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The Land of Muggy Lexican

There is of course, no one language in Muggy. But assembled here is a election of the A's. They mainly stem from the Paradian language in the time of Xander, although some words and names are more less common across Muggy- such as the jewels; and the names from the hosts of the sea. Ones understanding would greatly increase from the reading of the Surkling Novel, where the words and names are used in every day speech and description.

Arrah: The name of the cliff upon which stood the legendary city of Mrrtrh in the Northing. It was the gateway to the highest pass between two great valleys, one east and one west. Legend describes many wonderous things about this city, among them, that the buildings were adorned with ivory carvings. And the walls held all the great stones of the valley. It was renowned for its towers that were the highest structures of the times. At night, it was said, the city glowed dark red and no rain fell over her.

Arsheli: A spicy bread that was a Paradian delicacy! The loafs were thick and long and were kept for years before eating. These were hard as rock! And as heavy when they lifted them! Nepus Yard banged one against the wall! And it did not break- not even a crumb fell from it!

Aru: The Lectar calendar year had five seasons. Beginning with spring which was 30 days followed by the strange season of Aru which had 15 days; they celebrated the longest day on the 15th of Aru: Summer followed and was a full 96 days long, and then came Autumn which had 24 days ended by Winter of 27 days. This was a 192 day year. The following year would either be the dark Year or Light Year.

Asbar: Great star whirlpool of Asbar. The whirlpool of stars in the east near to the horizon. Eastward, and dancing along the eastern horizon was a river of stars. They twinkled like the lanterns of a distant city. This was the whirlpool of Asbar. And in its middle was the bright star of Matar Taris.

Ascarion: Great warrior in the legend of the founding of Tyle. Last husband of Corrella. Their daughter was Sebe who defeated the last Atalant army, hencforth they vanished and were said to have returned to the sea where they had come from as monsters. Sometimes spelt: Escarion or Scarion.

Ashor: He was the prophet who came to Nu with his friend Thless. He was distantly related to Corran; and he went on the voyage to Peasa, called Deesala in the legend, to obtain the Book of Leaves which he brought back to the Parad Emia. Ashor was also given the credit for beginning the White Shield as an administration in the wilderness at that time.

Asirlias: The younger son of Bazus who became the King of Bez after Xander. His mother was Vellute. He was known as Asirlias the Younger. Asirlias had an elder sister called Reh. Asirlias was preferred to ascend the throne, in the loose talk of the City; but he was far too young to rule. So, Xander had created the governorship from the wise of the land, to bring to him a worthy Heir.

Aspir: The son of Neo and Akmelia

Assar: the four tusked light skinned Elephant of Peara that became the heavy weapon of land battles.

Astrakind: a trainer of striders.

Aszar: a great tree of legend with redish-gold resin bled and used for the preservation of the Gods.

Atarus: Canapian sign of the eighth order at Avatus. Hannik wore the Shvair with the white Atarus - the sign of the eighth order. There were seven military ranks below him beginning with the brave soldiery - the Caplar. Hannik was of the high noble order and was addressed as Lar Gildo Hannik, in the name of the rank.

Namur-atus. In Canap the King wears the sign of the ancient land called Namur-atus upon his shield and armour which is the strider and the Ussiir. The Ussiir is the ancient Orus deer from the Hills of Canar. This is the Royal Sign of the Canapians who wear the ancient Naar.


The First Age of Muggy is the longest of all the Ages. It can be broken into two Epochs. The first is the Epic of the Legends that take us back to the creation itself and is vast and un-mapped in time. The second is the Epoch of the Kingdoms- the First Ages from the Plato Year 1 to 1599.

According to the Plato Calendar, civilization began with the making of the Four War Crowns of Muggy in the year 1. The three great compass regions of the Northing, Easting and Southing then came into being. However, the Westing- the fourth region, was fractured into the Upper Westing and the Dark Westing.

The kings of the Dark Westing despised all War Crowns and took up arms against civilization with their mighty Surkling. So began one of the great struggles of Muggy History. The stories of the First Immortal- Quilatroy took place around the year792. The stories of Quilatroy and Terra Kottager appeared after 1356 by the Plato Calendar.

The Bezite Gates

The First Ages are largely the Story of Kingdoms, for Wilderfolk settled into villages, towns and city-states that became kingdoms. In the Northing, there arose Valy-For, Garvil and Hamb. In the Easting, there arose Peara, Pebvo and the petty-kingdoms of Deset. In the Upper Westing, there arose Canap and Axabox. In the Dark Westing arose AZ. In addition, in the Southing arose Orcil, Green-Lani and Paradia.

The most infamous of all these early one-city Kingdoms were that of Green-Lani in the Far Southing. It was the first single city-kingdom to have emerged from legend. However, it was a poison seed in the heart of Wilderfolk civilization, for its inhabitants were descended from the legendary wilderling tribe of the Arlanq.

The White Ship of Spar Vessa story fortold the fall of Green-Lani in 1586. The fall is enduring legend, an event celebrated as the Battle of the Dead; a turning point in the battle between the Wilderfolk and the wilderling. It fell at the hands of Paradia- a truly Silderilk Kingdom. And from here can be traced the rise of Paradia to Empire under a line of Kings who wore the Southern War Crown.

Paradia had a long history of invasions from the Dark Westing. The 1358 invasion is told in the Surkling as a legend-story. Paradia arose from the devastation- and suffered others, from the Dark Westing. The later part of the First Ages is dominated by the Paradian conquest of the Southing and the making of the new Calendar, advances in navigation, map making, astronomy and the adoption of a written language evolved from Glyptics.

Paradia's golden age was all but over when the Middle Ages dawned, but the Empire survived well into the new age. The closing years of the First Age were marked out by the steady rise of Canap in the Upper Westing. These kings had worn the Western War Crown for six hundred years. The conquest of the Kingdom of Mayhav and the flight of a soldier called Red Robes with his people to the Far Northing, were the last telling events of this Age.