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the Campus Dreams


I am so excited with anticipation.  I've had so many dreams in which I didn't state it, but I really had the feeling I was at a college when I met you.  In the Madonna dream, I had to travel 3 days to get somewhere.  It was a large building that felt like a campus.  I was in a large room with a lot of other people.




031309 the place where I see the space ships cloaked by clouds

What a lovely dream I woke up to this morning........ I was in a place I have been to many times in my dreams (the place where I see the space ships cloaked by clouds.)

In this place it is like a learning university. Other dreams have I traveled here..... In this dream we were in what appeared like a large auditorium, lots of other people milling around.... I was alone, like I usually am here in this place. I have forgotten what we were gathering for..

was looking around when in walks... the '3" symbols in the dream when the 3 appears they are giggling happy... they come right up to me and a boy sits beside me and the other 2 sit on the other side of me...... we begin playing together with our hands, me and the boy, and the other 2, a boy and a girl began playing together with their hands..... such a beautiful energy exchange between us, between me and the boy..... reminded me of the love between my 2 year old grandson and myself... every day we watch Shrek..... every day I sing to him the songs while we bounce on the bed.... every day when he see my jewels he tells me how pretty they are...... I let him play with my cell phone because he giggles in such delight when he finds the place to make the smiley faces, finds the place to call his dad..... felt such a love, just like that... It was a lovely dream..

In the dream ...... we were outside on the campus grounds... I was looking up at the soft white clouds that were cloaking the little space ships, when over the horizon comes this huge gray kind of cigar shaped cloud, doing ninety to nothing, this cloud cloaked ship was definitely going somewhere in a hurry. It was zigzagging across the sky, like when it got to the campus grounds it made a hard left, then hard right before traveling out of sight

051709  being given codes in the dream

The campus dream series always involves ufo..  always…..  again I found myself on the campus (which is like a college campus..  there was  a guy there, dressed like Keanu Reeves from the Matrix, he befriended me and we were hanging out a lot together.  The dream involved being there several days because every night we would go to bed and every morn we would arise…  there was this feeling that something was coming.  I was feeling it, and I could feel other people feeling it also..  and before too long there was this buzz of excitement that something was coming


In the campus dreams the ufo’s always are hidden in the clouds.  They look like clouds, but at any moment could emerge from the clouds..  and the clouds take on the shape of their ship. 


As the dream progressed over several days I was really trying to watch the sky to see who was coming.  I kept hearing rumors of other people who had seen them and was trying to track down who was coming.. the guy who looked and dressed like Keanu Reeves from the Matrix (interesting parallel) was with me every where I went.


Then the rumors started getting closer., the buzz got louder.  and for some reason my little grandson (who I adore) was in my dream too.  I was in my room and there was someone in my bed, an older gentleman with white hair.  My grandson had crawled over him and was playing with a knife, so I just moved the bed away from the wall and was gathering my grandson.. seeing many forgotten  treasures, one of them seemed like was a skirt I used to wear…..  the old man in the bed smiled at my grandson as if he didn’t mind him playing there..  and I was trying to get dressed.. when Madonna walked through the door and her and Keanu Reeves embraced in a dance… and then I felt like dancing, and the music started playing inside my head… and the buzzing kept getting louder, buzzed over real close. As I danced… several of them off in the distance buzzed over like a procession headed somewhere intentional.  so I ran out to look just in time to see the one that was passing over where I was…  amazingly, these would be the kind of saucer shaped ships, then comes one passing over and right behind it a little one…  like a parent with a child…


And as I am standing there trying to figure it all out, and sharing that the 2 of them together looked like parent and child, I am watching the cloud formation in the sky.. and like the Matrix, in the place where there are opening in the clouds I can see through to some kind of coded writing which I am staring at without thinking to place in memory…. Then I think I should be trying to remember these codes.. so I try more to focus and see something like 10G10R10A10N10D… only in the dream, in the places between the clouds there were lines and lines of them..  I saw the download…


For me it is very interesting the observation that this is the 4th Campus Dream, the first one was like an introduction to the Campus dreams, so I would remember the place when I got back to it… in the second dream, the craft I saw were the same like the craft that fly off the Battle Star Galactic..  in the 3rd dream the space craft looked like the cylinder tube, and in this one they looked more like the flying saucer…