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South Carolina Pagan Parents - Sponsored by the ESDC

SCPP – PSLP – Rules, Regulations & Tuition - ESDC

ESDC - Pagan Spiritual Learning Program
Rules and Regulations

All Parents and/or Legal Guardians must read, understand and sign (notarized) an authorization form for all Rules and Regulations of the Spiritual Learning Program before they or their child(ren) may participate in the program.

1. At least one parent/or Legal Guardian must be present with child/children during classes. No Exceptions. This will also give the parent Peace of Mind by knowing how and what the child is being taugh.

2. This is not a Day Care option. No "dropping off” and "picking up" children from classes allowed.

3. Parents/Legal Guardians will be responsible for their children- this will include any type of behavioral problems, damage to personal property or physical injury to themselves or others. Medical insurance coverage encouraged.

4. Any Parent/Legal Guardian hereby waives any rights to sue The Emerald Sanctuary Druidic Church, its members, Board of Executives, Teachers, or Homeowners for any reason whatsoever.

5. Parents understand that participation in the Spiritual Learning Program is at "OWN RISK"- NO EXCEPTIONS, and is not required for membership in the ESDC.

6. There is a $25.00 quarterly (every three months) fee to cover the cost of materials, snacks (please give written notice of any dietary or allergy anomalies that we need to be aware of), copies - "supplies" for the program. All monies are kept within the Spiritual Learning Program and are use only for the program.

7. Parent/Legal Guardian may either pay the $25.00 fee up front, or pay in installments, or buy their own supplies (if they choose this plan then the $25.00 fee is reduced to $10.00).

8. Refunds of the $25.00 fee is only offered if Parents/Legal Guardian withdraw the child(ren) before taking the first class. Once the first class is taken there will be no refund authorized. No Exceptions.

9. If a child(ren) becomes a constant problem, both the child and parent will be removed from Spiritual Learning Program. The Pagan Spiritual Learning Program will use the 3 strike system.

1. Verbal Warning

2. Written warning with a 30 day suspension.

3. Final Warning will result in expulsion from Program.
10. ESDC will expel a student on the following grounds:

1. If they cause physical harm to anther (Starting fights).

2. Are found to be using or under the influence of illegal substance or alcohol.

3. Smoking.

4. Avoiding Law Enforcement Officers, Truant Officers, etc.

5. Uses ESDC teachings as a defense for unlawful activities and behavior.
11. ESDC’s Pagan Spiritual Learning Program will not settle any type of personal disputes (family). Provisions can be made with an Elder for a counseling session. Contact an Elder or High Priest or High Priestess for complete details.

12. ESDC’s Pagan Spiritual Learning Program will not interfere in the way a Parent/Legal Guardian disciplines their child(ren)- however The Pagan Spiritual Learning Program must, by law, report any and all alleged and factual child abuse to the proper authorities.

13. All Legal Guardians/Parents will sign a waiver agreeing to all above rules before their child(ren) will be allow to participate.

Rules, Regulations and Tuition

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