Introduction To Windows 2000
A. windows 2000 overview
B. windows 2000 architecture
C. windows 2000 directory services overview
D. login on to windows 2000
E. The window security dialog box
2. Introduction to active directory
A. Active directory overview
B. Understanding active directory concepts
3. Active directory task and tools
A. Active directory administration task
B. Active directory administrative tools
C. Using the Microsoft management console
D. Using the task scheduler
4. Implementing active directory
A. Planning the implementation
B. Installing active directory
C. Operations master roles
E. Implementing organizational unit
5. DNS and active directory integration
A. Understanding DNS name resolution
B. Understanding and configuring zones
C. Zone replication and transfer
D. Monitoring and troubleshooting DNS fro active
6. Configuring Sites
A. Configuring Sites setting
B. Configuring Inter-site replication
C. Troubleshooting replication
D. Maintaining server setting
7. User account administration
A. Introduction to user accounts
B. Planning new user accounts
C. Creating user account
D. Creating user profile
E. Creating home directory
F. Maintaining user accounts
8. Group account administration
A. Introduction to groups
B. Planning group strategy
C. Creating groups
D. Understanding default groups
E. Groups for administrators
9. Securing Network resources
A. Understanding NTFS permission
B. Assigning NTFS permission
C. Assigning special permission
D. Copying and moving files and folders
E. Troubleshooting permission problems
10. Administering shared folders
A. Understanding shared folders
B. Planning shared folders
C. Sharing folders
D. Combining shared folder permission
E. Configuring DFS to gain access to network
11. Administering Active directory
A. Locating active directory objects
B. Controlling access to active directory object
C. Publishing resource in active directory
D. Moving active directory objects
E. Delegating administrative controls of active
F. Backing up active directory
G. Restoring active directory
H. Troubleshooting active directory
12. Administering group policy
A. Group policy concepts
B. Group policy implementation planning
C. Implementing group policy
E. Managing software using group policy
F. Managing special folders using group policy
G. Troubleshooting group policy
13. Administering security configuration
A. Security configuration overview
B. Auditing
C. Using security logs
D. User rights
E. Using security templates
F. Security configuration and analysis
G. Troubleshooting security configuration
14. Managing active directory performance
A. Active directory performance monitoring tools
B. Active directory support tools
C. Monitoring access to shared folders
Prepared by
MCP #2324787