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 Archive -- Week 29: 1/12/03 - 1/18/03
Song of the Week: Eminem - Superman
Northeast/Southwest should NOT be a choice for a poll answer.
January 12, 2003 - mad about you
It's one of those times in life when I just think "Why is everyone so negative?" Some people incessantly complain, some get so mad about things that mean so little... and it's like, "What's the point?" And I guess you could say I'm complaining about people complaining... so maybe I myself am being negative. But still, I wish people could calm down and let things go. I hate hearing yelling, I hate hearing complaining, I hate hearing those being yelled at yelling back defensively. I'm just thinking, "What the hell do you think life is about?" And while I'm not sure what it's about either, and mostly believe that it's not about anything in particular, I think that most people agree that life is not about petty shit and getting pissed off.
Image of the Day

Elftor's portrayal of George W. Bush... I was really bored today and decided to read like 100 episodes of Elftor (which I first encountered through Larrold's Website). 

Quote From An English Literature Soliloquy in Spanish of the Day

"A dormir, quizás a soñar."
January 13, 2003 - the rapture of being alive
Yet another newsless day in the life of Ross... Yesterday, Steve-o and I went to Best Buy, for I was to get my digital camera. But then I decided I wanted to look more into it, so I didn't buy one. I screwed myself over because I took the money out of the bank, and when I take money out of the bank, I never put it back. So last night, I went to Giant Eagle because I was hungry and spent like $20 on snack food. Anyways, I added a ramble explainingthe cowsome loneboy if anyone cares.
Image of the Day

My sister found this picture yesterday. It's me in child form getting ready to go outside and play in the snow... in my pink hat, panda bear earmuffs, and strawberry shortcake gloves. No wonder I'm 86% feminine... I mean, if I were sexually attracted to men, I would be borderline GAY. 

Quote of the Day - Joseph Campbell, via my sister's e-mail signature

"People say what we're all seeking is a meaning for life...I think what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plan will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel that rapture of being alive."
January 14, 2003 - give me a break
Man, I really want a break from school again. I'm actually GLAD we have midterms next week because we don't have to do anything but stupid tests. Anyways, my sister left this morning at four to go back to NY. She'll be going down to Georgia for her beginning-of-February trial, and as soon as she does whatever time she has to, she'll be heading down to Africa for three years. I'm proud that's she's doing what she wants in life... or at least what she thinks she wants. Sometimes I feel like I can't do what I want because I don't know what I want, and then other times, I think I just want to be doing NOTHING and being lazy all day. But yeah, I'll be taking care of her car while she's gone. So if you see me in a blue Honda Civic from the early 90's, just be like "Man, there's that cool guy Ross in his PIMP ASS ride."
Image of the Day

Proverb of the Day

"Some people have a way with words while others....erm......thingy."
January 15, 2003 - Ross J. Salupo: Innovative Problem-Solver
That's what the world should call me. Last night, I went to take my books back to the library, and as I was leaving, I noticed I was nearly out of gas. So being the smart guy that I am, I stopped at BP. Unfortunately, every previous gas station visit, my dad had paid with his credit card. Therefore, I had no idea whether to pay before or after I pumped... So rather than go to the pump and see what the instructions said, I parked and went in to the cashier. I bought a $25 BP card, went back to my car, drove around to the pump, and used $13 of the card I just purchased. Man, I am a GENIUS! Now if only I could learn right from left....
Image of the Day

These picture is are a pictures from site engrish.com. Pleas visit they're and then enjoy. Thanks for your corporation.

Deep Thought of the Day

"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
January 16, 2003 - tap that avril
Man, I'm glad tomorrow's Friday. Why was this week so long??? Or was it just me? Judging by the way things have been going, it's going to be a busy rest of the year. Sometimes I feel like I'm handling my life pretty well; sometimes I feel like I'm being bombarded. I think a lot of people kinda go through that. Life is basically just a bunch of ups and downs. And all we can hope is that the ups go real high, but the downs don't get too low. Anyway, in other news, there is no other news. 'at's all for now.
Image of the Day

Avril in a German magazine. (She almost looks like a zombie.)

Obvious Fact of the Day

Resurrected4ever:Avril Lavigne is reallllly hot
Resurrected4ever: I just thought I'd say that
January 17, 2003 - happy birthday natalie
I've been thinking a lot lately about the big picture. Mr. Petrovic got me started on the "life is short" train of thought once again. It's been a while since I thought about it. Sometimes I feel like death encompases the world. Like, I'll be sitting there driving (heh heh), and I'll just think, wow, these people driving next to me are going to die. And then I'll think about the music I'm hearing, and I can envision the singer's casket being buried. And then I begin to think about my own death. But at the moment, I'm getting ready to leave for breakfast, so I don't have much time to ramble about it all. However, as I think about the brevity of life, I can't help but think about the past. I can't even really remember what was happening in my life one year ago. And then when I think of like two years ago, I feel like I was so different back then... and the further back I think about, the more I can't even remember what kind of person I was. Well, I'm starting to ramble, and like I said, I don't have time to. So yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow. (Happy birthday, Natalie!)
Image of the Day

I don't know where this was taken, I just like the picture.

Quote of the Day - Jim Pros

"Messing up isn't a problem; everyone messes up. The real problem arises when what's messed up never gets fixed."
January 18, 2003 - never been so alive
Ever have a close friend that constantly told you that you could always count on them? Well, if you and that friend happen to grow apart, and a time comes where you really need them, then comes one of the character moments of life... that is, an event that reveals a person's true nature. No real point to that, I was just thinking about friends and people in general, and who I actually can count on and what that actually means to me. Life is short. Make connections, but only foster the true ones. Some connections may be made through a stretch and when that friendship faces pressure, that stretched material is bound to break. 
Image of the Day

"Return To Sender"

Lyric of the Day - "Motorcycle Driveby" by Third Eye Blind

The sun is always in my eyes, 
it crashes through the windows, 
And I'm sleeping on the couch, 
When I came to visit you, 
That's when I knew, 
I could never have you, 
I knew that before you did, 
Still I'm feeling stupid, 
And there's this burning, 
Like there's always been, 
I've never been so alone, 
And I've never been so alive.