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Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Internationale
Behind the Conservative Curtain:
Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front
for Corporate/Government Takeover



For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26




Strategists for School Choice / Charter Schools



v         The Heritage Foundation


·            American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

·            Heritage Foundation for School Choice

·            Heritage Foundation Expert Bank

·            Free Congress Foundation

·            State Policy Network (SPN)

·            Center For Education Reform (CER)


v         Focus on the Family


·            State Family Policy Councils

·            Family Research Council (FRC)


v         National Business Roundtable


·            New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC)

·            ACHIEVE

·      American Enterprise Institute (AEI)



v         Major Private Foundations


·      Pew Charitable Trusts

·      Rockefeller Institute

·      Carnegie Foundation

·      Rand Corporation

·      Hudson Institute

·      Brookings Institution

·      Manhattan Institute

·      Annie E. Casey Foundation

·      Cato Institute

·       Hoover Institution

·       Urban Institute

·      Aspen Institute







The National Business Roundtable is a consortium of CEOs from the major corporations which works in conjunction with the National Association of Business [NAB].


NBR worked with the U.S. Department of Education, Pew Charitable Trusts, RAND Corporation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and numerous private foundations to strategize GOALS 2000, creating the entity New American Schools Development Corporation [NASDC] to direct the implementation of so-called model schools for GOALS 2000.


“BRT [Business Roundtable] Chief Executive Officers advocate policies that foster vigorous economic growth and a dynamic global economy. BRT's issue analysis is done by its taskforces -- each is headed by a CEO, has CEOs as its members and focuses on a specific issue area. The task forces develop policy recommendations and lay out plans for action.”


National Business Roundtable's David Hornbeck

During the passage of GOALS 2000 [1994], David Hornbeck traveled to several states [at the invitation of the state's Business Roundtables], representing the National Business Roundtable. In Washington state he presented the Governor's blue ribbon panel  GCERF––Governor's Commission on Education Reform and Funding––with the GAP Analysis: Where is the state now in terms of education? Where do you want to be after the reform/restructuring? His presentation was based on the National Business Roundtable's Public Policy Agenda The Nine Essential Components:


1. Four operating assumptions:

– All students can learn at significantly higher levels.

– We know how to teach all students successfully.

– Curriculum content must reflect high expectations for all children.

– Every child must have an advocate.


2. The new system is performance or outcome based.

3. Assessment strategies [to measure] the outcomes.

4. Schools should receive rewards for success, assistance to improve and penalties for failure.

5. School staff to major role in instructional decisions.

6. Major emphasis on staff development.

7. A high quality pre-kindergarten program is established, at least for all disadvantaged students.

8. Health and other social services are sufficient to reduce significant barriers to learning.

9. Technology is used to raise student and teacher productivity and to expand access to learning.


David Hornbeck Profile [1992]


–National Goals Panel [oversight of GOALS 2000], Resource Groups: Student Achievement and Citizenship

–Children's Defense Fund, Board of Directors

–National Commission on Chapter I, Chairman

National Council on Education Standards and Testing, Member

–Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, Member

–National Academy of Sciences, National Forum on the Future of Children and Families

–Public Education Fund Network, Chairman, Board of Directors

–Pew Forum on Education Reform

–Pew Forum on Improved Services for Children

–National Center on Education Outcomes, Board of Advisors

–National Child Labor Committee, Board of Directors




–Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Board of Trustees (1983-1991)

–Council  of Chief State School Officers, President, Board of Directors (1986-87)

–Carnegie Task Force on the Education of Early Adolescents, Chairman

W.T. Grant Foundation Commission on Work, Family and Citizenship

–The College Board Commission for the New Possibilities Project, Member

–Education Commission of the States, Commissioner

–Education Committee, United States Committee for UNICEF

–Center for Research on Elementary and Middle Schools, Johns Hopkins University, National Advisory Board Member

–Co-director of the National Alliance for Restructuring Education/NARE

  [design team to GOALS 2000]

–Senior Advisor to the National Center on Education and the Economy [formerly Carnegie Foundation on Education and the Economy]

–Partner, Hogan & Hartson -- Washington D.C. law firm working with the firm's large education law practice--"In this capacity I worked with private sector, non-profit and government institutions interested in significantly restructuring education. Among the clients was Kentucky for whom I was an architect of their sweeping reform legislation."

