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South Carolina Pagan Parents - Sponsored by the Sanctuary

South Carolina Pagan Parents

This is the National Code Amber Alert
to learn more about the Code Amber Program click here.

The Children’s Pagan Spiritual Learning Program
The Sanctuary is proud to unveil its new curriculum...
Our program for the younger members of our community.

A Parent's Thought

To My Child...
an open letter

Some activities to do with your child…

Sing Pagan Songs....

Read Pagan Stories/Fairy tales....

Take Nature Walks... to gardens, ponds, lakes, parks

Say Nightly Prayers or Thanks to the Goddess and God Together

Say Morning Prayers to the Goddess and God Together

Make daily/weekly offerings to the Goddess and God each day... Let your child find the offering... i.e. garden flowers, petals, rocks, etc.)

Working arts or crafts with a Pagan theme

Planet flowers in the yard together


Teach your child about the energies of stones and gems

Write new family rituals together

Buy glow-in-the-dark stars and put them on your ceiling

Do ring-around- the rosy the pagan way...
ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies... magick... wishes... we all fall down!

Show them how to ground themselves by touching the Earth

For the 'cakes and ale'... substitute the ale for hot chocolate

South Carolina Pagan Parents
Page is now seeking authors. If you have an article (from 300 to 1500 words) on a subject that is of interest to Pagan parents or their children, please consider sending it to us. You will get full credit for your writing. We are looking for:
· Articles of general interest to Pagans or parents, or both.
· Book reviews
· Film reviews (in theatres, on television, or out on tape or DVD)
· Game reviews
· Festival reviews

Please contact SCPP for details. We cannot offer cash compensation at this time.

Thanks to all who respond! Watch for your words to appear on these pages over the next several weeks.

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