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Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Internationale
Behind the Conservative Curtain:
Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front
for Corporate/Government Takeover

Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above…  John 19:11





MORE Strategists for School Choice / Charter Schools





·               Pew Charitable Trusts

·               Rockefeller Institute

·               Carnegie Foundation

·               Rand Corporation

·               Hudson Institute

·               Brookings Institution

·               Manhattan Institute

·               Annie E. Casey Foundation

·               Cato Institute

·               Hoover Institution

·               Urban Institute

·               Aspen Institute




Ø     Pew Charitable Trusts


The Pew Trusts [seven divisions] were established between 1948 and 1979 by two sons and two daughters of Sun Oil Company founder Joseph N. Pew.


In the book Thy Will be Done, The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, The Pew Family, Sun Oil Company, is identified along with other private U.S. foundations, corporations [Weyerhaeuser, Standard Oil, Placid Oil,* etc.] and the U.S. CIA in a conspiracy to take control of the oil-rich Amazon [circa the early 1900’s through the 1980’s].


*Placid Oil – Nelson Bunker Hunt, principal funder of Council for National Policy [also CNP President, Executive Committee 1983, Senior Executive Committee 1983-84, Executive Committee 1988], funder of the John Birch Society, Campus Crusade for Christ [Bill Bright, CNP Board of Governors 1982], funded Wycliffe Bible Translators’ Summer Institute of Linguistics’ International Linguistics Center (with Bill Bright).]


Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics

“…SIL’s American alias, the Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT), ‘was receiving large sums from foundations.’ Cam [Townsend]…confirmed that SIL/WBT had received $450,000 from six sources, four of them private foundations… [ff., The foundations, besides Ford, were the Crowell Trust…the Glenmede Trust (based on the Pew family’s Sun Oil Company fortune in Philadelphia and the Lilly Foundation (based on the Lilly pharmaceutical company).]…

“Dallas was growing like an incubus in Cam’s dreams for SIL’s expansion. Cam’s ties to Dallas developed out of a friendship with…a supporting group of Texas businessmen. In the public eye, the center of gravity of this group was the Hunt family, longtime supporters of SIL, and Texas most notorious oilmen… In 1967-68… Cam’s base of support among Dallas businessmen had widened to include…the chairman and a director of Texas Instruments… The core group came from Texas Instruments (TI), the giant electronics conglomerate… In 1974 the Rockefellers would reveal…that they and their family trusts owned over $17 million worth of TI’s common stock. The trust department of David’s Chase bank also held a large block of stock in TI’s bank, First National, the largest holding being controlled by the registrar, Stillman Rockefeller’s First Nation City Bank. …Cam plunged ahead with plans to expand into Dallas with a new international translation center. Right-wing oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt had made an offer Cam could not refuse: 100 acres abutting Hunt’s other properties near the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, or money toward buying any other site in the Dallas area… He built the [$5 million] International Linguistics Center that Dallas’s oilmen and electronics bigwigs wanted… Cam was now moving in different, more mainstream financial circles than from those he was accustomed to. Hunt, notwithstanding, Cam’s business allies in Dallas were part of a corporate network whose financial lines ran north to New York’s financial establishment…

“After Townsend’s death…SIL was larger than ever, wealthy with tangible assets like computers, new airplanes (including a jet), even a linguistics campus in Texas (assisted by a $100,000 gift from Sunoco’s Pew family).” 1.

“In this triumph of investigative journalism, Colby and Dennett show how Nelson Rockefeller and the largest American missionary organization [Wycliffe/ SIL] worked with the U.S. and foreign governments to secure resources and ‘pacify’ indigenous peoples in the name of democracy, corporate profit and religion, resulting in massacres and genocide.” (emphasis added) 2.


The Hunt Brothers

“[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton’s] deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler’s war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978.” 3.

For an overview on race and intelligence, Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to prove that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the scientific mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers. 4.



Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Religion


The Religion program seeks to advance a deeper understanding of religion’s contribution to the ideas, beliefs, morals and institutions that shape culture and society, and to help people of faith improve their efforts to make a greater contribution to contemporary public life.”


Today Pew lists prominent Christian ministries as Pew’s Grants to Religion recipients, including: World Vision, Christianity Today, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Evangelicals for Social Action [Ron Sider], Billy Graham Center at Wheaton University [Mark Noll], among many others. [Ron Sider of Evangelicals for Social Action also serves on the Board of Reference of the very new age Renovaré.]