–President of the Council of Chief States School Officers [all 50 state superintendents of education]

–Diploma in Theology from Oxford University [Oxford , England] and Union Theological Seminary (Columbia University, New York)

 –– Columbia Teachers College has played a major role in curriculum development for GOALS 2000. Theodore Sizer/ Coalition of Essential School is on the Board of Trustees for Columbia Teachers College. Sizer is director of the Atlas Communities design team for GOALS 2000/NASDC. Howard Gardner is the originator of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences; the basis for the newly designed performance testing––New standard Project–– for GOALS 2000. He is a member of GOALS 2000/NASDC design team Atlas Communities design team.

 –Visiting professor of Education and Public Policy, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

–State Superintendent of Public Schools in Maryland (1976-1988)

–Executive Deputy Secretary of Education Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1976-1988)…



BRT Education


Edward B. Rust, Jr. - Chairman & CEO, State Farm Insurance Companies

Works to improve student achievement in the U.S. and assure that high school graduates are prepared to succeed in our changing world.


[The BRT Education web page links to Education Excellence Partnership EEP] Partnership  

The Education Excellence Partnership founding consultants were Chester Finn and Diane Ravitch.


EEP is a consortium composed of:

• The Business Roundtable

• U.S. Department of Education


• American Federation of Teachers

• National Alliance of Business

• National Education Association

• National Governors' Association

• U.S. Chamber of Commerce


The Business Roundtable Participation Guide: A Primer for Business on Education

Developed by the National Alliance of Business [1991]


The forward is a letter from John F. Akers, Chairman of the Board IBM Corporation and Chairman of The [National ] Business Roundtable Education Task Force


[It begins…] “Education is in crisis in our nation…”


Acknowledgements: “The Business Roundtable and the National Alliance of Business would like to thank the experts…[and] Kenneth R. Lay, IBM director of International Education, who conceived of this publication…The Roundtable also wishes to acknowledge David W. Hornbeck [GOALS 2000 strategist for NBR] and Paul T. Hill, Senior Social Scientist, the RAND Corporation, for their substantial contributions toward the development of the Roundtable's policy position entitled Essential Components of a Successful Education System…and The Roundtable position on choice… Finally, the Business Roundtable and the National Alliance of Business wish to thank Ernest L. Boyer president for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching who wrote the final chapter in this book, which calls the business community to action.” [emphasis added]


See Ernest Boyer’s leading role in Character Education:

Character Education for Race Betterment

James Dobson’s Interview of Ernest Boyer


More Businesses Organized at the National Level for School Reform/GOALS 2000/ Workforce Preparedness

THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF BUSINESS is a national business organization focused on increasing student achievement and improving the competitiveness of the workforce. Our 5,000 members include companies of all sizes and industries, their CEOs and senior executives, educators, and business-led coalitions.

The central purpose of the National Alliance of Business is to increase individuals' skills and knowledge mastery by working with employers, educators, training providers, coalitions, and policymakers to align the learning opportunities at all levels of the education and training system with the increasing demands of the Knowledge Economy.

To achieve this goal, NAB coalesces and leverages business leadership to:

1.    Increase the academic achievement of every American child;
2.    Ensure students have opportunities to experience and/or understand the linkage between academic success and success beyond school; and
3.    Promote a demand-driven, competency-based workforce development system centered on life-long learning.


