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Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Internationale

Behind the Conservative Curtain:

Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front

for Corporate/Government Takeover





Going International



GOALS 2000:

Measure of Student Citizenship and Community Ethics



Education Week April 28, 1993 [page 10]


By Robert Rothman


In a move panel members said could boost the teaching of citizenship, the National Education Goals Panel [oversees GOALS 2000 implementation] last week adopted a plan for assessing student progress in that field.


The panel… which gauges national and state progress toward the six national education goals, also last week approved a recommendation for a core set of data local districts could collect to monitor their own progress toward the goals…


The citizenship data, which are expected to be included in the panel’s forth coming annual reports, would measure whether the nation is meeting Goals 3, which states that, by the year 2000, “every school in America will insure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for responsible citizenship.”


The plan calls for the National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP] to regularly assess students’ knowledge of citizenship, for NAEP and the recipients of federal community-service, and for NAEP and the governor to gather information about the registration of young voters.


Core Data

The panel also recommended support for the development of national standards in citizenship, along the lines of standards now being developed in core subjects. Deputy Secretary Madeline Kunin, who represented Mr. Riley [Secretary of Education] at the meeting, said the plan would help instill in young people an “ethic” of service that could continue after high school. The Clinton Administration has proposed a national service plan (includes America's Promise/Colin Powell [CFR] and AmeriCorps) that would encourage high school graduates and college students to participate in service programs


“I don't think you can take an 18-year-old and say, ‘Now you are a part of the community if he had not had that ethic from the start,’” Ms. Kunin said. The proposal for a core set of data for local districts is aimed at insuring that local student- record systems provide comparable information that could also be linked to the national goals reports, panelists said… [emphasis added]




The critical question is…

Who will have the responsibility for developing the criteria for citizenship?


The answer:

GOALS 2000's National Education Goals Panel [1994]

Serves as the oversight commission of GOALS 2000


Citizenship Resource Group members


partial listing

• Chester Finn

–    Who is identified on the Goals Panel roster as representing the Edison Project; failing to mention Finn’s position at the Hudson Institute [poor citizenship!]

        Failing to mention that he is a member of Hudson Institute’s design team Modern Red School House for GOALS 2000/NASDC

More about Edison Schools in the GOALS 2000 Technology Component Report--UNDER CONSTRUCTION 


• David Hornbeck [see Strategists for School Choice/ Charter Schools, National Business Roundtable for more complete profile]

–    Hornbeck served at the same time as the Senior Education Advisor to the National Business Roundtable, however the Goals Panel roster identified him only as representing Philadelphia Public Schools. [more poor citizenship]

–    Hornbeck traveled to several states (invited by the states’ Business Roundtable) representing the National Business Roundtable and advising the state legislatures on state GOALS 2000 legislation. His counsel was based on the National Business Roundtable's GAP Analysis–– a blueprint for US education; a plan which paralleled the international plan developed by the U.N. Inter-Agency Commission: World Bank, UNESCO, UNDP and UNICEF [good citizenship?]

–    Hornbeck was/is co-director of Marc Tucker's NARE/NASDC design team (where the strategists won the national contest which they had proposed). [unethical behavior, unbecoming to a model citizen]

–    Hornbeck’s resumé lists the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and member of the Board of Directors of the Children's Defense Fund, Public Education Fund, Board of Directors, Pew Forum on Education Reform, Public Private Ventures, Board of Directors.

–    Hornbeck holds a Diploma in Theology from Oxford University (Oxford, England) and Union Theological Seminary (Columbia University, New York)


Ed. Note: Teachers College at Columbia University [NY] has played a major role in curriculum development for GOALS 2000. Theodore Sizer/ Coalition of Essential School is on the Board of Trustees for Columbia Teachers College and is the director of the Atlas Communities design team for GOALS 2000/NASDC. Howard Gardner originator of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (the basis for the newly designed performance testing–– New Standards Project–– for GOALS 2000) is a member of Atlas Communities design team. Henry M. Levin and Arthur E. Levin, both Teacher College Trustees, serve on the Board of Trustees of the nation's Educational Testing Service with others, including a representative from the Federal Reserve Bank.


Lauren Resnick, Citizenship Resource Group Convener

        Director for the New Standards Project which served as the model for the revolutionary, start all over again/from-the-roots-up performance-based assessments necessary for testing the Carnegie-redesigned outcome-based education system.

Ed. Note: States have spent millions and billions[?] in the development of these time-consuming/high-stakes tests. See Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences for further insights into the basis for performance testing––UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

–    Member of the Marc Tucker*/ David Hornbeck National Alliance for Restructuring Education [now the New Alliance] design team for GOALS 2000 /NASDC


Marc Tucker's National Center on Education and the Economy was formerly the Carnegie Foundation on Education and the Economy.


Student for the Future:

The new direction for all curricula


At the local level the plan for measuring citizenship as a component of GOALS 2000 was underway with the aid of Business Roundtable's Mr. Bussey. In the Issaquah School District, during the early 1990s, a hand-out titled The Student for the Future, printed on unusually up-scale paper for a school district, was placed prominently on the counters in all school offices. It read:



In developing the student for the future, basic skills will be the foundation for tomorrow's curricular and co-curricular program. In addition to these basic skills, an appetite for life-long learning and goal-setting will be cultivated in all students as the following characteristics are developed…"


Adaptability - Understand how to plan for change and how to work through the change process. [including: flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, resiliency, risk-taking]

Critical Thinking - Using higher level thinking skills to process and use information.

Communications - The ability to interact with and be understood by others in the light of a changing world.

Character - A distinguishing combination of emotional, intellectual and moral qualities.

[including] "Moral/ethical development (e.g., issues in biotechnology, media and government

Global Perspective - The ability to view the world as an integrated community.

 [including] Understanding interdependence

Citizenship - The ability to contribute effectively within a democratic society. [including] community service, civic participation, respect for democratic principles, respect for the role of dissent

Balance - The stability gained from weighing opposing alternatives and making wise choices. [including]: Self actualization/ relationship-building.

Life Planning - Prepare thee student to successfully take the next step in life.


With these skills and characteristics, the student for the future will have the foundation for success in personal living, success in the workplace and success as a member of society.



Obviously the Student for the Future [SFTF] was a pivotal document––the basis for all future curricula in the Issaquah School District. The survey [given to students in 5th, 8th & 11th grades] was checking for attitudes -- a student's locus of control.


A note on the cover of the SFTF survey––“Conducted…for the Washington Business Roundtable.” Thanks to Mr. Bussey, the GOALS 2000 reform developed by the National Business Roundtable, RAND, the Carnegie Foundation and the other private foundations was well-underway in Issaquah. 


Another project carried out by the Restructuring Committee under Mr. Bussey's leadership was Waves of Innovation––a proposal to GOALS 2000's NASDC [New American Schools Development Corporation] for the development of a design team. At the time that this proposal was submitted, Frank Shrontz, CEO of the Washington-based Boeing Company, was chairman of the Washington Business Roundtable and was also the Vice Chairman of GOALS 2000's NASDC. NASDC would be evaluating the proposals.


