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We Are One
The 2 come from the One.




For most of my life I was following a path of, the river flows the path of least resistance and did not share with others the lessons and visions of the early years.  In 2004 Mother Earth painted this picture of how the rain comes down and shares of itself with the plant world, animal kingdom, and even crystalline connections deep within her crust, the rain shares itself freely.  Then she said, "By sharing, we grow."

So, now I will share what I saw on how we are creating this world we know.

In my teenage years there was a split, one of me looking in one direction, merging with all aspects of her body, and the other part rose high above me and began seeing the thoughts and words and prayers of mankind coming out of their heads.  I could see where like thoughts would travel to a collective of other like thoughts, and these like thoughts would congregate to form the governing society that we knew.

Then I started traveling through time, back in time specifically, seeing these same thoughts and words coming out of the people and going into a collective of like thoughts..  The further back I traveled the less people I could find thinking the same thought within the collective of like thoughts and if I traveled far enough back I could see someone, the original seed, the original thought someone was thinking that had manifested years later (even after they were long dead, I could see their effects through time.  They would pass this thoughts to another who would pass it to another, who would pass it to another, and so on and so forth until it would begin to take a form.  And eventually within this form there would be enough people thinking the same thought that it would become a rule that would govern the society we perceived to be real.)

How many people, going around lighting those candles, to light the room, would it take all thinking the same thought, "Gosh it would be so much easier if we could just touch a switch and the light would come on" before we created an Einstein to create the light bulb?

Literally, that is what I saw.  Like a seed being laid upon the Earth, from which comes a plant, the seed, the thought becomes many seeds.  In due time lays them upon the Earth, and from them springs many flowers all like the first flower.  the process happening over and over again creates an effect in the governing of the world we know..

Mothers against Drunk Drivers... saying we are tired of our babies and loved one dieing that way

An Indian heart weeping so hard in his anger paints red paint, for the blood of his Ancestors, across the road and stops a parade..

Everything that we see in this world is a part of our creation, is a part of one thought multiplying.

In the past before we became so submerged in a 3d reality, before the world as we knew it was so solid, one could be out walking, feel the gentle caress of the wind, make love to the wind and conceive a comet...  But part of our journey was to submerge ourselves completely into a 3d world, and in doing so we forgot we were creators too like our Mother and Father.

It was confusing for all of us not to remember that this is who we are, so (I believe) we panicked.  We saw the light and within the light we believed that we could see everything.  We saw the darkness, could not make out the sounds or the shadows, so certain ones, they panicked and as like thoughts attract like thoughts a collective of energy came forth, said this is how it is.  I believe this is how the thought of good and evil came forth.

Our Mother, whose body is the Earth, she says this is a world of polarities.  She says to me polarities is balanced between opposites, but the concept of good and evil is not a part of her body, so it is not a path I will justify as right thinking for anyone.  She who Walked with Rainbows Dancing Feet, she told me to look to Earth Mother, to the Mother rules for the truth in all things the people say.  If not found on Mothers body, then they are wrong in their interpretation.

I have stared a long time into this energy, trying to merge with Him and Her, why the people perceive him as bad and her as good, or her as bad and him as good, the Patriarchal versus Matriarchal, Matriarchal versus Patriarchal argument. 

This is what I see of the natural order.  Mother says, Your thoughts are seeds to be planted upon my body.  Father says, I governs the season of your growth. 

This is how it feels to me.  In the place where I plant my seed, in the place where I grow, in the place where I flower, this feels like Mother.

In the place where I am walking through this world of the 3d, in the place where someone  comes on my path and says something that helps me a long.. In the place where I see this as a constant in my life, someone always appears to take me to the next stage of my growth, this is Father Creator..

More specifically it could be seen this way, All the planets (all 13 of them or what ever) revolve around the Sun.  and what the Sun does is it governs the movement of these planets around the Suns body.




This is dedicated to the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky, who have their reflection on the big blue and green marble. balanced, whole, polarities, unified, One..