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 with love,






This interpretation of the Father Mother, Mother Father comes from years of merging with her.  Always the lessons had to do with the polar opposites, the polarities, looking into a tree and seeing it as both male and female, Have the Great Mother say to me, If I am the green, he is the blue, She say to me, I am the Green Earth, He is the Blue Water.  I am the Earth Mother, He is the Sky Father.  I am the Earth, He is the Sun.

the realization that each had a function came from I needed to try to define came first one Autumns day...  To me and my first love alike even the leaves as they fall from the trees have life.  When they start dancing so merrily up the street in their wind swept song, my heart rejoices in their song.  In their dance I see little school children, holding hands, running along, exuberantly following the instructions of the Wind..

that was what was happening one autumns day as I was coming home.  Seeing that gave me such a rush of beauty I had to just park my vehicle and sit there.  As I am sitting there a male energy takes my hand and begins to hold it.

I know I am in vision at this point.  I know that if I look outside my car to see who is now holding my hand, there will not be a person there.  And yet I am feeling my hand is being held by his, and together we are smiling as we are watching the leaves  in their dance to spread out as a blanket upon her body.

We sat there together for so long watching the dance of the blanket being laid upon her body as she was preparing to go to sleep.... and finally I could not take it anymore, the not knowing who had now come to sit beside me and hold my hand, and saw it was the ray of sun sitting beside me, holding my hand.  And he said, "I love how it feels when I lay this blanket of love upon her body as she goes to sleep for winters rest.