See: Understanding RAC and ERI [The Restructuring Advisory Committee & Education Renewal Institute]



WA Business Roundtable's Waves of Innovation

A proposal to GOALS 2000’s New American Schools


The RAC/ERI restructuring committee submitted a proposal to GOALS 2000's NASDC [New American Schools Development Corporation] entitled Waves of Innovation. (GOALS 2000/NASDC Vice Chairman was Frank Shrontz, Chairman / CEO of Boeing)


The following are excerpts from the Waves of Innovation proposal to GOALS 2000:



Waves of Innovation


We propose an approach for helping communities move along a continuum of renewal we call the Waves of Innovation to ensure that all citizens:


• become successful life long learners, who can

• obtain meaningful employment

• take full advantage of society's opportunities

• lead productive, satisfying lives in today's global environment


Three hallmark concepts will guide and support our work:



…125 people representing schools, small and large business, social and health services, students, parents, environmental design, the media and higher education participated in preparing this proposal and will continue their collaborative efforts to realize our goals for education reform…[the] blueprint is based on America 2000 [former name for GOALS 2000 under the George H. Bush administration], the National Roundtable's Principles, and the Governor's Council on Education Reform and Funding [GCERF] student learning goals [GCERF was significantly influenced by the presence of the Business Roundtable, ensuring that the new outcome-based assessments/student testing model be incorporated into the law]…ERI coordinated the collaborative proposal based on the exemplary work of Schools for the 21st Century program, the international expertise at New Horizons for Learning* Half of the Board of Directors [for Waves of Innovation] comes from the Washington Business Roundtable, a forum for more than 30 of the largest corporations in Washington State…


[Note: New Horizons for Learning is a New Age education resource center based in Seattle. Dee Dickinson, director of New Horizons served on the White House Education Task Force during the 1980s and served as a resource person to GCERF-- Washington's taskforce which led to the passage of the GOALS 2000 state-level legislation. More about Dickinson below. ]



We will support learning and development as lifelong pursuits, ensuring that each person continues to prosper in our rapidly changing global society… Community institutions will help citizens develop a thirst for continued learning and the skills to serve that thirst [the U.N.'s Lifelong Learning Model].


We will hold to high standards for learning which ensure mastery and successful application, in the workforce, and in all other aspects of life…Learners will be allowed to strive for mastery at their own pace…We will assess progress continuously…Each learner will have an advocate…We will develop systems… Total Quality at the systems level…adaptable concepts of Action Research…We will support a planful [?] approach to help each community develop and realize its own renewal effort…All parts of the community will participate in the change process…We will help communities develop their own vision and resolve the inevitable conflicts that arise out of any significant renewal effort… [Note: Educational change is no longer confined to the classroom. The envisioned change will involve every facet of community life as a seamless system.]


Our Basic Concept: Waves of Innovation

To achieve our mission we must build a new, comprehensive system that extends well beyond the traditional concept of "schools" …each Community can evaluate its current status…and then begin a program of continuous improvement–– a process we call "Waves of Innovation."

[Diagram showing a progression of waves. The final and largest wave is the end-goal:]


Community Knowledge Networks -- Community-based local and state Community Learning Centers are networked with other national and international resources. Funded as a utility available to everyone in the community.


Guidelines to help a community to self-renew continuously. Guidelines will help communities use the Plan-Do-Check-Act (P-D-C-A) Total Quality approach for continuous self-renewal. The Total Quality Advisory Panel will help us develop, test, and refine these guidelines…


Community Implementation Teams include: International Advisory Board, Total Quality Advisory, Community Advisory Team and Curriculum and Assessment Development [Team].


The International Advisory Board…[will work] collaboratively through New Horizons For Learning [Dee Dickinson], see below.


International Advisory Team:


James Botkin, President of the International Corporate Learning Association [INTERCLASS]

[Club of Rome, State of the World Forum; see Spotlight on James Botkin, below]

Arthur Costa, Past President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development [ASCD]

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Professor of Human Development and Education, University of Chicago

Keith Davies, IBM director of Education, European Office; Director, European Lifelong Learning Initiative

• Marian Diamond, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University of California

• Noboru Kobayashi, Japanese Council on School Reform

Luis Alberto Machado, former Minister for the Development of Human Intelligence, Venezuela

• Paul McClean, Senior research Scientist, National Institute of Mental Health, MD

• Robert McClure, Director of Restructuring Program at the Center for Innovation, National Education Association, Washington, D.C.

Shirley McCune,* Senior director, Mid-Continental Regional Education Laboratory; Director of the MCREL Center for Educational Equality

[New Age author of The Light Shall Set You Free; See Focus on Moral Educators: Shirley McCune, below]

David Perkins,* Co-Director of Project Zero [with Howard Gardner] and Senior Research Associate, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University.

• Robert Sternberg, Professor of Psychology, Yale University

• Linda Tsantis, V.P., America Tomorrow

• Alexander Uvarov, Institute of Cybernetics, Russian Academy of Sciences

• Cao Qing Yang, Vice Director, China National Institute for Educational Research


Education Renewal Institute [ERI] Board Members with Primary Oversight represent:

• Davis Wright Tremaine [law firm]

• Puget Sound Power and Light

• U.S. West [now Qwest Corporation], Steve Nielsen

       Nielsen also appears on the National Goals Panel [oversight for GOALS 2000] as representing Milliman and Robertson, Inc. [Seattle firm]

• Batelle-Hanford [now Pacific Northwest Laboratories]

•The Boeing Company


See Understanding RAC/ERI [Restructuring Advisory Committee/Education Renewal Institute]


See information below on Dee Dickinson of New Horizons for Learning, on Shirley McCune's book The Light Shall Set You Free, and on David Perkins/ Howard Gardner originator of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Harvard's Project Zero.]


Total Quality Advisory Panel names three people including:

Jonelle L. Adams, Education Manager, Boeing Computer Services

Adams is on the New Horizons for Learning Board of Directors and is the coordinator for the GOALS 2000 design teams in Washington.


Persuading Others to Put Our Design Into Place

If we are to reach our ultimate goal of widespread reform, we must begin now to engage communities' interest and commitment. Toward that end we have identified strategies to reach large audiences, and to support their initial consideration of the need for educational renewal and the possibilities of launching it.