Business leaders guide every aspect of work through our board of directors, business policy councils, business advisory committees, and coalition advisory committees. We support a growing network of state and local business coalitions to highlight successful strategies. Our work includes a wide range of activities, from shaping national policy to promoting employer leadership across the country. We work in partnership with every major education, training, and business organization to raise public awareness, influence policy, and stimulate action.

National Alliance of Business Coalitions

NAB collaborates with business-led coalitions on the national, state and local level.
This collaboration includes management or partnership with:

Business Coalition for Excellence in Education (BCEE)
NAB manages this ad hoc coalition of leading companies and associations.
Business Coalition for Education Reform (BCER)
The Business Coalition for Education Reform (BCER) is made up of 13 national business-led organizations and 800 state and local business-education coalitions that coordinate their efforts to increase the academic achievement of all students by promoting business involvement in education at the national, state and local levels.
Business Coalition for Workforce Development (BCWD)
This NAB managed coalition plus the BCER represents more than 30 national business-led organizations and 4,000 companies that share knowledge and expertise to enhance the business community's education and workforce development agenda.
Business Coalition Network
The Business Coalition Network advances business leadership at the national, state, and local levels by working with over 800 business-led coalitions to improve student achievement and workforce quality.
National Employer Leadership Council (NELC), a coalition of senior executives representing a diverse group of companies, trade associations and business organizations that advocates and supports school-to-career initiatives.
Education Excellence Partnership, a public-private partnership working to strengthen the academic future of America's children. [
Chester Finn, Diane Ravitch]

Business Coalition for Education Reform (BCER) is made up of 13 national business-led organizations and that coordinate their efforts to increase the academic achievement of all students by promoting business involvement in education at the national, state and local levels. To do so, the partners leverage resources and expertise; build partnerships to help states and communities learn from each other's experiences; and provide technical assistance to a growing network of state and local business-led coalitions.
BCER is managed by the National
Alliance of Business

BCER National Partners
Thirteen national business organizations have joined together to form the BCER to help strengthen America's schools. The BCER works to increase academic achievement for all students by supporting and expanding business involvement in education at the national, state, and local levels.
The BCER supports efforts to: raise academic standards for all students; ensure standards reflect the knowledge and skills needed for workplace success; and help the public understand the critical need for world-class academic standards and necessary changes needed for school systems to deliver them.

BCER Members:
*    American Business Conference
*    Business-Higher Education Forum
*    The Business Roundtable
*    The Chamber of Commerce of The United States
*    Committee for Economic Development
*    The Conference Board
*    Council of Growing Companies
*    Council on Competitiveness
*    National Alliance of Business
*    National Association of Manufacturers
*    National Association of Women Business Owners
*    U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
*    Utility/Business Education Coalition

Affiliate Members:
*    Achieve
*    National Association of Partners in Education, Inc.
*    U.S. Department of Education




Ø     NASDC [New American Schools Development Corporation, 1991]


Previously posted NASDC information referenced its use of RAND Corporation as their evaluator:


“Working Towards Excellence: Early Indicators From Schools Implementing New American Schools Designs

Research by the RAND Corporation, which evaluates the New American Schools effort, indicates that most schools need help to make the kinds of changes necessary to dramatically raise student achievement. The eight New American Schools Design Teams*…”


*Note: The National Business Roundtable's GOALS 2000/NASDC initiated a national contest [1992] in search of model schools to serve as blueprints for the New American Schools. Ironically, the same GOALS 2000 strategists won the contest [and financing].

One of the original eleven GOALS 2000/NASDC design teams was Hudson Institute's Modern Red School House: William Bennett, Denis Doyle,* Pierre du Pont [CNP], Chester Finn [Manhattan Institute] [See Private Foundations, Hudson Institute, Manhattan Institute, below].


Denis Doyle is director the Center For Education Reform [Heritage Foundation affiliate] with Jeanne Allen and an advisor to ACHIEVE [CEOs and Governors], below.