[Note: The reader is able to search Pew Grants by visiting the Pew Charitable Trusts web site. Click >Search Grants<]


Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Education/ GOALS 2000 

Pew’s investment in GOALS 2000 is considerable. 

[NOTE: highly selective listing]:


The Washington Foundation University of Washington

Project Name: Center for Educational Renewal

Grant Approved: 09/25/97

Grant Amount: $ 475,000 /47 mos.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose: To support the design of model liberal arts curricula for education majors for the National Network for Educational Renewal.

Contact: Dr. John I Goodlad Ph.D., Co-Director

University of Washington, - Center for Educational Renewal


The National Center on Education and the Economy

Location: Washington, DC 20005

Grant Approved: 06/08/95

Grant Amount: $ 4,000,000 /3 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose:  To enable the Alliance to assist selected states and school districts to implement systematic reform programs to improve student performance, over three years. This is a last grant for core operating support.

Contact: Mr. Marc S Tucker, President National Center on Education and the Economy [Tucker was/is a key strategist of GOALS 2000 with Chester Finn.]

The National Center on Education and the Economy

Location: Washington, DC 20005

Grant Approved: 06/04/98

Grant Amount: $ 703,000 /6 mos.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose: To develop prototype materials for a standards-based system of curriculum and instruction.

Contact: Mr. Marc S Tucker, President National Center on Education and the Economy


The National Center on Education and the Economy

Location: Washington, DC 20005 

Grant Approved: 12/02/98

Grant Amount: $ 3,000,000 /3 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform 

Purpose: To develop classroom materials for a standards-based curriculum and instruction system.

Contact: Ms. Sally Mentor Hay, Director of Product Development National Center on Education and the Economy


New American Schools Development Corporation

Location: Arlington, VA 22209 U.S.A.

Grant Approved: 06/08/95

Grant Amount: $ 600,000 /2 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform

Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of systematic reform efforts in eight jurisdictions and to develop a school-level portfolio process to document reform, over two years.

Contact: Mr. John L Anderson, Vice Chairman New American Schools [NAS]

[New American Schools are the GOALS 2000 design teams]


New American Schools Development Corp.

Location: Arlington, VA 22209 U.S.A.

Grant Approved: 12/11/97

Grant Amount: $ 630,000 /2 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: K-12 Reform 

Purpose:  To assist schools and districts in the implementation of comprehensive standards-based school reform.

Contact: Dr. Cheryl M Kane PhD., Director of Strategy New American Schools [New American Schools are the GOALS 2000 design teams]



Ø     Rockefeller Institute


The [Nelson A.] Rockefeller Institute of Government, the public policy research arm of the State University, is recognized nationally as a respected source of expertise on American federalism and state and local public management and finance. The Institute, working closely with many state and local agencies in New York, draws on the State University’s intellectual resources and relies on academic experts throughout the country. Current areas of concentration include: the capacity of state and local governments and nonprofit organizations to manage social programs; the development and social capital of urban neighborhoods; performance measures and management; state finance, budgeting, and employment; and public higher education, including studies for the Office of the Provost on teacher education, and student preparation and remediation for higher education. [emphasis added]

Organizational Relationships

The Rockefeller Institute is part of the central administration of the State University of New York with its director appointed by the SUNY Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. While the Institute has SUNY-wide and statewide responsibilities, it has a special link with the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy of SUNY’s University at Albany…


State University of New York (SUNY)

The Chancellor of the State University of New York is the chief administrative officer of the 64-campus State University system… [the nation’s largest and most comprehensive public university system] … The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the State University of New York. It consists of sixteen members, fifteen of whom are appointed by the Governor, by and with consent of the New York State Senate.


SUNY Board of Trustees [selected trustees]

Edward Finch Cox [CFR] [married to the former Tricia Nixon, daughter of late president, Richard M. Nixon]

Nelson A. Rockefeller Jr. [eldest son of Happy and Nelson Rockefeller after his divorce]


SUNY Trustees Mandate Core Curriculum


“[In April, 1999], SUNY’s two largest representative bodies of faculty and staff had formally voted to express their lack of confidence in the board in response to the panel’s ongoing efforts to control the university’s operations and future direction. The statewide Faculty Senate and the United University Professions (UUP) both voted no-confidence regarding the trustees. The vote followed the board’s action last December mandating a core curriculum for all SUNY campuses without consulting the faculty–an action the UUP claimed had been taken without consulting the faculty. Amid the outcry, the faculty’s resolution warned, ‘the university is in a time of great jeopardy.’