KCTS/9 (the Public Broadcasting Station [PBS]) Seattle's public broadcast television station, working closely with ERI and the technology office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will produce at least one half-hour documentary program to be shown across the state… ERI and KCTS/9 will seek funding from Public Television [PBS] to develop three additional  programs. These programs will describe the need for education reform in local communities…and introduce Waves of Innovation




Leadership for Waves of Innovation - an eye opener


The Waves Design Team [with top-heavy advisory from the WA Business Roundtable] and their concept of a Community Learning Network was rejected in the national New American Schools selection process [1992]. However, the educators, those listed on the Waves International Advisory, continue to shape education policy.  It is worth our while to look at certain of these prominent educators and the venues they represent:


Dee Dickinson, New Horizons for Learning

NHL Workshops with Jean Houston

NHL Advisory Board:

James Botkin, Ph.D. [Club of Rome/State of the World Summit]

Shirley McCune [Ascended Masters/Sub-Laws of the Universe]

Dr. Gordon Cawelti [ASCD/NEA Curriculum Org]

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Ph.D [Zygon Centre for Religion & Science/Cloning]

Howard Gardner, Ph.D [Project Zero/Theory of Multiple Intelligences]

Luis Alberto Machado [Development of Human Intelligence/Venezuela]


James Botkin, International Corporate Learning Association [INTERCLASS]

International Advisory Team, WA/BRT Waves of Innovation

Club of Rome
State of the World Summit/The Millennium Enterprise Summit
New Models for Public-Private Partnerships


Focus on Moral Educators of the Young

Character Education Manifesto, Dee Dickinson/New Horizons For Learning

Shirley McCune, Mid-Continental Regional Education Laboratory

Shirley McCune, Norma Milanovich and the Ascended Masters, The Light Shall Set You Free


Theory of Multiple Intelligences/Project Zero, Howard Gardner and others [under construction]



Dee Dickinson & New Horizons for Learning


Dickinson is well known in Washington education circles. She served on the White House Task Force on Innovative Learning [Reagan Administration 1988]:

In 1988, a group of corporate leaders who were aware of a number of highly effective employee training techniques, called upon The White House to ask why these innovative techniques were not finding their ways into public schools. The White House’s response was to establish a Task Force on Innovative Learning.


Thus, in August of 1988 with the initial objective of making corporate training successes available to the nation's schools, the Task Force began a series of meetings. In addition to concerned corporate leaders, the Task Force was composed of White House staff members, educational innovators and researchers. As a first step, the Task Force began to build a data base of proven learning innovations—accelerated learning, immersion techniques, learning styles, multiple intelligences, “edutainment”, learner-paced exploratory learning, learner driven studies, team learning and various technology-based learning enhancements.


In January of 1989, the Task Force readied an “Action Plan” which called for the creation of a public-private initiative on innovative learning. The immediate goal of the proposed initiative was to create awareness of these innovations and to develop means for their dissemination.


Dickinson would serve as a resource person to the GOALS 2000/ WA Governor's blue ribbon Commission on Education Reform and Funding [GCERF, 1992] which had a large representation from the WA Business Roundtable.


Creating the Future: Perspectives on Educational Change

By Dee Dickinson

Dickinson's Introduction to Creating the Future states:

“Twenty-three of the writers are members of the International Advisory Board of New Horizons for Learning, an international education network.”


Note: This International Advisory shares many of the same people who were to serve on the GOALS 2000 Waves of Innovation design team's International Advisory.  The Foreword to Creating the Future was written by John Goodlad,[University of Washington] recipient of a grant from Pew Charitable Trusts.


Contributors to Dickinson's Creating the Future:


Arthur Costa - Educating the Global Intellect  

Luis Alberto Machado - Universal Goal

Marian Cleeves Diamond - Education in the Decades Ahead

Noboru Kobayashi - The Emotional Basis of Learning

Paul D. MacLean - Expanding Lifespan Learning

David Perkins - Mindware and the Metacurriculum

Howard Gardner -Intelligence in Seven Steps  

See Multiple Intelligences & Howard Gardner ––UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Robert J. Sternberg - Triarchic Abilities Test

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi -Thoughts About Education  

Robert McClure  - Education Restructuring

Paul Messiers - Substantially True

Linda A. Tsantis - Technology as the Catalyst

James Botkin - No Limits to Learning

Shirley D. McCune - Restructuring Education

Dee Dickinson - Looking Forward  



New Horizons for Learning

A Resource Network for Educators In the Northwest


Director of the Foundation for Mind Research, New York

“Never has the vision of what human beings can be been more remarkable.” –– Jean Houston


Dr. Houston is a world-famous personality, author, philosopher, educator and behavioral scientist.

Chaired the 1979 symposium for leading U.S. government policy-makers:

The Possible Society: An Exploration of Practical Policy Alternatives for the Decade Ahead.”


March 13 and 14; NEW WAYS OF LEARNING



Dr. Jean Houston is a scholar and researcher in human capacities, and for the past 30 years has co-directed, with her husband Dr. Robert Masters, the Foundation for Mind Research, first in New York City and now in Pomona, New York. Their work has focused on the understanding of latent human abilities. She is the founder of the Mystery School--a program of cross-cultural mythic and spiritual studies--dedicated to teaching history, philosophy, the new physics, psychology, anthropology, myth, and the many dimensions of our human potential.

”Dr. Houston was the protégé of the late anthropologist Margaret Mead, who instructed her in the workings of organizations and power structures in many different cultures. With the late mythologist Joseph Campbell, Jean Houston frequently co-led seminars and workshops aimed at understanding interrelationships between ancient myths and modern societies.”


Mystery School is a way of honoring ancient schools across the world and across history where women and men gathered to explore and decipher the great mysteries and their resonance and application, in order to live more freely and more fully. The weekends are designed to provide rich experiences embracing sacred psychology: a synthesis of history, music, theater, the world's cultures, societies and peoples; philosophy, theology, comedy, humor and laughter; science (fact, fiction and fantasy); metaphysics and general joy.

”Mystery School is both experiential and experimental. We stretch our bodies with psychophysical exercises, explore realms of psyche and spirit, create personal and community expressions of art and high play, and journey through rare dimensions of consciousness.”


See also:Hillary to Jean Houston – Come on Over and Bring Eleanor [Roosevelt] With You



New Horizons for Learning Boards


Board of Directors 


Dee Dickinson --CEO

New Horizons for Learning


Micki McKisson Evans -- President

New Horizons for Learning, Designs for Learning


Jonelle Adams

Executive Director, Washington Alliance for Better Schools

Adams is identified in the Waves of Innovation design team on the Total Quality Advisory Panel.


NHL’s International Advisory Board


• John Abbott, Director, 21st Century Learning Initiative The Education 2000 Trust

Steve Arnold, President, Polaris Ventures and George Lucas Educational Foundation

• James W. Botkin , Ph.D., President, INTERCLASS: International Corporate Learning Associates

[Club of Rome consultant and State of the World Summit panelist, see Spotlight on James Botkin, below]

• Barbara Clark, Ph.D. – Author: Optimizing Learning: The Integrative Education Model in the Classroom

Arthur L. Costa , Ed.D. – President, Search Models Unlimited; Author: Developing Minds: A Resourcebook for Teaching Thinking

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Ph.D. – Psychologist, University of Chicago; Author: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Optimal Experience

• Keith Davies – Director, Heuras European Associations in Higher Education (Secretariat des Associations Europeennes d'Enseignement Superieur); IBM, Belgium; Director, European Lifespan Learning Association

Marian C. Diamond, Ph.D. Neuroscientist, University of California, Berkeley; Author: Enriching Heredity, Magic Trees of the Mind

