Based upon genealogical information supplied by work done by my father, Attorney Galen Hunt, the son of William Chester Hunt & Margaret Elizabeth Burger Hunt, our ancestor James Hunt, the husband of Mary Ann Davys/Davis was the son of James Hunt who was born in Ireland in abt 1750 and came to America as a child, perhaps as an orphan. He was a pre-Revolutionary War settler. He was crippled in his feet. He was a shoemaker by trade. The family settled in Maryland after the Revolutionary War. Later the trip was made from Maryland to Wheeling, Virginia, by boat on the Potomac, and by wagon and oxcart team. They decided to settle in Alexandria. James Hunt Sr. called his family around him and sang "How Firm A Foundation." He prayed the Lord's Prayer and gave thanks to God for a safe journey. They moved again near Newburg, Preston County, Virginia. Monongalia County records were destroyed by fire in 1796. Because of this, S.T. Wiley assisted by A.W. Frederick wrote "The History of Preston County."

The son of James Hunt Sr., James Hunt; husband of Mary Ann Davys, was married three times. His marriage to Jean Ayers Hunt was an earlier marriage as it produced the following 5 children: James, Thomas, Mary, Jane and Sarah. The daughter of James Hunt and Jean Ayers, named Mary Ayers Hunt, was born on 9 August 1789. This places the marriage to Jean Ayers abt 1749 and James Hunt's birth abt 1770-1774. Mary Ayers Hunt married Henry Snider on March 1, 1811. This was the same year that James Hunt married Mary Ann Davys. He was born 1778 in Fauquier Co, Virginia, and died Mar 26, 1805. Mary Ayers Hunt died 5 Dec. 1861 in Preston Co, WV. and is buried at Scotch Hill.

I currently have no information on James Hunt's marriage to Margaret McMillan, other than what is recorded by my father in the genealogy that he did, and is recorded in the History of Preston County.


Mary Ann Davys was the daughter of John Orr (born abt 1735 in Ulster) who arrived in America in 1758 and Mary Dale. John Orr Sr. died at his farm in Orrsburg in 1815 where he and his wife are both buried. Mary Ann Davys was the sister of John Dale Orr, born 1765 at Baltimore, Md, moved to Preston Co, WV, married Elizabeth Johns on Jan 1792 near Uniontown, PA. She died: 7 Feb 1851 and he (John Dale Orr) died Apr 14, 1840, in Scotch Hill. He was a Revolutionary War soldier who went into the war at age 16, as a substitute for his father who was drafted from Baltimore County. He was in the Battle of Yorktown and saw the flag of Lord Cornwallis go down and witnessed his surrender. He also served with William H Crawford against the Indians in Ohio where he was severely wounded. This Orr/Johns marriage is said to have taken place Oct 22, 1811, in Monongalia Co. WV.

The children of James Hunt and Mary Ann Davys are as follows:

James Hunt died on 22 Dec 1844. The marriage date to Jean Ayers with children born in the 1789-1790's or later, and considering the date of the 1811 marriage date to Mary Davys, and the fact that they were married for 33 years, seems to place James Hunt's birth age as abt 1770 or earlier. Their childrens birthdates coincide with this marriage date of 1811. John Wesley was born 22 April 1813. In my father's (Galen Hunt's) genealogy, he states that James Hunt married Mary Ann Davys.

The surname David is Hebrew in origin, David, from dowd, to love, and is translated "Beloved." The etomology of the surname "Davis" originally derives from the surname David.

King David,(c.1037 BC - 967 BC) reigned Judah c.1007 BC - 1005 BC. He was the second king of the united Kingdom of Israel. He was the first person on record to have the name "David." David rose from the status of a poor shepherd to become the greatest leader of Israel, wittily defeating the terrifying giant Goliath, and composing poetry and psalms, the latter ones being traditionally presented in the Bible.

Following the religious direction, the second historically known David is a 6th century saint from Wales.

The Davys/Davies/David/Davis name in Wales: Among the most common Patronymic surnames found in Wales today are: David/Davies/Davis - from David or DaffyddDAVIES (British). Meaning: "Son of David" - Davies is the typical Welsh spelling. It means 'the son of David', from the Hebrew male given name meaning "beloved". The name is not recorded in any part of Britain before the Norman Conquest of 1066, and is regarded as being a 'Crusader' introduction.

Coat of Arms: A red shield with a silver bend on which there is a black lion passant. Crest: A lion's head. Motto: Heb Dhuw heb ddym, Dhuw a digon. Motto Translated: Without God without anything, God is enough. Davies - Davis: Jewish Origins:

Meanwhile public opinion in England had been prepared by the Puritan movement for a sympathetic treatment of any proposal by the Judaizing sects among the extremists of the Parliamentary party for the readmission of the Jews into England. Petitions favoring readmission had been presented to the army as early as 1649 by two Baptists of Amsterdam, Johanna Cartwright and her son Ebenezer ("The Petition of the Jews for the Repealing of the Act of Parliament for Their Banishment out of England"); and suggestions looking to that end were made by men of the type of Roger Williams, Hugh Peters, and by Independents generally. Many were moved in the same direction by mystical Messianic reasons; and their views attracted the enthusiasm of Menasseh Ben Israel, who in 1650 published his Hope of Israel, in which he advocated the return as a preliminary to the appearance of the Messiah.

In the post Norman Invasion era, Jews in Britain came under persecution taking refuge under the cloak of Lombardism. The official control of financial and commercial operations was at the time lax, and little official difficulties would have been found by Jews masquerading as Lombards.

An example is in 1421 one Job, an Italian apothacary and son of John being found in country, was forced to accept baptism before receiving naturalization. Jews entering under the appearance of being Catholics attended Mass but upheld Jewish traditions in their homes. Sephardim frequently posed as Huguenots who as Protestant refugees from the continent were allowed to be non-Anglican. In America, one repost is that in the early days all early Sabbath keeping pastors were once named Davis.

Writer, artist, illustrator, Alana M. Campbell is a James Hunt descendant. She and her husband Tom and daughter Zani reside in Everett, Washington. Alana 's webpage can be found here.Tom is a craftsman in natural stone. Read about his work of over 30 years, here!Alana is a descendant of the Hunt family through her father Attorney Galen Otto Hunt, paternal grandfather William Chester (WC) Hunt, grgrandfather Thomas Anderson Hunt, and James Hunt who married Mary Ann Davys/Davis/David.

The Sound of Music in Germany & France
The Sound of Music in Holland
The Sound of Music in Switzerland
The Sign of the Prophet Jonah
Galen Otto Hunt
The Light & The Glory: Hunt/Davys/Davis/David
Galen Otto Hunt
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