“The Role of the Private Sector in Public Education”

By Denis P. Doyle [senior fellow with the Hudson Institute]


IN THE PAST year there has been an explosion of interest in the question of privatization of public schools, which encompasses everything from the old standby -- vouchers-- to such innovations as charter schools, home schooling, and the emergence of private management companies, such as John Golle's Education Alternative, Inc. and Chris Whittle's Edison Project


New Conceptions of Public/Private Partnerships Beyond the 'QUANGO'

“…Not to be outdone by our American passion for acronyms, the Brits have enthusiastically adopted an acronym of American coinage…for public/private partnerships. It is QUANGO (Quasiautonomous Nongovernmental Organization). The term refers specifically to a semipublic administrative body that is outside the civil service but funded and appointed by the government.


By way of contrast, consider the New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC). It goes QUANGO one better. It is a single-purpose, entirely private administrative body with no public funding that is devoted exclusively to supporting public schools. Chaired by David Kearns, former Xerox CEO and former deputy secretary of education, NASDC has received $70 million dollars to underwrite the development efforts of nine teams of educators, all of whom are deeply involved with public schools. The beneficiary of a portion of the extraordinary generosity of Walter Annenberg ($50 million, a lot of money even by Washington standards), NASDC represents a genuinely unique private/public partnership…. [T]he long-term purpose of NASDC is no less the radical transformation of American public education, using private funds for public purposes.


In addition to NASDC support, the Hudson Institute received support from two other foundations, the J. Holden DeHann Foundation and the Achelis and Bodman Foundation, to get the Modern Red School House project [Hudson's GOALS 2000 NASDC design team] under way, further evidence of the scope of this unusual public/private partnership. DPD source: Phi Delta Kappa, Oct. 1994 [emphasis added]


New American Schools [NAS] Board of Directors*


Executive Committee

• David T. Kearns [CFR], Chairman/CEO,

    Former Deputy Secretary of Education

    Retired CEO and Chairman, Xerox Corporation

• James K. Baker, Vice-Chairman

      Chairman, Arvin Industries 

• Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. [CFR], Vice-Chairman

      Chairman and CEO, IBM Corporation*

• Frank Shrontz, Vice-Chairman

      Chairman Emeritus, The Boeing Company [CFR affiliate]


Board Members

• Gerald L. Baliles [CFR], Former Governor of Virginia; Partner, Hunton & Williams

• John L. Clendenin [CFR], Chairman and CEO, BellSouth Corporation

• John R. Hall, Chairman and CEO, Ashland Oil, Inc.[CFR affiliate]

• Thomas H. Kean [CFR], President, Drew University; Former Governor of New Jersey          

• Charles Lee, Chairman and CEO, GTE Corporation

• John D. Ong, Chairman and CEO, The BF Goodrich Company

• James J. Renier, Retired Chairman and CEO, Honeywell, Inc.

• Paul Tagliabue [CFR], Commissioner, National Football League

• John T. Walton, Chairman, Quantum Partners

• Stanley Weiss [CFR], Chairman, American Premier, Inc.


Note: The original board of NASDC [1991] also included:

• Robert E. Allen [CFR], AT&T

• Walter H Annenberg, Publisher, Diplomat and Founder of the Annenberg Foundation

• Norman R. Augustine [CFR], Martin Marietta Corporation

• Joan Ganz Cooney [CFR], Children's Television Workshop

• James R. Jones [CFR], American Stock Exchange

• Lee R. Raymond [CFR], Exxon Corporation

• William A. Schreyer [CFR], Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

• Linda J. Wachner [CFR], WARNACO

• Kay R. Whitmore, Eastman Kodak [CFR affiliate]


Contributors to New American Schools Development Corporation [NASDC]

New American Schools extends special thanks to Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg for his continued generous support of our efforts to improve public education.