• Reuven Feuerstein , Ph.D. – Director, The International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential; Author:Instrumental Enrichment, Mediated Learning Experiences, Don't Accept Me As I Am

• Howard Gardner , Ph.D. – Psychologist, Harvard University;Co-Director, Project Zero; Author: Frames of Mind, The Unschooled Mind, Multiple Intelligences, Creating Minds

• Jane M. Healy , Ph.D. – Author: Endangered Minds Your Child's Growing Mind, Failure to Connect

Asa Hilliard III , Ph.D. – Fuller E Callaway Professor of Urban Education; Georgia State University

Malcolm S. Knowles, Ph.D. – Author: The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, Andragogy

Noboru Kobayashi, M.D. – Founder, Child Research Net; The National Childrens' Hospital, Tokyo University

• Luis Alberto Machado , Ph.D. – Intelligence Project, Venezuela; Author: The Right to be Intelligent

Paul D. MacLean, M.D. – Former Director, Brain Laboratory, National Institutes of Mental Health; Author: The Triune Brain in Evolution

• Robert McClure ,Ph.D. – National Education Association, Center for Innovation

Shirley McCune , Ph.D. – Education Liaison, State of Washington, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Author: Guide to Strategic Planning for Educators [Shirley McCune is also the New Age author of The Light Shall Set You Free; See: Focus on Moral Educators: Shirley McCune, below]

• Paul R. Messier , Ph.D. – President, National Learning Foundation Retired, U.S. Department of Education

• David Perkins , Ph.D. – Harvard University; Co-Director, Project Zero, Arts Propel; Author: The Mind's Best Work: A New Psychology of Creative Thinking, Knowledge as Design, Outsmarting I.Q., Smart Schools  

Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D. – Psychologist, Yale University; Author: The Triarchic Mind: A New Theory of Intelligence, Applied Intelligence, Beyond I.Q., Intelligence, Heredity and Environment

• Anne Taylor, Ph.D. – University of New Mexico, School Zone Institute, AIA Architects in Education Committee; Author: School Zone: Learning Environments for Children

• Linda Tsantis, Ph.D. – Coordinator, Technology for Educators Graduate Program Johns Hoplins University; America Tomorrow Technology Network



A Closer Look at the People at New Horizons for Learning 


[partial listing]

Dee Dickinson -- CEO, New Horizons for Learning



In 1988, a group of corporate leaders who were aware of a number of highly effective employee training techniques, called upon The White House to ask why these innovative techniques were not finding their ways into public schools. The White House's response was to establish a Task Force on Innovative Learning.

Thus, in August of 1988 with the initial objective of making corporate training successes available to the nation's schools, the Task Force began a series of meetings. In addition to concerned corporate leaders, the Task Force was composed of White House staff members, educational innovators and researchers. As a first step, the Task Force began to build a data base of proven learning innovations—accelerated learning, immersion techniques, learning styles, multiple intelligences, “edutainment”, learner-paced exploratory learning, learner driven studies, team learning and various technology-based learning enhancements.


Jonelle Adams -- Executive Director, Washington Alliance for Better Schools  

Coordinator for the GOALS 2000 design teams in WA state.


Progress Report on New American Schools Design - WA state



The Washington Alliance has served as a state jurisdiction for the New American Schools Corporation since 1994.


The role of the Washington Alliance is to:

*          Ensure overall coordination of New American Schools [GOALS 2000] effort in the Puget Sound [Seattle region];

*          Develop collaborative implementation plans within and across districts;

*          Leverage community, business and government resources.

Interfaces with Partnership for Learning [Phil Bussey] and the Seattle Alliance for Education [Phil Bussey]


The Washington Alliance is committed to:

*          Transform at least 30% of all schools using multiple New American Schools designs;

*          Create a policy environment that supports the New American Schools effort;

*          Partner with community agencies to provide support to schools and students;

*          Integrate technology into the instructional process


Evaluation: The Rand Corporation serves as the third party evaluator for the New American Schools Corporation and has collected information from our schools since 1996-97 school year.


GOALS 2000/New American Schools design teams in WA state:

• National Alliance N.C.E.E./Nat'l Center on Education and the Economy [Tucker & Hornbeck, 54 schools]

• A.T.L.A.S. [Theodore Sizer]

• Roots & Wings [Robert E. Slavin, Johns Hopkins/ Success For All - component of Edison Project. See Technology Component of GOALS 2000–– UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

• Audrey Cohen: Purpose Centered Learning

• Expeditionary Learning

• Modern Red School House [Hudson Institute]

• Accelerated Schools (K-12)  

• Galef Institute (D.W.O.K.)     

• Coalition of Essential Schools [Theodore Sizer]         

• Co-Nect


Janet Hayakawa, ATLAS Site Developer, ATLAS Schools

The director of ATLAS is Theodore Sizer -- Board of Trustees Teachers College, Columbia University.

The Atlas Communities/GOALS 2000 design team partners include:

• Apple Computers

• AT&T


• National Alliance of Business


Mak Mitchell, Washington State Partnership Director, Lightspan Inc.

We will cover Lightspan, Inc. in the Technology Component of GOALS 2000––UNDER CONSTRUCTION



New Horizons International Advisory Board

[partial list representing those appearing on the Waves of Innovation Advisory]


• John Abbott, Director, 21st Century Learning Initiative The Education 2000 Trust

Director, 21st Century Learning Initiative The Education 2000 Trust


The aim of The 21st Century Learning Initiative is to draw together the world's best from disciplines that do not normally work together, but each of whose work is critical to the creation of rich learning opportunities, (the top experts from fields as diverse as Philosophy and Neurology) and share this knowledge with the word's leading educational innovators. From this blending of expertise and experience a synthesis, a set of Informing Principles, will be defined that will provide at least approximate guidance for educators, community leaders, and parents to follow in developing learning communities that will enable people to cope with the numerous challenges of the future.


The Education 2000 Trust of the United Kingdom has committed principal start-up funding; The Johnson Foundation in Wisconsin has committed support for multiple Wingspread conferences over a three year period, and several key research organizations from a number of countries have agreed to support the participation of leading researchers in all aspects of human learning. The Initiative will be headed by John Abbott, the Director of The Education 2000 Trust.


©1996 21st Century Learning Initiative

21st Century Learning Initiative

c/o Rothschild

1101 Connecticut Ave., NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202-862-1698

Fax: 202-862-1699

E-mail: John Abbott


Steve Arnold  

President, Polaris Ventures

George Lucas Educational Foundation


James Botkin, Ph.D.

President of the International Corporate Learning Association/INTERCLASS

See: Spotlight on James Botkin, below


Barbara Clark, Ph.D.  

Author: Optimizing Learning: The Integrative Education Model in the Classroom


Arthur Costa

Past President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development/ASCD


• Dr. Gordon Cawelti,

President of the ASCD [NEA curriculum org]


Dr. Cawelti collaborated with Robert Muller, assistant secretary-general of the United Nations on the World Core Curriculum. ASCD's Cawelti was also a representative to the Editorial Review Board of Living With Our Deepest Differences–Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Society the curriculum which evolved from the dialogue and signing of the Williamsburg Charter. Ernest Boyer of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching was chairman of the curriculum project.


