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The Arlanq

In legend they had lived on the shores of the Land of Anhurr- it was then an island, and were pirates- hodbods, and navigators. The Arlanq considered themselves foremost among the wilderlings; and looked down upon their brothers. Among their own they would talk about the 'oddlings'; those that were quite different among them. The Arlanq were tall, but well-built fellows, ship builders and sailors; they possessed skills and some knowledge of the sea and stars. The Arlanq were more acceptable than their brothers it seems, for they were quiet; and stood somewhat aloof from their 'brothers' of the highland; and of the South, who were always swept up in some turmoil or other; and with each other. They were also inquiring and given over to adventure and exploration, they were far sighted and forward thinking; and above all, kind and thoughtful. They would seem to be yet another race of Wilderfolk, but they are treated always separate in the history, perhaps because they were rivals, and were brave and feared; even more likely they were- when it came down to it, ultimately in the service of their 'brothers' further south. In any case, they were easily led when it came to war; and were eventually led astray by their own wicked personalities. Once so bent to an evil cause, they became savage and cruel, destructive and deceitful; they possessed a split personality stirred by evil. In such a war as they might take part, they would unleash every excess in fighting; they knew no notion of chivalry. The Wilderfolk would say they even delighted in war, and some tales tell that they invented excesses to wallow in. They were part of every deception and trick, which they enjoyed. They were of course damned for all time after taking the side of Anhurr in the war.

THE LAST AGES 2117-2536

This was the birth of the Second Strato- 2117. It was also the age of the Rotamazian Colonisation and Conquest of the Northing. And the age of Valy-For, the Garb, Indo-Strato and the rise of Greenscien.

Lolenia and Canap sought to halt the threat of the Northing by turning Plato City into the capital of this Age. All power was given to the City by seeding the possession of the three War Crowns of Muggy to it- and they became symbolic. The Second Strato was proclaimed at Plato City and so began the Last Ages and the decline of Canap.

The Plato was a Union of Capitals. It was divided by the Great Righting Line- the Muggy river, into the two great assemblies of the Left and Right Strato- each a union of capitals. The Plato was an effective arrangement against Valy-For and Rotamaz in the Plato Wars. Within the Plato, it was an age of co-operation. The Plato Calendar was devised. There were great improvements in written script, law, map making and astronomy.

Illuminated manuscript 'Englished' from the library of the Plato. It tells the story of the God Tor, Charskamede and their sons and how they devided the land. These stories are the foundation legends of the cities.

By 2020 a powerful river economy emerged for all the lands within the Strato. Hereditary Kings were abandoned and rulers chosen from the Capitals. It was an age of fabulous coins- Kings Coins. And remarkable treasures and architecture. And there was a single currency- although some local ones persisted. Roads were improved and trade flourished.

In response to the wars against the Northing, the Great Keysadore Canal was built across the Mayhavian Peninsula. In 2206 Rotamaz abandoned war and her alliances with Valy-For and joined the Strato. The Northern War Crown was brought into Plato City.

The uppermost part of the Tor Column from Plato City. It depicts the Tor Star, the sheave of wheat from the land of Ordwi and old script. It was said to have come from the door-well of her house in that land.

The Plato had become the first Empire to hold all the Four War Crowns of Muggy. Rotamaz became part of the Right-Strato and now turned to the conquest and colonization of the Northing. The quest of the age was the War Against Valy-For and the Garb. Rotamaz turned this into an expansion of her Empire by conquering the Northing. However, the Capital became the Rotamazian Colony of Yar Biddaro and thus Rotamaz assumed great power in the Right Strato.

The lower part of the Tor Column showing the signs of the Gods that were in legend the founding symbols of the great lands. On the top is the Quilatron of Canap; and in the middle the four tusked Assar elephant of Peara.

This was one reason for the great disputes within the Plato. The other was that the Left and Right Strato were eroded in the hands of despotic rulers who waged war and political intrigue to confiscate the riches of the Capitals. The Plato began to decline into internal strife and war.

Rotamaz threatened to become an Empire within the Plato. She found herself at war with the Plato that left her unable to hold onto her Northing conquests. Thus, Valy-For arose against the Plato and the Rotamazian Colony of Yar Biddaro in 2300.

The mountain of Kap Yar is the highest in Muggy. It stands in the Northing and is the cause of the legend of Tor. The great colony of Yar Biddaro stands on the plain below this mountain.

At great cost, the Plato put down the Rotamazian resurgence. The rise of Greenscien under the Garb in 2336 to the Capital of the new Northing Empire of Indo-Strato brought war against the declining Plato after 2356. Thereafter, the Plato was engaged in ever increasing battles against Indo-Strato.

Lolenia and Rotamaz brought all their armies against the invaders in 2356 but were defeated. The Strato collapsed and Plato City fell. Indo-Strato and Greenscien were triumphant! The city of Greenscien rose to dominate Indo-Strato and the affairs of this age.

But in all this the Four War Crowns of Muggy disappeared. So began the years without them and the years of Argo Bello. But eventually even the late Empire of Greenscien with all her armies faded. Finally, there arose Deset in 2496- a new age seemed have dawned.

These last known events are often wrongly called the Lost Age. This was in many ways the age of the cities of Deset, Syre, Zhebech and AZ. There was a new great war when the Azians rose up against Lolenia. This was the time of the Fifth Immortal- Argo Bello and the Last War of the World that concluded in 2510.

"Tell me wise old owl! Tell me you old fool! How can water be a jewel?"

Land of Muggy Mail