“’What’s been going on in New York has been really quite serious,” says [UUP President William] Scheuerman, ‘because the board was refusing to recognize the time-honored principle of shared governance, which has existed in education for centuries and which Gov. Rockefeller and other governors had always respected.’

“Under Pataki, however, the board has adopted a top-down management style and tried to micromanage the university, without consulting the faculty, says Scheuerman. The battle over the core curriculum proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and led to the no-confidence vote.” 5. [emphasis added]



SUNY Trustees and Charter Schools


The Charter School laws are being written in a way that delivers a significant measure of control into the hands of a powerful elite. The state of New York is one example where this has happened, although without the background information one would never know.


New York State Charter School Law 1998 makes provision for the creation of charter schools: through either of two charter entities – the Board of Regents for the state of New York or the Trustees of SUNY. (A third provision is that an existing public school may convert into a charter school. There is no limitation on the number of conversions from public school to charter school status by obtaining the approval of a majority of parents of children in the school, the local school board (in New York City, the Chancellor), and the Regents.)


Only the NY state’s Board of Regents can issue a charter. The Board of Regents can select 50 charter schools each year.


The SUNY Board of Trustees may also select 50 schools every year; the state’s Board of Regents, which issues the charter, cannot deny the SUNY Trustees’ 50 choices.


Elsewhere in the law:

√ The Charter schools can be not-for Profit (501 C 3) or for-profit business or corporate entity.

√ Private schools cannot convert to charter schools. 

√ Private persons and organizations are encouraged to provide funding.

√ Charter schools are authorized to accept donations in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the donor but not contrary to the law.


[A copy of New York State Charter School Law 1998 [7881 / IN SENATE /December 17, 1998] can be found at  ]


SUNY Trustees and the Charter Schools Institute (CSI)

CSI was established by the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York (SUNY) in February 1999 to help them administer their responsibilities under the New York Charter Schools Act of 1998 (Article 56 of the New York Education Law).

CSI also will also serve the broader academic community with research and analysis on charter schools and other issues affecting K-12 education.

CSI has prepared an Application Kit for applying to the SUNY Trustees to create and operate a charter school…


Elsewhere on the Charter Schools Institute web site, the power entrusted to SUNY Trustees–the “strong system of accountability”–is delineated:


Charter schools are independent and autonomous public schools that are exempt from virtually all State and local laws, rules, and regulations except for those governing health, safety, civil rights and student assessment. The law provides a strong system of accountability for charter schools as the University Trustees and State Regents are authorized to monitor their performance and may close down a poor-performing school by revoking its charter


The formal review process also includes an outside advisory panel of charter school experts to assist the CST on its recommendations to the Trustees. [Will Manhattan Institute’s charter school experts Chester Finn and Diane Ravitch be called into service by SUNY Trustees?]


…[Each] approved applicant [must] enter into a written contractual agreement with CSI [made up of the SUNY Trustees], [emphasis added]


John D. Rockefeller

“The Rockefeller ‘philanthropies’ were conceived and planned as the nucleus of the political control and government of the projected Rockefeller Empire during its formative period of world conquest by propaganda of a ‘new social order’, in other words, subversion. They are superbly organized to serve to the best advantage all the purposes of Bismarck’s ‘New Deal’. They constitute the most Machiavellian conspiracy in all human history.

“The ‘philanthropies’ were shrewdly designed to retain control for the Rockefellers of all the activities fostered and all profits, actual and potential, tangible and intangible, derived therefrom, while forcing others to assume the bulk of the costs….

“William S. Dutton, Rockefeller propagandist, writing for Collier’s magazine, issue of April 28, 1951, relates that though there were antitrust laws that barred Rockefeller from attaining his objective of monopoly in business, there was no barrier to his attaining it through ‘philanthropy’.” 6.




Ø     Carnegie Foundation

Marc Tucker, who heads the National Center on Education and the Economy/NCEE [Pew grants, above], came out of Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching [CFAT].


More Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Education:


The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Project Name: Carnegie Academy for the Study of Teaching and Learning

Location: Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.

Grant Approved: 12/11/97

Grant Amount: $ 4,765,000 /5 yrs.

Program Area: Education

Sub-Category: Higher Education Reform 

Purpose: To establish the Carnegie Teaching Academy.