Costa/ASCD Interview  

Costa: I am very familiar with the works of John Dewey. However, what Habits of Mind accomplishes is more influenced by the works of David Perkins [Co-Director of Project Zero with Howard Gardner], Lauren Resnick [New Standards Project], Ted Sizer [GOALS 2000 ATLAS design team], and Reuven Feuerstein [New Horizon for Learning Int'l Advisory] to name just a few. What I hope is that the Habits of Mind books will help educators learn how to teach children how to learn. The goal is not just to teach subskills but to help students become lifelong learners… [Marc Tucker of Carnegie's National Center on Education and the Economy and NARE design team associate with Resnick, serves on GOALS 2000 National Education Goals Panel's Resource Group on Lifelong Learning.]


• Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Ph.D.

Psychologist, University of Chicago

Serves on the GOALS 2000 National Education Goals Panel

Chicago Center for Religion and Science [renamed Zygon Center for Religion and Science]

See: The Association of Theological Schools: Intersection of Religion, Science and Cloning


• Keith Davies  

Director, Heuras European Associations in Higher Education (Secretariat des Associations Europeennes d'Enseignement Superieur)

IBM, Belgium; Director, European Lifespan Learning Association


Marian C. Diamond, Ph.D.  

Neuroscientist, University of California, Berkeley

Author: Enriching Heredity, Magic Trees of the Mind


Noboru Kobayashi, Japanese Council on Educational Reform, Tokyo


• Luis Alberto Machado, former Minister for the Development of Human Intelligence, Venezuela


Leading Edge––Frontiers of Social Transformation July~1983

[Marilyn Ferguson, author of the Aquarian Conspiracy, is editor and publisher since 1980.]


Venezuela boosts basic intelligence on national scale

Venezuela's unique national program to increase the intelligence of its 16 million citizens has made important strides in the five years since its inception.

“This program is beyond the evaluation stage,” Luis Machado, minister for the development of human intelligence told LE…

Fourteen federally run programs in hospitals, labor organizations and the army have created a one-of-a-kind lab experiment. Approximately 160,00 teachers have been trained. A substructure of thousands of teachers and volunteers carries out the programs, with support from daily television broadcasts…” The growth of intelligence has acquired a political dimension,” he said. “It is the prime responsibility of government to create world peace through increased global intelligence.” His goal: the democratization of intelligence.

“Education is a tool for peace and freedom. The development of human beings can lead their nations out of underdevelopment.”


Networks for teaching intelligence spreads through Latin America

As a result of Venezuela's leadership in national support for intelligence training courses, a growing network of Latin American centers for the development of human intelligence––CELADI–– is emerging.

In addition, after encouragement by Intelligence Minister Luis Machado, the organization of International Workers and UNESCO have agreed to evaluate the progress of the Venezuelan programs. UNESCO will call for a world congress on intelligence in 1984.

Much of this interest grew out of an international conference organized by Machado in Caracas last year. The First International Symposium on the Development of Human Intelligence was attended by 1,000 educators, psychologists, sociologists and government officials from 20 nations.

Participating countries included China, the USSR, Israel, Japan , France, the U.S. and many South and Central American countries. Representatives from UNESCO, the Organization of American States and the Vatican also attended…

“However, Venezuela's program remains unique,” educator Dee Dickinson told LE. “It was initiated with the vision of raising the whole population's level of intelligence to solve the nation's problems.”


• Reuven Feuerstein, Ph.D.

Director, The International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential

Author:Instrumental Enrichment, Mediated Learning Experiences, Don't Accept Me As I Am


Howard Gardner, Ph.D.  

Psychologist, Harvard University;

Co-Director, Project Zero

Author: Frames of Mind, The Unschooled Mind, Multiple Intelligences, Creating Minds


Gardner has serves as Co-Director of Project Zero, a research group at Harvard Graduate School of Education–– associate with David Perkins [New Horizon Int'l. Advisory]. Gardner is originator of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences–– the clarification of a concept for the Project on Human Potential [Willem Welling and Oscar van Leer]; funded by the Bernard van Leer Foundation and based at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Source, Frames Of the Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner, Basic Books, © 1983.


Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D.  


Jane M. Healy , Ph.D.  

Author: Endangered Minds Your Child's Growing Mind, Failure to Connect


Asa Hilliard III , Ph.D.

Fuller E Callaway Professor of Urban Education

Georgia State University


Malcolm S. Knowles , Ph.D.  

Author: The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, Andragogy


Noboru Kobayashi, M.D.  

Founder, Child Research Net

The National Childrens' Hospital, Tokyo University


Paul McClean, Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Mental Health, MD

Former Director, Brain Laboratory, National Institutes of Mental Health

Author: The Triune Brain in Evolution


Robert McClure, Director of Restructuring Program at the Center for Innovation, National Education Association, Washington, D.C.


Shirley McCune, Education Liaison, State of Washington, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

[See Shirley McCune and the Ascended Masters, below]


Paul R. Messier , Ph.D.

President, National Learning Foundation

Retired, U.S. Department of Education



The impetus for the 1990 incorporation of the National Learning Foundation can be traced back to the concerns stated in the distinguished 1983 report, "A Nation at Risk." This wake-up call alerted the American public to the hard facts of a failing education system. Over the next several years, reverberations to the comprehensive and gloomy scenario depicted by this report were felt around the country. Educators proposed many possible solutions and many efforts were launched to improve our nation's schools. But as study after study piled up further evidence of the need to reform our schools, the consensus was growing: more fundamental rethinking and restructuring were required.


1983 A Nation at Risk

Sobering thoughts from Chester Finn

After studying the American education system, the National Commission on Excellence in Education published an alarming federal report entitled A Nation at Risk in April 1983. This report claimed that American "students were not studying the right subjects, were not working hard enough, and were not learning enough. Their schools suffered from slack and uneven standards. Many of their teachers were ill-prepared" (Finn, p. 17). This report also warned that "our social structure would crack, our culture erode, our economy totter, [and] our national defenses weaken" (Ibid, p.17) if the United States did not make immediate attempts to remedy the situation by finding a cure for our fatally-ill education system.


A Nation at Risk was an important landmark in the history of school reform in the United States. Because of its sobering and grim prediction that America would soon be engulfed by a "rising tide of mediocrity in elementary and secondary school" (Kantrowitz et al, p. 46), this report was a forceful call for major changes in public education. Since the publication of A Nation at Risk, education has become a permanent issue on the national agenda, rather than just a local and state issue.


David Perkins, Associate, Educational Technology Center, Harvard [Partner with Howard Gardner, Project Zero]


Since, 1971, David Perkins has served as Co-Director of Project Zero, a research group at Harvard Graduate School of Education–– associate with Howard Gardner, originator of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences–– the clarification of a concept for the Project on Human Potential [Willem Welling and Oscar van Leer]; funded by the Bernard van Leer Foundation and based at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Source, Frames Of the Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Garnder, Basic Books, © 1983.


