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Visual Basic

I have to admit, after reading books about Visual Basic which are categorized as 'for beginners', even I find them somewhat difficult to follow. They are way too technical for a lot of people. Sometimes, they just dont make sense. I'll try to make it really easy but I dont make guarantees.

There are good websites though that offer free tutorials like what Im doing now and many of them are really very informative. I know more accountants, sales people, and management level guys who are good with VB than my peers (technical). It doesn't exactly take a bachelor of science degree to learn this application, just a lot of enthusiasm and a little imagination.

When I was asked to create this training course I thought that the hardest part was to be like a 'beginner'. After a couple of years in the IT field, I've inherited the properties and methods of your typical stereo-typed nerd (without the eye glasses). Not exactly inherited but polymorphed in object-oriented terms. The biggest challenge for me is how to translate the technical lingo and write sensible topics for the uninitiated. Also, I find learning easier than teaching. So here goes...

I've categorized my 'training course' into the following:

Part 1. VB IDE, text box, command button, label, form, basic arithmetic

2. events, objects, VB language, data types, variables (declaration, scoping)

3. checkbox, radio buttoncheckbox, radio button, conditional statements,

4. listbox, combo box, looping

5. database access using ADO, datagrid

6. deployment, vb6 runtime environment, package and deployment wizard

I've provided samples and you can download them. You'll need Visual Basic 6 in order to edit and compile them.