Contact: Dr. Patricia Hutchings Ph.D., Director, Carnegie Teaching Academy, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching


Andrew Carnegie

“The program of monopolistic control of foundations, philanthropies, and charities was initiated by John D. Rockefeller himself in the ‘merger’ of Carnegie ‘philanthropies’ with his own, by direct arrangement with old Andrew Carnegie… Nevins points out (JDR v. 2, p. 39)

‘As a matter of fact, Rockefeller and Carnegie were personally always on the best of terms…’ William S. Dutton, Rockefeller propagandist, writing for Collier’s magazine, issue of April 28, 1951, relates that though there were antitrust laws that barred Rockefeller from attaining his objective of monopoly in business, there was no barrier to his attaining it through ‘philanthropy’. He relates that Rockefeller and Carnegie merged their foundations, in effect, with an agreement to collaborate, not to compete or overlap, an understanding, he reports, that is still effective between their foundations. Thus did John D. Sr. lay the basis for a ‘Philanthropy Trust’ that was destined to attain for himself and his descendants the subjugation of the world that he sought.

“The pro-British slant of the Carnegie philanthropies was made to fit into the Rockefeller scheme of things, when the Marxist Labor Party, that was heavily subsidized by them, took over the government. On the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, one of the most important of the Carnegie group from the viewpoint of propaganda in international affairs, sit David Rockefeller and his kinsman John Foster Dulles, chairman of the Board, along with Alger Hiss as President as late as 1949, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ambassador at Large Philip Jessup. It is also noteworthy that Senator Robert A. Taft served as Trustee, in the years 1935-1938, on the Board of this Rockefeller-dominated ‘internationalist’ outfit.” 7.




See: THE INQUIRY, Council on Foreign Relations & Carnegie Endowment for International Peace



Ø     Rand Corporation

RAND was set up by the federal government just after World War II to assist in establishing public policy “through research and development.” RAND’s Herman Kahn would later go on to found the Hudson Institute. 


RAND Policy Analysis Network

[Many of RAND’s policy think tanks are located at major universities – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. Paul Hill, a Senior Social Scientist for RAND (based at the University of Washington), is mentioned throughout this charter school report.]


Lynn E. Davis, V.P. Rand Corp. [CFR/TC]


More Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Education/ GOALS 2000:


Rand Corporation

Project Name: Council for Aid to Education

Location:  Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138

Grant Approved: 03/03/99

Grant Amount: $104,000 /1 yr.

Program Area: Education

Purpose:  To design a new way that the federal government might certify institutional eligibility to receive federal funds


Ø     Hudson Institute


“Hudson Institute is an internationally recognized public policy research organization that forecasts trends and develops solutions for governments, businesses and the public. Founded in 1961 by the late Herman Kahn, the Indianapolis-based not-for-profit 501I(3) organization has more than 70 researchers and employees at its eight offices worldwide.” (Kahn had been previously been at the RAND Corporation – a policy think tank established by the federal government.)


“Hudson Institute is a private, not-for-profit research organization headquartered in Indianapolis…Hudson Institute was founded in 1961 by the late Herman Kahn and colleagues from the RAND Corporation.” [emphasis added] (Source: Outcome-Based Education [policy brief, crediting Hudson Institute's contribution to the brief], Mackinac Center for Public Policy [Heritage Foundation affiliate], 1995)


Hudson Financing from the Bradley Foundation


Hudson Institute has been a recipient of grants totaling: $9,325,103 between the years 1987 to 1999: Bradley Foundation, Olin Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation,  Scaife Family Foundation, Carthage Foundation [Scaife], Earhart Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, JM Foundation, [source: Media Transparency]


See upcoming Charitable Choice Report, Hudson Institute’s Welfare Policy Center [Amy Sherman] and the W-2 Conference, Wisconsin.



[selective listing]


Walter P. Sterns [Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)], Chairman of the Board


Kenneth Duberstein [CFR]

Pierre S. DuPont [CNP]

Prof. Roger D. Fisher [Harvard Law School; CFR

Alexander M. Haig, Jr. [CFR, Knights of Malta

Dan Quayle [CFR, Bilderberg Group]

Beurt Servaas [CNP, OSS/CIA, 1941-45]

Jay Van Andel* [Co-founder with Rich DeVos (CNP) of Amway; Founder of Van Andel Research Institute]


William E. Odom, Senior Fellow, Director, National Security Issues [CFR

Norman Podhoretz, Senior Fellow [CFR]

Denis P. Doyle, Senior Fellow, GOALS 2000, Resident or Visiting Fellow at several public policy organizations including Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute, and the Heritage Foundation

Herbert I. London, President, Indianapolis Office

Michael J. Horowitz, Senior Fellow, Director, Project for Civil Justice Reform, Director, Project for International Religious Liberty]

Amy Sherman, Senior Fellow, Welfare Policy Center


Frank C. Carlucci [CFR; Trilateral Commission

Paula Dobriansky, Vice President [CFR/Director, Washington Office, Council on Foreign Relations; Host of National Empowerment Television Freedom’s Challenge] 

Mary Eberstadt [CFR

Dr. Stephen F. Starr [CFR/Trilateral Commission; Director, Rockefeller Brothers Foundation; Chairman, Central Asia Institute, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University] 


Also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations is Hudson Institute/GOALS 2000 SCANS committee member, J. Paul Sticht, who expressed the view that the future workforce need not be educated, but “managed and trained...although a small cadre of highly educated creative people are essential to innovation and growth.”