New American Schools acknowledges with gratitude the valued contributions of the following corporations, foundations, organizations and individuals:


$3,000,000 and Up

$1,000,000 and Up

$500,000 and Up

$100,000 and Up

The Annenberg Foundation


The Boeing Company (CFR)

Exxon Corporation (CFR)

The Ford Foundation (CFR)

General Motors Corp.** (CFR)

IBM Corporation* (CFR)

Xerox Corporation (CFR)



Aluminum Company of America



BellSouth Corporation (CFR)

Bristol Myers Squibb Company (CFR)

Eastman Kodak Company (CFR)

General Electric Company (CFR)

GTE Corporation

Honeywell Inc.

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies (CFR)

Lockheed Martin Corporation (CFR)

Mobil Corporation (CFR)

National Football League Charities (CFR)

The Procter & Gamble Co. (CFR)

RJR Nabisco, Inc. (CFR)

Time Warner Inc. (CFR)

Helen Robson Walton and Family

Arvin Industries, Inc.

Lilly Endowment Inc. (CFR)

The Knight Foundation

John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (CFR)

Richard King Mellon Foundation

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Rockwell International Corporation

TRW Inc. (CFR)

The UPS Foundation [See Annie E. Casey Foundation]


Ashland Inc. (CFR)

The BFGoodrich Company (CFR)

Brown-Forman Corporation

Cummins Engine Foundation (CFR)

The Grable Foundation

Harman International Industries

The Henley Group, Inc.

Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. (CFR)

The Prudential Foundation (CFR)

The Ryder Foundation (CFR)

Warnaco Inc.

Stanley A. Weiss (CFR)



**General Motors Corporation

“During W.W. 1, the Du Ponts made a mint. The company had $9 million surplus in its treasury. The result was that Du Pont absorbed General Motors. The DuPonts also went into the chemical business… Emile Francis duPont (1898- ) graduated from Yale, like a number of duPonts have. He was important lay person within the Episcopal church. Pierre Samuel duPont belonged to the American Philosophical Society. He also wears the rosette of an Officer de Ia Légion d’ Honneur. (How or why he got this I haven’t found out.) He was on Delaware’s State Board of Education, 1919-21. He was the President of General Motors from 1920-23 when he turned it over to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Pierre Samuel started what is called ‘the buddy system’ where DuPont and GM’s management worked together. DuPont saved GM from extinction after W.W.I and has watched over GM since. Robert L duPont, Jr. is a research psychiatrist. He has done research at Harvard. He was the delegate for the U.S. at United Nations Commission on Narcotic drugs (1973-78). He is especially knowledgeable about what drugs will do to a person, which is an area of his research. And Francis Marguerite du Pont (born 1944 in Duluth, Minn.) is deep into research into genetics.” 1.





Yet-another spin-off of the National Business Roundtable is ACHIEVE:

“Achieve, Inc., is an independent, bipartisan, not-for-profit organization formed in 1996 by governors and corporate CEOs who shared a powerful belief that…”


ACHIEVE Board of Directors

Achieve's Board of Directors, as mandated by the by-laws, is composed of six governors (three Democrats and three Republicans) and six CEOs:



Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. [CFR], Chairman and CEO, IBM Corporation*

• Tommy G. Thompson, Governor, State of Wisconsin


Co-Vice Chairs

• Philip M. Condit, Chairman and CEO, The Boeing Company (CFR affiliate)

• James B. Hunt, Governor, State of North Carolina


Board Members

• Craig Barrett, President and CEO, Intel

• Edward B. Rust, Jr., Chairman and CEO, State Farm Insurance

• Arthur F. Ryan, Chairman and CEO, Prudential  (CFR affiliate)

• Keith E. Bailey, Chairman, President and CEO, Williams

• Gray Davis, Governor, State of California

John Engler, Governor, State of Michigan

• Michael Leavitt, Governor, State of Utah

• Gary Locke, Governor, State of Washington



Note: Denis Doyle -- an advisor to GOALS 2000, member of the Hudson Institute's design team the Modern Red School House, associate of Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute, and now on staff at the Center for Education Reform [Heritage Foundation affiliate] -- serves as an advisor to ACHIEVE.


