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Sacred Journeys



Saturday (29th)

The lady spent the day pacing counterclockwise around Jason when he would go outside... and she was also doing that to Justen..  Tonya found this strange why this lady was now pacing counterclockwise around Jason and Justen.

When it came time for our evening smoke, Tonya and I went out and sat.  She said the man was sitting on the porch observing us

This was the day we had our conversation..  He came over, knelt at my feet again and then sat on the ground for a long time talking to us.  He said his home world was the same as mine.  When Tonya asked him how it was that he knew me, he said it was not so much that he knew me, but that he knew my husband, that they had done something together.. that my husband, Luthorne, who also went by Wolf Man, was about to be promoted.. Tonya couldn't translate what the promotion was about...  she kept trying to interpret it as prince.. but I said it was a more tribal word.. and the man said yes..  He also said we had another mutual friend and her name was Chandara.. and that he was unaccustomed to seeing me without my cloak.

When he said that we came from the same Home world, I said, "Oh you come from the land of the purple hue."  And he laughed and said, "Purple hue nothing, it's the land of the purple fire."

He also asked me, “What is your medicine?”  At the time I didn’t know what he meant or how to respond so the only thing I could think to say (thinking about Tonya) was, “I give the gift of allowing people to be themselves.”  But then he explained to me that there was a special medicine Luthorne and I would make together to heal the people.  And that feeling felt so right.

There was another part that was really cool.  We asked him his name, and Tonya was having a difficult time with the pronunciation.. but what she was sounding out to me sounded like Geoff, so I started spelling it out, and even though he spelled it out with a slight difference, he was like, “How did you know my name?”  He seemed completely stunned that I would know his name when his only association with me was through my husband and through a common friend we had named Chandara.. Strange.. so I explained to him that I worked in a bank here and that I came in contact with many unusual names, and I always liked to ask the pronunciation… He said, “Oh I’ve worked in a bank too!  It must be a planet thing.”

He also said something about did I remember the…. Lenox…?... or 'what's a Lenox?  I couldn't figure out what he was talking about.. and the only thing I could think of was they were a company that made glass ware... but he said no that it was a bird from our home world... and the only thing I can think of this is the Phoenix, because I know I carry the medicine of this bird within me.  I understand the power of giving your life to the point of death, and rising again from your ashes.

Geolft said there was another on the planet who was a Gate Keeper, and that he went by Gate Man.

I asked Geolft if he knew my spirit name.  He said, "You don't remember?"  I said, "no."  there was a moments silence and then he said that it didn't matter.  And he said to go to the water, put in my feet and my hands and ask to have my memories restored.

 Later when Tonya was able to translate what Geolft was showing her she said that Luthorne is the protector of the Star Gate.. Geolft met Luthorne when he (Geolft) was the Gate Keeper.  Luthorne was sent to study under Geolft the protocol to being a Gate Keeper.  Within Geolft's bloodline came the responsibility of being the Gate Keeper.

Luthorne's father was royalty and within Luthorne's 'bloodline' came the responsibility of being the protector of the Star Gate.  But before Luthorne could do this, he first had to train, to learn to be a Gate Keeper.  So Luthorne was sent to Geolft to train under him to be a Gate Keeper.. and that was how he knew me through my husband, but he had only ever seen me cloaked...

Geolft was a lot older than Luthorne.

Note:  Later he said that if Maureen ever meets a guy and one of his animals is name Cobalt (or something like that, that is Wolf Man ... then he laughed and said he couldn't give too many hints..

There were other happenings on this night which I will try to recount... At one point an animal was heard screaming and Geolft went in search of where the scream was coming from..

Then the lady who kept walking through the yard came up to me and began asking me to explain to her about the different dimensions and the clouds.  She said something about wanting to come with us.. and I didn't even know where she was from and why she was stuck here in this place.  So I was asking her if she was stuck here because she was dead.. and she said she didn't think she was dead... something about being the last thing she remembered was being in the river and when she woke up she was laying next to it, so she went to talk to a lady with tan skin and the lady wouldn't talk to her... strange...

So we were trying to figure out if she could come with us, or what.. and Tonya was confused over the river part, and then someone is calling this lady a liar..

After this Tonya went deep into thought, and the next thing I know she goes over to the trailer next to our and begins sniffing... then she yells, "Witch!"  This lady was hung here as a witch.. so the night became confusing as to which time was which in the events that happened.  I do know that all of this happened on the same night... And as soon as it was said that she was lying to Tonya, the lady ran away and disappeared...

Then I think we had the conversation with Geolft.. Then he disappeared to go see what animal was screaming..

After he came back there was something he wanted to show us, so we began following him, but once we got to the railroad tracks (in a deep ditch) we told him we would have to get the car and try to follow him that way... He laughed and said, "What railroad tracks?  All I see is water.  Walk through the water."  

We ran into the house to get our things to follow him in the car and when we got in there Tonya said the lady was now sitting by the bed staring at her baby and husband..  Tonya was very upset by this, and we weren't going anywhere with this situation happening... so we went back outside to discuss how we could keep her from being in the house...

Then Geolft came back and asked what happened to us.  I told Tonya she had better tell Geolft what was going on.. Tonya was saying that she knew how to make holy water and that she believed she would need to go under the trailer to where this lady was buried and put the holy water there.

Then the lady comes back and she is trying to beat up Tonya, but she's a spirit so her swings are going right through Tonya... Next thing I know Tonya is saying that Bongo and Rexon have come and with Geolft they are escorting the lady back to her grave..

Then Geolft yells out that we are to get some sugar water and sprinkle it around the trailer.. but that we have to leave an opening for him and the animals to get back out...  so I run into the house to get some water from the hot springs and pour some sugar into it, and we sprinkle it round the trailer, making certain to leave an opening for Geolft, Bongo and Rexon to exit from.

Of course I could see or hear none of this and as Tonya is translating what is going on, how Geolft is putting the lady back into her grave, telling her to put her head down, she yells out to Tonya, "Quit telling her everything that is happening Tonya!"

Then Tonya says Geolft is now escorting Bongo and Rexon from the trailer, and the next thing I know Tonya is saying that Geolft is now transforming into a ball of light, and as a ball of light he flies into the trailer and does something else...

After that he couldn't speak to us, and we didn't know what to do... about this time Jason opens the front door and the lady flies out of her grave (but she is now transformed into a ball of light and she flies into our trailer...

So we run after her and she escapes out a window.. 

We didn't know what to do after this so we went to bed.