Robert Sternberg, IBM Professor of Psychology and Education, Yale University


• Anne Taylor, Ph.D.  

University of New Mexico, School Zone Institute, AIA Architects in Education Committee

Author: School Zone: Learning Environments for Children


Linda Tsantis, Coordinator, Technology for Educators Graduate Program,

Johns Hopkins University



Spotlight on James Botkin


Ö        President, International Corporate Learning Association [INTERCLASS]

Ö        International Advisory Team, WA Business Roundtable's Waves of Innovation

Ö        Board of Directors, New Horizons for Learning

Ö    Consultant, Club of Rome
Ö        Panelist, State of the World Summit



James W. Botkin, Ph.D.  

President, INTERCLASS: International Corporate Learning Associates


History of the Club of Rome



Club of Rome member Erwin Laszlo published Goals for Mankind as a Report to the Club. It stressed the human dimension, especially the differing cultural attitudes and values held by individuals, groups and nations. As cultural issues had not previously been included in global analysis, new goals for the Club of Rome were then outlined.


Mehdi Elmandjra, Mircea Malitza and James Botkin published No Limits to Learning.

Their Report to the Club of Rome stressed that, although there are “limits” to a certain type of growth, there are no limits to learning and creativity.



State of the World Summit                               

The Millennium Enterprise Summit


Organized by the Progressio Foundation of the Netherlands in partnership with selected business networks, associations and foundations, this special three-day track -- open to all participants -- will gather progressive business and economic actors from Europe, the USA and beyond to deliver some of the most advanced, dynamic and integrative solutions to the challenges of globalization. The Summit's key distinguishing factors are: 1) its convening of long-term, experienced players in creating a sustainable enterprise culture, 2) its European roots in social inclusion and multiple stakeholders' approach, 3) its business and enterprise focus, aiming at concreteness, result-orientation and "do-ability" of the showcased solutions, strategies and practices, and 4) its United Nations-linked themes and sessions.


The following schedule of sessions have been convened by: Progressio Foundation; World Business Council on Sustainable Development; UK Industrial Society; PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, with additional partners where noted.


[sessions abbreviated]

Investing in National Competencies, Education, Technology & Knowledge


Akhtar Badshah*, Executive Director, Digital Partners, USA

Vicente Fox*, President-Elect, Mexico

Henk Kievit, Ambassador, Noaber Foundation, Netherlands

Lars Kolind, Chariman, Grundfos; Chairman, The Copenhagen Center, Denmark

Tine Lange, Center for Sustainable Business Development, Denmark

Baruch Lev, Director, The Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research, New York University

Steven Moseley, President & CEO, Academy for Educational Development

Edna Pasher, President, Edna Pasher & Associates, Israel

Gerhard Plasonig, Founder & CEO, GPI-SA, Switzerland


This panel will present a state-of-the-art look at the systemic links between education, knowledge and technology as the key drivers for economic development and social progress worldwide. Experts from Europe, Israel, the United States, Africa, Asia and Latin America will each present their different perspectives, from intellectual capital accounting to national competencies' measurement to enterprise-based local development through IT and Communications industries…


Learning Lab: World Class Thinking in Organization, Leadership & Management

moderated by: Jim Botkin, Interclass, USA; Thomas Cummings, Founder & President, Leading Ventures, Netherlands


An open space session including some of the outstanding thinkers and practitioners at the Forum…


United Nations Global Compact for Responsible Business Engagement

chaired by: Georg Kell, First Secretary, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UN


Jermyn Brooks*, Global Managing Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Bertil Byskov, International Trade Center, UNCTAD/WTO

Bo Ekman, Founder & President, Nextwork AB, Sweden

Padmanabha Gopinath*, Counsellor to the Secretary General, ILO, Switzerland

Sirkka Korpela, Director for Business Partnerships, UNDP

Michael Stewart, Director for Communications, Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum

Brennan Van Dyke, Regional Director, North American Office, UNEP


At a time when everything is being reinvented, how can the United Nations forge long-lasting partnerships with the business community? What are the pitfalls and how to avoid them? This panel will take a look at the power of responsible enterprise and how it can propel the progressive business leaders to the forefront of a truly giant compact -- a global Marshall Plan -- with the UN agencies, for the eradication of poverty, the development of all and the rebuilding of natural capital…


New Models for Public-Private Partnerships

convened by: United Nations Office for Project Services and Global Leaders for Tomorrow of the World Economic Forum

chaired by: Keith Ferrazzi, Global Leaders for Tomorrow


Hafsat Abiola*, Founder & Director, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, Nigeria

Hassan Ba, President, African Renaissance Forum, Senegal

James Clark, Founder, World Technology Network

Reinhart Helmke, Executive Director, UNOPS, USA

Kim Samuel Johnson, Director, Samuel Group; Global Leaders for Tomorrow

Daniel Lubetsky, Chairman & President, Peace Works, USA

Gerhard Plasonig, Founder & CEO, GPI-SA, Switerland

Neysan Rassekh, President, Global Technology Organization

Martin Varsavsky*, Founder & CEO, Jazztel Telecom


UNOPS has progressed rapidly towards the establishment of a strategy of partnership with the business community. This session will show best practices, some of which pioneered by Global Leaders for Tomorrow; the power of new technological innovations that meet development needs; the pitfalls and challenges of incubating new enterprises; and how to engage the public sector into supporting such efforts. We will take an in-depth look at the mechanics of public and private enterprise creation and new partnership models.


The Future of Leadership Education

chaired by: Lars Mortensen & Charlotte Rosenberg, Kaos Pilots, Denmark


James Botkin, President, Interclass, USA

Thomas Cummings, Founder & President, Leading Ventures BV

Bo Ekman, Founder & President, Nextwork AB, Sweden

Jennifer Finlay, World Resources Institute, USA

Steven Guerriero, Chairperson, Department of Organizations & Management, Antioch New England Graduate School

Oscar Motomura, Founder & Director, Amana-Key, Brazil

David Murphy, New Academy of Business, UK

Jane Nelson, Policy & Research Director, Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum

Daniel O'Connor, Managing Director, Net Impact, USA


Without transforming the way we prepare our leaders -- be they managers, entrepreneurs, politicians, civil society activists -- we will not make much progress towards responsible globalization. How we develop leaders of integrity, competence and foresight is one of the greatest challenges facing us. This session aims to bring to light practical changes we can all implement…



State of the World Forum History


The first State of the World Forum was held in San Francisco in October 1995. Convened by Mikhail Gorbachev and his fellow Co-Chairs, more than 600 innovative leaders from 50 countries came together. Since then, over 4,000 people from nearly 100 countries have gathered for annual and regional forums in San Francisco (where the Forum holds its annual conference), Moscow, Washington, DC, New Delhi, Islamabad, Guanajuato (Mexico), Brussels, Belfast and Monterrey (Mexico).