In 1996 a GOALS 2000 Education Summit was held under the direction of IBM's CEO Louis Gerstner, Jr. and AT&T's CEO Robert Allen, bringing together the Governors and one CEO of a major corporation from each state. Resource participants [the expert consultants] included Denis Doyle of the Heritage Foundation, Chester Finn of the Hudson Foundation and Robert Morrison of the Family Research Council [Focus on the Family]. Other expert consultants [30+] represented Pew Charitable Trusts, National Business Roundtable, American Enterprise Institute [Lynne Cheney] and New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC).  The Education Summit would later evolve into ACHIEVE. [emphasis added]


Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Education: 


National Governors' Association Center For Policy Research

Project Name: National Education Summit Planning Committee

Location: Washington, DC 20001-1512

Grant Approved: 09/26/96

Grant Amount: $ 200,000 /1 yr.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose: To support the creation of a non-governmental organization to provide information, guidance and help to states and districts seeking to develop high academic standards.

Contact: Mr. Stanley S Litow, Vice President, Corporate Community Relations, IBM-International Business Machines Corporation*

Internet: National Governors' Association Center For Policy Research


Achieve, Inc. - A Resource Center on Standards, Assessment, Accountability, and Technology

Location: Cambridge, MA 02138-4956 U.S.A.

Grant Approved: 12/11/97

Grant Amount: $ 1,000,000 /3 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose: To help states benchmark their standards and assessments against those of other states and nations, and to build continuing public support for standards-based reform.

Contact: Robert B Schwartz, President, Achieve, Inc.


*IBM Corporation

“IBM Germany, known in those days as Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, or Dehomag, did not simply sell the Reich machines and then walk away. IBM’s subsidiary, with the knowledge of its New York headquarters, enthusiastically custom-designed the complex devices and specialized applications as an official corporate undertaking. Dehomag’s top management was comprised of openly rabid Nazis who were arrested after the war for their Party affiliation. IBM NY always understood---from the outset in 1933---that it was courting and doing business with the upper echelon of the Nazi Party. The company leveraged its Nazi party connections to continuously enhance its business relationship with Hitler’s Reich, in Germany, and throughout Nazi-dominated Europe.

“Dehomag and other IBM subsidiaries custom-designed the applications. Its technicians sent mock-ups of punch cards back and forth to Reich offices until the data columns were acceptable, much as any software designer would today. Punch cards could only be designed, printed, and purchased from one source: IBM. The machines were not sold, they were leased and regularly maintained and upgraded by only one source: IBM. IBM subsidiaries trained Nazi officers and their surrogates throughout Europe, set up branch offices and local dealerships throughout Nazi Europe staffed by a revolving door of IBM employees, and scoured paper mills to produce as many as 1.5 billion punch cards a year in Germany alone. Moreover, the fragile machines were serviced on the site about once per month, even when that site was in or near a concentration camp. IBM’s headquarters in Berlin maintained duplicates of man code books, much as any IBM service bureau today would maintain data backups for computers.” 2.


“President GW Bush's family spent a decade financing Hitler until in 1942 the US Congress seized many of their assets under the Trading with the Enemy Act. His father, former President George Bush, was exposed in 1988 for having numerous former Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in his presidential campaign. Recent revelations about IBM helping Hitler to categorize the German population [IBM donated the machinery for conducting a census which targeted Jewish families] in preparation for the Holocaust provide the latest evidence of how central the US corporations were to the Nazi effort.” 3.



Lilly Endowment

Lilly Endowment: “Lilly Endowment, Inc. is different from Eli Lilly and Company Foundation. The Lilly Endowment was established in 1937 by members of the Lilly family as a vehicle by which to pursue their personal philanthropic interests. The Lilly Endowment is completely separate from Eli Lilly and Company and Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and is independently managed. The Lilly Endowment cannot be solicited through the company and must be contacted directly.”

