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To My Child…


......................................................April 4, 2004

Dear Child…

I know you are unborn and a glint only in the God's eyes. I wish you the best throughout your life. Your mother and I will do the best we can, to help guide you, and teach you all you need to know.

I will tell you that life now, is tough for me, but with the help of the God's, it will ease off and be better for you.

You should know that life is what you make of it. Not what someone thinks you should make of it. Guidance is all around. Listen to the wind in the trees, the rainfall on the roof, the crackling of a roaring fire, and Mother Earth.

You should learn as much as you can in and out of school. Listen to your Elders, listen to the direction they give and the stories they tell. Very few of us listen to our Elders today, and there is no excuse for it.

I wish only good things for you; I hope you find someone, someday, that makes you happy and that they treat you the way you should be treated.

I also wish, like all parents, that there will be no need for war of any kind. There is neither need nor point of war, aside from killing, which is wrong.

You will have, at the least, a gift in life, if not more than one. Learn your gifts well, for they will serve you well. The only gift I have at this point is being a balance for people. Let me explain me being a balance. When people are sad, I make them smile and feel better, just by listening and talking to them.

I hope I am around for your first step, and your first love. I do not want to miss your Prom or Graduation. I will tell you now, your mother will be in tears for many things; the Prom, Graduation, heartaches and loves, and including your moving out and going to college. You should, and will, cry with her, but always know - all will be alright.

You will have many challenges growing up and throughout life. Your mother and I will teach you right from wrong. However, remember it is your choice and that I have faith you will chose right.

One big thing I will tell you is that you should do everything you can to treat others with the respect they deserve, regardless of race, sex, color, and religion. I am a Druid. You will learn what they are, but the point is people treat me different because I am different. They have forgotten who they are and where they came from. Life is about helping, understanding, and caring for all people. Again, these things you will learn in time. I want you to know a few things parents hope for and fear. Parents hope for a good and kind child, who will grow into a teen who is beautiful and responsible. That one-day they are happy and have a good life with a family of their own. A parent fears a child who they out-live and one who losses touch over the years, or chooses wrong without asking for help.

I know that you will be the best thing to set time and space right. I know you will make your mother and I very proud in whatever you chose to do. Never fear failure; it is all about learning anyway, right? Of course it is.

The day of your birth, I will hold you high, and the sun will shine brighter than it ever has. Birds will sing like they have never sung before; for time will stand still as the Gods take notice and grace you with peace and the gifts you will have.

It is now time for me to close this letter to you, my child, my love, and my friend. You have lots of time to be young and a child, for your mother's sake; do not grow up to fast or soon.

I love you my child and I hope nothing but happiness for you throughout your life.

Sleep tight with Lugh, Llew, and the rest of the Gods and Goddesses, until the day we meet.


Luch de Cumhachdach - your father

Post Script: Always remember these two things:

First is three things to master:
To know
To dare
To keep silent

Second is:
Y Gwir Yn Ersyn Byd


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