The fourth annual State of the World Forum took place on October 27 - November 1, 1998 in San Francisco. Over 700 leaders from over 100 nations and tribes gathered to discuss issues ranging from preventing deadly conflict and abolishing nuclear weapons; sustained peak performance; the current instability in the global financial markets; meeting the irreducible needs of children; creating a world safe for differences; investing in women; to the greening of capital.


The 1999 State of the World Forum was held at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, on October 1 - 6, 1999. The Forum gathered over 800 luminaries, leaders and futurists from around the world to develop and examine systemic solutions that impact business, politics and human development into the next millennium. The 1999 Forum was designed for creating partnerships and envisioning a sustainable and compassionate civilization. It featured more than 100 of the world's most highly regarded speakers and innovators, and included over 50 breakout sessions exploring key trends for the future, models of innovation and tools for leadership.  emphasis added



State of the World Forum Co-Chairs


Askar Akaev, President, Kyrgyzstan

Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President, Haiti (1991-1996)

James A. Baker, III [CFR], U. S. Secretary of State (1989-1992)

Tansu Ciller, Prime Minister, Turkey (1993-1996)

Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children's Defense Fund

Sonia Gandhi, Chair, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

Jane Goodall, Primatologist

Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Ruud Lubbers, Chairman, World Wildlife Fund



Thabo Mbeki, President, Republic of South Africa

Gertrude Mongella, Secretary General, 1995 UN World Conference on Women

Wally N'Dow, Secretary General, 1997 UN World Conference on Habitat

Her Majesty Queen Noor, Jordan

Yasuhiro Nakasone, Prime Minister, Japan (1982-1987)

Jose Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Jehan Sadat, First Lady of Egypt (1970-1981)

Ted Turner, Vice Chairman, Time Warner, Inc.

Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Muhammad Yunus, Managing Director, Grameen Bank



State of the World Forum Board


Jim Garrison, Chairman and President, State of the World Forum

Jim Garrison is Founder and President of the State of the World Forum and the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. His degrees include: B.A., World History, University of Santa Clara; M.T.S., History of Religion, Harvard University; and Ph.D., Philosophical Theology, Cambridge University. He has written six books concerning the historical and theological implications of the advent of the nuclear age. His latest work, Civilization and the Transformation of Power, will be published in the Fall of 2000. He was born of missionary parents in Szechuan Province, China, in 1951,…


Steven Donovan

Steven Donovan is the immediate past President of The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, an accredited graduate school in Palo Alto, California. He has been a Trustee of the State of the World Forum since 1995 and served as CEO in 1997. From 1979 to 1993, he was a Trustee of Esalen Institute and served as President from 1985 to 1993. He was the Director of Esalen’s Study of Exceptional Functioning from 1978 to 1988. He is the co-author, with Esalen’s co-founder Michael Murphy, of The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation. He is a graduate of Hobart College (B.A. 1963) and Columbia University (M.B.A. 1967). He has been a close associate of Jim Garrison since 1985.


Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss, Ph.D. is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness. With degrees in journalism, theology, intuition and energy medicine, she has worked since 1982 as a medical intuitive -- one who “sees” illnesses in a patient's body by intuitive means. In 1984, Myss and Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (founder of the American Holistic Medical Association) developed a Professionial Intutitive [sic] Training program that is now offered internationally, and in 1998 founded The Institute for the Science of Medical Intutition [sic]. She is the author of two best selling books: Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing and Why People Don't Heal and How They Can. Carolyn has been a close friend and advisor to Jim Garrison since 1986. emphasis added



A Focus on Moral Educators of the Young


Found on Dickinson's New Horizons for Learning web site:



Character Education Manifesto  

Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character


The Crisis & The Solution:

Distressed by the increasing rates of violence, adolescent suicide, teen pregnancy, and a host of other pathological and social ills assaulting American youth, we propose that schools and teachers reassert their responsibility as educators of character. Schools cannot however, assume this responsibility alone; families, neighborhoods, and faith communities must share in this task together. We maintain that authentic educational reform in this nation begins with our response to the call for character. True character education is the hinge upon which academic excellence, personal achievement, and true citizenship depend.


We, the undersigned, believe the following guiding principles ought to be at the heart of this educational reform:


1.         Education in its fullest sense is inescapably a moral enterprise -- a continuous and conscious effort to guide students to know and pursue what is good and what is worthwhile.

2.         We strongly affirm parents as the primary moral educators of their children and believe schools should build a partnership with the home. Consequently, all schools have the obligation to foster in their students personal and civic virtues such as integrity, courage, responsibility, diligence, service, and respect for the dignity of all persons.

3.         Character education is about developing virtues -- good habits and dispositions which lead students to responsible and mature adulthood. Virtue ought to be our foremost concern in educating for character. Character education is not about acquiring the right views -- currently accepted attitudes about ecology, prayer in school, gender, school uniforms, politics, or ideologically charged issues.

4.         The teacher and the school principal are central to this enterprise and must be educated, selected, and encouraged with this mission in mind. In truth, all of the adults in the school must embody and reflect the moral authority which has been invested in them by the parents and the community.

5.         Character education is not a single course, a quick-fix program, or a slogan posted on the wall; it is an integral part of school life. The school must become a community of virtue in which responsibility, hard work, honesty, and kindness are modeled, taught, expected, celebrated, and continually practiced. From the classroom to the playground, from the cafeteria to the faculty room, the formation of good character must be the central concern.

6.         The human community has a reservoir of moral wisdom, much of which exists in our great stories, works of art, literature, history, and biography. Teachers and students must together draw from this reservoir both within and beyond the academic curriculum.

7.         Finally, young people need to realize that forging their own characters is an essential and demanding life task. And the sum of their school experiences -- in successes and failures, both academic and athletic, both intellectual and social -- provides much of the raw material for this personal undertaking.


Character education is not merely an educational trend or the school's latest fad; it is a fundamental dimension of good teaching, an abiding respect for the intellect and spirit of the individual. We need to re-engage the hearts, minds, and hands of our children in forming their own characters, helping them "to know the good, love the good, and do the good." That done, we will truly be a nation of character, securing "liberty and justice for all."  [emphasis added]


Source of the Character Manifesto:

The Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character at Boston

Kevin Ryan is the director of the Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character at Boston University… He has written and edited 18 books, among them Moral Education: It Comes With the Territory; Reclaiming Our Schools: A Handbook for Teaching Character… Ryan is the current president of the Character Education Partnership.


See Part II: Character Education for Race Betterment: Aspen Institute: Origin of Character Education Partnership


About CAEC

The center is an international organization for the study of moral education and character formation with the following objectives: reintroducing simple and lasting ethical values into public education through teacher training; constructing intellectual and administrative bridges within Boston University educational programs by fostering research and publication initiatives and outreach programs on moral education; and providing resources for school systems seeking to fulfill their responsibilities as moral educators. emphasis added


What is the CAEC?

Founded in 1989, the Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character (CAEC) bases its work on a few simple beliefs:

1. Character education is an essential and inescapable mission of schools and thus must be done consciously and well.

2. The human community has a reservoir of moral wisdom, much of which exists in our great stories, works of art, literature, and philosophy; this treasure must be a regular part of schooling.