Financed by the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Co. of Indiana. Forbes estimates the family fortune at $1.3 billion. Has given millions to the AEI's [American Enterprise Institute] Center for the study of Government Regulation. Also a big supporter of the Hudson Institute, which put together W-2 (Wisconsin Works?). Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., President of Eli Lilly's North American Pharmaceutical Operations, is a member of the Hudson's Board of Trustees. --The Feeding Trough [Phil Wilaytu] [Source: Media Transparency]


Lilly Endowment of the Human Genome Project

“A $105 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. has positioned Indiana University to take a commanding role in the promising field of genomics research. This is the largest single grant ever received by the university and the largest single gift ever awarded by the Lilly Endowment. The Indiana Genomics Initiative will create a world-class biomedical enterprise, building on existing resources at the IU School of Medicine. The school currently holds $130 million in research funding, which includes funding for the only federally sponsored gene vector production and research facility, for one of three molecular hematology research centers in the country...” 4.



               The Center for Reinventing Public Education [Paul Hill] offers various publications on Charter Schools.


The RAND publication--Autonomy, Accountability, and the Values of Public Education A comparative assessment of charter school statutes leading to model legislation. By Marc Dean Millot, 1996 -- was “prepared for the Lilly Endowment” and funded by the New American Schools Development Corporation and the RAND Institute for Education and Training (IET) project on School Reform Strategy, a systems analysis of innovation in the governance of public education. The report recommends the creation of "an alternative legal framework for the formation of public schools" and supports the requirement that “charter schools…establish themselves under a state's nonprofit or business corporation’s statutes.” [emphasis added]


Paul Hill's Center for Reinventing Public Education [based at the U. of WA] homepage states: “The Center pursues a national program of research and development on such proposals as charter schools, school contracting, choice, and school system decentralization, via alliances with the Brookings Institution, The RAND Corporation, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Chicago. [emphasis added]


Eli Lilly ~ Prozac Nation

“Eli Lilly has been sued for Prozac related deaths in numerous state and federal courts with most of these cases being settled or dismissed - many were dismissed due to the unethical manipulation of the Wesbecker verdict…

“December, 1994: Not guilty verdict on Wesbecker wrongful death suit against Lilly's Prozac…

“May, 1995: Judge John Potter who presided over the Wesbecker case filed documents to demand that Lilly be forced to disclose the secret deal they made with the plaintiffs to withhold very damaging evidence in exchange for settlement. In his pleading to the court Potter stated, ‘Lilly sought to buy not just the verdict, but the court's judgment as well.’ Potter accused Lilly of ‘giving the verdict the widest possible publicity’ accompanied by the claim that Lilly had ‘proven in a court of law that Prozac was safe.’ Furious with Lilly's attempt to turn his courtroom into an advertising agency for Prozac, he claims his motion reflects ‘the court's duty to protect the integrity of the judicial system.’ He believes, as do prominent legal ethicists, that a full and open disclosure of the terms of the settlement is a necessary public safety issue.” 5.


Ø    The American Enterprise Institute


Grant Provider: The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
Recipient: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Date: 11/4/91
To support the research and publication activities of Charles Murray [co-author of The Bell Curve] during 1991-92  [Source: Media Transparency]


The Bell Curve

“It is into [the]…history of eugenics’ desire to become a syncretic religious faith and cheap substitute for western civilization that Charles Murray’s and now deceased Richard Herrnstein’s The Bell Curve comes. Had the 700-plus-page tome been published during the Renaissance, Ficinio or Pico de Mirandola would have heralded it as a Kabbalistic text. Yet, in that Gnostic vein, the book has been imaged, especially by conservatives, both paleo- and neo-, as the definitive scientific program for cutting or abolishing welfare and closing the doors to those termed ‘illegal aliens.’ By a gross act of will, The Bell Curve’s dreary one-note correlation between genetic fatalism and I.Q. is proclaimed to have made disappear the republican, constitutional and Christian elements of the social contract. What The Bell Curve really proclaims is that for everyone—not just blacks or Hispanic immigrants—the reign of virtue, social justice, sin, grace and free will are at an end…

