect

1 ~   penetrating the veil

2 ~  Are you Indian

3 ~  Rite of Passage

4 ~  the Happening

5 ~  Harvest Moon


Winged One

" Then I heard this “Pop!”  Then a crackling sound as Eagles wings came out of her back and began to spread open as if she were preparing to take flight!"





Healing Remnants of Past Wounds

1~ 2 Worlds touch

2~ and then a 3rd

3~ giving birth to a New World



a year of ceremony


Bringing down the Rainbow Blanket

Go weep for the Mountain Maureen

1~ Awakening of the Bears

2~  the Sweat

3~ touching sorrow

4~  my sister

5~  imprisoned

6~ where the waters once flowed

7~ prayer in the Amphitheater, weaving with rainbow tears


The Encampment

for the Healing of Past Wounds

a continuation of the Healing Remnants of Past Wounds Ceremony ~ the Encampment

temporary linked to 2005.008


incomplete at this date

Summer Gathering

Change your world on the inside and you change your world on the outside

temporary linked to 2005.013

incomplete at this date

The Wolf and instructions" Heal the Wounded History"







Give honor to the path you have been given to walk and the path will give honor to you


1~ dreams to move to the Place of Peace and the beginning of the new journey

2~ Pieces of a puzzle

3~ Geolft sits with us

4~ missing home

5~ Ceremony

6~ and afterwards

7~ 2 left behind


9~ Sophie

10~ Why me?

11~ The Gift of Fire

12~ Ceremony, understanding the Gift

13~ Looking Back




She walked with Rainbow Feet, lessons on walking through a 3 d world


1~ 13 generations - Mother

2~ Momma rules and Poppa honors the Momma rules

3~ from pruning to pearls

4~ and bloomings..

Misty Mountain loves Gentle  Rolling Thunder River love song.

the Place of Peace, awakening the Rainbow Woman within


 1~ Before Time Began

 2~the Place of Peace Creation Song