3. The most important task facing America’s schools today is engaging children in our moral wisdom and helping them to develop the enduring habits that constitute good character.

4. Together with parents, teachers are responsible for character education; they must be selected, educated, and encouraged with this mission in mind.

As the first center of ethics and character in the country to focus on the education of teachers, we provide hundreds of present and future teachers with opportunities and resources for helping students understand and respect humanity’s highest moral ideals and traditions of civility.


Character Education Network

CAEC directs the Character Education Network, with support from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)….concerned with schools as significant and influential moral educators of the young.


ASCD's Gordon Cawleti collaborated with Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary of the United Nations on the World Core Curriculum. ASCD's Cawelti also served on the Editorial Review Board of Living With Our Deepest Differences––Religious Liberty in a Pluralitic Society, the social studies curriculum which evolved from the Williamsburg Charter [1987].



Shirley McCune  

Federal Liaison, Learning and Teaching for Washington State


Dr. Shirley D. McCune is Educational Liaison at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Washington [aka WA's Dept. of Education]. She has a background in educational research, program management and state policy and was formerly President of Learning Trends in Washington D.C., Senior Director of the Mid-continental Regional Educational Laboratory in Colorado, and Director of the State Services Division of the Education Commission of the States [ECS]. [See ECS in the Technology in Education Report–– UNDER CONSTRUCTION]


Dr. McCune is listed in the Washington Governor’s Council on Education, Reform and Funding––GCERF–– Final Report as an “Expert Consultant” to the Learning, Outcomes and Assessments Sub-Group from McREL Center for Educational Equity. She advised the council “on important elements of an outcome-based system.

       In 1989 McCune spoke to the teachers of South Kitsap, WA. The Bremerton Sun newspaper reported her vision for the school of the future. She described the school or learning community of the future: “When you walk in the building, there’s a row of offices. In one are drug counselors. One is for social security. Another, family and child psychologists....” These are “community learning centers,” not just schools. Schools are no longer in the “schooling business”, but rather in the “human resource development.”

       As a key strategist to the Kansas State Department of Education (August 1991) McCune advised the legislators that the U.S. was moving into the third or biological phase of the social revolution which she identified as the “Bio-Logic Age.”  It would be important to make changes in the law that would allow the state to make efficient use of human capital for our nation to compete economically.


Shirley McCune and The Ascended Masters

Will the 'Sub-Laws of the Universe" become the off-the-shelf character education package slated for Washington classrooms?


The Light Shall Set You Free, Dr. Shirley McCune and Dr. Norma Milanovich


Self Empowerment/New Consciousness  [book jacket]

The Ascended Masters state this book is destined to transform the world. Contained within these pages are some of the greatest spiritual teachings from the ancient mystery schools, plus instruction on how to apply these teachings to our everyday lives. Some of the information revealed here has not been made available before now. All of the information, if applied to our everyday lives, has the power to revolutionized the world.


In the past only adepts, saints apostles, mystics, and high priests and priestesses were allowed access to this instruction. With this knowledge, these individuals ruled and empowered themselves and civilizations, using the power that came with this knowledge to create and heal. Common folk leaned heavily on these spiritually elite for solutions to their problems, for the masses had acquired neither the discipline nor the strength of will it took to master the teachings on their own…

The Ascended Masters, however, decree that the time has come for everyone to learn these teachings and share in the responsibility for transforming life and the world. Admittance into the Fifth Dimension demands this of all. Therefore, all who read this book must be forewarned that access to this knowledge automatically holds the soul accountable for its part of creation and each will be judged accordingly! The portal now stands open for all to pass through to collectively build the Seventh Golden Age on Earth.


Writing this book with Shirley and the Ascended Masters proved to be one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. I am humbled to be an instrument for the Masters' words and truly delighted to serve as a messenger to any one who may benefit from this instruction. Dr. Norma J. Milanovich


Moving into the Light is the goal for our personal and collective futures. May this book be a beacon for those who are moving toward Light and Love. Shirley McCune

ATHENA PUBLISHING © 1996, Albuquerque, NM


Excerpt from The Light Shall Set You Free

Chapter 22



The Universal Laws describe the fundamental principles governing the functioning of Earth and the Celestial Worlds. The Laws tell us that humans co-create with God by using their minds, that energy, vibrations, light, and motion makeup the universe. That patterns of correspondence or consistency are part of our physical and spiritual worlds, and that there is a consequence or effect for everything that we do. These principles help us understand haw and why things happen.

There are also human characteristics or traits related to the Universal Laws. These are referred to as the sub-laws, are the way that we put the universal Laws into action in our lives. Each has a spiritual purpose––a purpose designed to bring Heaven to Earth. In following the purposes of the sub-laws, we participate in the co-creation of the perfect world which has been envisioned for us by our Higher Selves.

We may agree with the purpose of the sub-laws and wish  to live in accordance with them, but find that unresolved issues of past lifetimes or the limits of our current spiritual development place barriers in the paths of our realizing the purpose or benefits of the sub-laws…




Each of McCune's sub-law categories offers techniques for aligning with the Higher Self.


ASPIRATION TO A HIGHER POTENTIAL - The soul's ambition to evolve and journey back to the Source.

COMPASSION- The quality that teaches that there is perfection in all things an that we are to have sympathy for others…

DEDICATION - An act of commitment, based on great love and desire to serve humanity. It is this action that separates the Masters form the Initiates.

FAITH- Confidence in the Universal Laws and the Divine harmony of the universe.

FORGIVENESS - Unconditional love that absolves negative Karma and frees ourselves and others.

GENEROSITY - An act that grants liberty to us and frees us to evolve.

HONESTY- The state of mind that changes our destiny by eliminating negative Karma and replacing it with positive Karma.

HOPE - A trust in the soul's ability to evolve.

KINDNESS - The attribute that drives us to recognize Oneness and to be empathetic toward others.

LEADERSHIP - The divinely inspired quality that infuses energy into others who support your vision.

Collectively, good leadership facilitates the fulfillment of God's plan on Earth.

NONINTERFERENCE - This quality allows all to grow at their own paces and eliminates unwanted negative Karma that can impede one's progress.

PATIENCE - the quality of balance that keeps the male and female energies within balanced. The composure necessary for ascension.

RESPONSIBILITY - The attribute that assists in developing standards that help one follow Buddha's Eightfold Path…

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - the expression of God through the soul that grants us freedom in the Light. [pgs. 254-276]



The ability to live in harmony with the sub-laws of the universe is one of the primary goals of our many incarnations on Earth. When we live within the values and purposes out-lined by the sub-laws, we demonstrate that we have chosen to live in agreement with our Creator, but we are moving toward agreement with the world and ways of life that the Creator has provided…

Many chapters in this book provide explanations of God's intent. This chapter helps us understand:

*The purposes and skills needed for living in the Light. 

*The ways in which we can master the curriculum of the Third Dimension, which ultimately prepares us for entry into the Fifth  [emphasis added]



PART VI: Strategists for Charter Schools