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*Includes my husband's Woodhead family line. In the future, his line will have it's own web space. Check back often for additons and changes!


Genealogy has been a hobby of mine for some time. The information provided on these pages has come through a culmination of many hours of research, not only by myself, but by the countless others also researching branches of our family tree. Every attempt has been made to verify the information provided, and source information is given where applicable. Bear in mind, however, that there are bound to be mistakes. I wholeheartedly welcome anyone who has corrections to offer. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time with your comments.

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Our Ancestors  31/Oct/05

Includes data for both my side of the family, and my husband's. Surnames include Kirkland, Eynon, Woodhead, Walker, and more.

Downloadable Gedcom File  

For those of you who would like a copy of the entire gedcom file, this page offers a download in .zip format. You will need an unzipping program, such as WinZip to open the file. I have also provided links here for WinZip, and for Legacy Family Tree genealogy software.

Family Photographs

Broken down into seperate family pages, including Kirkland, Eynon, and others.

Family Bible Records  

Transcriptions of various bible records, and images of original documents where available.

Personal Journal of Alexander Marion Ogan Jr.

An account of his travels westward into California by wagon train.

Personal Journal of Jacob Christian Shoemaker

An account of his travels to Indiana shortly before his death

Family Folklore  

Descriptive stories passed down through the generations about some of the more notorious members of our family. Includes stories of Michael and David Sessom, the Zaccheus Gould family, and John Tillotson.

Related Family Webpages - Worldwide

Offers a listing of other family researchers, whose webpages offer more information on specific families connected with the Kirklands. Surnames include Eynon, Tillotson, Denney, Sessom, and Ogan among others. 

Kirkland Origins

This page offers a speculative look into the origins of the Kirkland family in North America. Based on information provided me by numerous researchers, I'll explore the plausibility of their findings, and my own views on the subject. This page also offers links to various websites regarding the Kirkland surname.

Recent Family News 

Updates on recent events in our family. Please e-mail me if you would like an event added to this page, or if you have reunion news you would like to post.

Genealogical Reference Material

Offers a listing of Genealogy sites worldwide, links to family tree programs, and various other genealogy sources on the web.

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