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Sacred Journeys



Monday (31st) was the Ceremony


It was also the day Tonya was given a series of symbols. At the time it wasn't really understood why the symbols had been given to her, but she spent time that day recording them on a piece of paper. 

As the day wore on it became time for me to begin making preparations for the ceremony.  I didn't really know what to do but pour my whole heart into it, so I unpacked my fairies and began placing them around.  I also had a piece of wood I call the 'dancing spirit' and I placed it near the location when Tonya said the orangutans had been playing at.

We had also been told to place a part of ourselves in the fire so I painted my toenails 2 shades of blue (for the blue water and life), then I cut them and placed them with tobacco in 2 prayer ties, one of which was in the material with the blue water bubbles and the other was in the material what had the blue fish.  Tonya used material with a butterfly and put her calico hair that she cut within it.

I got the table all set up with an Angel, fairies and crystals.  On the night that they had asked us to make any altar for them, they had specified to purify it with blue water and life, so we had bought some material to represent the blue water and life.  I hung this up near the fire circle.  After it became dark, the firelight upon them made them look like windows.

We began the fire just before sunset.  Tonya wore a dress that was blue, green and yellow for the ceremony and I work blue... with blue toenails..  Tonya took the chair to the right and I took the chair to the left of the table.  I didn't really know what to do so I lit sage and offered tobacco to the fire.

Then Tonya announced that she was being told that the animals would be coming in groups of 3's.  They said that the fearless ones would come first.  Each group brought a gift for the Guardian to put in the fire for a blessing for the journey.  the first group to show up was a black bear, a brown bear and a gray elephant. (When we found out their names, they were Bright, Semon and Fontork.)  The gift that they laid by the fire was hamenweed.  It was for nutrition for their journey.

The next group the came was 3 foxes.  (They were Coraabl, Alle and Demone.)  The gift that they laid at the fire was parsley for their journey.
The next group to come lay their gift by the fire was the elder mountain lion, a baby mountain lion and a tan elephant.  When we received the gift of their names they are Sionel, the elder mountain lion, Camonilla, the baby mountain lion and Onanoe, the tan elephant.  The gift that they laid before the fire for the Guardian was maple leaves for beautiful trees in the future.

The next group to come was the 4 orangutans.  They liked my gift to them.  Tonya said that the father (Kameon) was running his hand over it.  The mothers name was Erza and the 2 babies with them were Ali, a girl and Skylark, a boy.  The aardvark (Zacheane) also came with them.  They left eucalyptus leaves.  (At the time we didn't know that these were for the ones who got left behind.)

The next group that came to our fire was 2 rams and a crow.  The 2 rams names were Sienna and Amero and Tonya thinks the crows name may have been Tourck, but she is not certain.

The next group to come to our fire was 2 gazelles (Barflick and Cora) and  Tonya's wolf friend, Whisper.  They left bark (which we later found out was for the 2 that got left behind.)

Now as all this was going on, Tonya was seeing Rexon in the distance coming.  She kept exclaiming how alls she could see was Rexons rear end.  She was saying, "I see Rexon coming but alls I can see is his rear end.  I can't figure out what he's doing. Is he walking the wrong way?"  It was kind of comical listening to her describe to me how she kept seeing his rear end and fussing over why she could couldn't see his front end.

The next group that came to lay their gifts at the fire was Rexon, Tonya's favorite black with brown stripes panther, Bongo, the lion with wings and Geolft, the man with the journey in mind.  The whole time Rexon was coming with his rear towards us, Tonya saw was because he was dragging a gift.  It was a very large crystal.  Geolft, who had now become an orb, was assisting Rexon as he dragged the crystal cluster towards us.  The next thing I know Tonya is exclaiming that Rexon has laid the crystal at my feet and is telling me that he will give it to me the next time he sees me (as we are from the same planet.)  I was very honored by this even though I did not know what to do, or even how to acknowledge a gift I could not see with my eyes.  She said it was a large cluster, looking similar to a castle with many buildings, and that it was rain bowed, like the picture to the right.

I did not know what to make of all of this for my vision did not allow me to see what Tonya was seeing but when Geolft came I did know that his presence had arrived because the fire began dancing, and as he walked to take his place at the south of the fire circle the burning embers moved and told me that he was there now.  Then the Guardian, Bongo, the Lion with wings put all of the gifts the animals had left into the fire.

Then Tonya put her gift into the fire with blessings of blue water and life which covered the east and the west.   Her gift that was offered was a lock of her calico hair wrapped in butterfly fabric.

I sat there and watched Tonya offer the gift of herself without really knowing what to do or when to do it.  But then she said that Geolft said I was to now take my position in front of him.  She said that he was standing to the South of the circle and I was to take my position in the North.  She said he said I could say whatever it was that I wanted to say to him.  Tell him what I wanted.  So I told how honored I was to be on this journey with him and that I hoped I remembered what had taken place here the next time I saw him on our home world. .. and then because he had asked me what I wanted (and I had a hard time interpreting that earlier) I told him, "and I like fairies."  because I think he was asking me when he gave me a gift as a Priestess, 'What do you want?'

Then I placed the 2 gifts of myself in the fire.  I had painted my toenails a very dark blue, and then had painted a second coat on of a very electric blue.  When I made the prayer ties to put them in I had cut one nail from one foot and second nail from my other foot, put them in tobacco and tied them in the material that stood for blue waters and life.  When I dropped them into the fire one went one direction and the other went another direction.  They burnt with the most amazing blue flame, and then blue with an aquamarine green color... to me one looked like a sun and the other looked like a moon.  It was beautiful.

Then Geolft told Tonya to stand up and describe what they were seeing because he wasn't certain I was able to see it.  As Tonya was standing there she begins to gasp, "Can he do that?"  She explains, "He just went into the ball and threw himself into the fire."  then, "Oh, he is absorbing our essence through the gift of ourselves that we placed in the fire."

The next instructions were that I was to take the offering we had prepared for the animals and put it into the fire.  He said I was to put in 21 pieces of the cherries and peaches, and that I was to do it in groups of 3's.. So I did that as best I could.  After this he explained that the animals would now, one by one, come to the fire for their gift and that as they did this they would march around our home and bless it.  (I was so touched by this.)  And he said, "I want Maureen to sing."

Well, I was shocked, but it was all so sacred that I knew I must sing.. I chose the song that I sing to the mountain, my part in her restoration song.  I sang, "Hello my friends, hello...just came to say hello....I think about you every night.... your in my mind... you are my kind, hello.... and then I would just start again, singing this over and over as each animal came to our fire, accepted our offering and made the circle around our home to bless it.

After we finished this Tonya said that we were to take our sage in hand and that the animals had now lined up, 10 on each side.  She asked me if I could still see the wall.  I said yes.  She said that we were to now walk between the 2 lines of animals, to the wall with our sage, and then turn around and come back.  So we did that holding hands.

When we got back to the fire Tonya said, "Now all of the animals are going to run into the fire."  She was almost anxious about our positions now, to make certain we did not get trampled by the stampede.  We stood in front of my chair, then all of the animals began to run towards the fire.... and I knew that they were going home to their place in the stars so I held my hands up towards the heavens as they ran into the fire.  Then Tonya almost gasps and begins explaining to me that when they hit the fire, they just shot straight up in a way that reminded her of Santa's sleigh.  Then Geolft went with them, and then they all merged into a ball of rainbow colored light, into a large orb and were all going home now.... It was so beautiful.