“David Barker, scholar of eugenics, [author of] The Biology of Stupidity: Genetics, Eugenics and Mental Deficiency in the Inter-War Years…is right on the money in verifying the existence of the American and British Eugenics Societies as part of an intellectual heritage that is still very much with us and although he doesn’t identify it as such, the matrix out of which The Bell Curve grows. The American Eugenics Society is now the Society for the Study of Social Biology and the English branch is now known as the Galton Institute. Taken together they comprise the mother lode of the Eugenics Establishment on both sides of the Atlantic.

“And Murray and Herrnstein’s work comes exactly out of eugenics/sociobiology, no matter who did or did not fund the work that eventually became The Bell Curve… As it turns out, abortion and birth control are very much a part of Charles Murray’s own position against the welfare system… Murray is, after all, a colleague at the American Enterprise Institute. 6.



American Enterprise Institute Scholars [selective listing]


Robert H. Bork

Lynne V. Cheney

Dinesh D'Souza

Newt Gingrich [CFR]

Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick [CFR]

Irving Kristol [CFR]

Charles Murray

Michael Novak [CFR]


AEI Trustees, Officers & Council of Academic Advisors [selected members]




Harvey Golub
American Express Company [CFR affiliate]
John A. Luke, Jr. [CFR]
Chairman, President, and CEO
Westvaco Corporation
William S. Stavropoulos
The Dow Chemical Company [CFR affiliate]

Paul W. McCracken [CFR]


Gertrude Himmelfarb
Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus
City University of New York [Rockefeller]
Samuel P. Huntington [CFR]
Albert J. Weatherhead III
University Professor of Government
Harvard University [CFR]
D. Gale
Eliakim Hastings Moore Distinguished Service Professor of Economics Emeritus
University of Chicago [CFR/Rockefeller]
William M. Landes
Clifton R. Musser Professor of Economics
University of Chicago Law School [CFR/Rockefeller]
Daniel Patrick Moynihan [CFR]
Sam Peltzman
Sears Roebuck Professor of
Economics and Financial Services
University of Chicago [CFR/Rockefeller] Graduate School of Business


Nelson W. Polsby [CFR]
Heller Professor of Political Science
University of California at Berkeley [CFR]
George L. Priest
John M. Olin Professor of Law and Economics
Yale Law School [CFR/S&B]
Thomas Sowell
Rose and Milton Friedman [Mont Pelerin Society/ Hoover Institution]
Senior Fellow in Public Policy
Hoover Institution
Stanford University [CFR]
Murray L. Weidenbaum [CFR]
Mallinckrodt Distinguished
University Professor
Washington University [CFR]
Richard J. Zeckhauser
Frank Plumpton Ramsey Professor of Political Economy
Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University [CFR affiliate]


PART VIII: MORE Strategists for Charter Schools






1.      Fritz Springmeier, “The Satanic Bloodlines: The DuPont Bloodline,”


2.      Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust, NY: Crown Publishers, 2001, pp. 9-10. See: Washington Post Book Review: “IBM Technology Aided Holocaust, Author Alleges,” 


3.      Robert Lederman, “In Light of IBM, Will GW Bush Admit His Own Nazi Connection?,”


4.      “$105 million grant from Lilly Endowment to IU fuels Indiana Genomics Initiative,” Indiana University,


5.      “The Aftermath Of Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Fen-Phen, & Many Other Serotonergic Drugs,” Dr. Ann Tracy, International Coalition for Drugawareness, 6/20/2000,


6.      Suzanne Rini, “Life on the Norplantation: The Bell Curve and Eugenics,” Fidelity Magazine, March 1995, pp. 36-37.