*Jay Van Andel, who co-founded the Amway Corporation with Rich DeVos [CNP] in 1959, is also a trustee of the Heritage Foundation. Van Andel’s Heritage Profile mentions that he “has also served as Chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce...”  In Washington state, 1992 and 1994 legislation established the GOALS 2000-related Family Policy Council [state level] and 53 Community Networks [state-wide]. The 1994 – HB2319 legislation stipulated that each of the 53 networks would have a 23-member board and that three members were to be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce.


The Chamber of Commerce
     “By 1930, plans for the new blanket organization to serve the Chamber’s purposes, the United Nations, were well under way. The Chamber of Commerce had the cooperation of tax-exempt foundations, some of which, such as the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation, had been set up early in the century. Large banks and trusts could see future profits for themselves if they cooperated with the Chamber, and the cooperation of international corporations was assumed, especially since Thomas J. Watson, President of International Business Machines (IBM) was President of the International Chamber of Commerce and a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. University cooperation was no problem because there were many close ties, financial and otherwise, between the above groups and universities such as Harvard, Columbia, etc. University policy planners, economists, and sociologists were also eager to extend their influence and enlarge their campuses.”
     “Through efforts of the Chamber coalition the United Nations was born”
     “[One of the initiatives in the] Chamber-advocated management system: [The]Voucher system for education 8.


Jay Van Andel is also founder of the Van Andel Research Institute and the Van Andel Education Institute.


Van Andel Research Institute & The Human Genome Project


“At a news conference in Washington, D.C., to announce publication of most of the genome findings, experts, including Dr. Francis Collins, the U-M [University of Michigan] geneticist on loan as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, cautioned that new therapies may take 10 to 20 years to develop. 

“Michigan’s budding genomics industry has benefited from the gene race. Last year, Michigan awarded the first $50 million in grants from its new Live Science Initiative.

“The initiative will use $1 billion in tobacco settlement money to entice other private and federal investments to Michigan during a 20-year period. Each project funded must involve two of the initiative’s four partners: U-M, Wayne State University, Michigan State University and the Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids. Together, they are referred to as Michigan’s new Life Sciences Research Corridor.

“Collaborative efforts are already taking shape. In Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and East Lansing, research teams from a wide range of specialties are at work…

“On the other side of the state, the Van Andel Research Institute has hired 90 new scientists since its opening last year…in downtown Grand Rapids. The institute also plans to add nearly 460 more scientists.

“Four Nobel Prize Laureates advised the group. Its president, Dr. Louis Tomatis, boarded a plane Monday to tell audiences in London and Paris how Michigan’s Life Sciences Research Corridor can be a model abroad.” 9.


The Human Genome Project, as it admits on the very first page of its website, is derived from the eugenics movement in the US and Nazi Germany during the first half of the 20th century. The Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor NY- where American eugenics started – was built by the Harriman family – the Bushes’ Wall Street business partners in funding Hitler. This is the new frontier of colonialism in the 21st century – the total domination and exploitation of the earth and everything on it – the New World Order both former President Bush and Adolf Hitler so frequently called for.” 10.


“What whites fail to realize is that the eugenical brief for genetic fatalism will eventually spread, via such initiatives as the in progress Human Genome Project, to everyone. We all carry our ‘load’ of genetic opprobrium and once this load can be ‘read’ by a simple blood test, who knows how we shall fare?” 11.


Hudson Education Timeline [abbreviated]



Hudson became the new home of the Educational Excellence Network. [Chester Finn and Diane Ravitch]

Hudson created the Modern Red Schoolhouse project, the largest and most important private contract in its history. [Note: This was one of eleven schools chosen by GOALS 2000 as a model school; a case where the strategists picked their own design teams in a media event ‘national contest.’]



Hudson’s Future of Education project recommended school standards and reform.

[Note: This project was most probably the work of Chester Finn or his Hudson associate Bruno Manno. Manno is also with the Annie E. Casey Foundation.]



At its inaugural Workforce 2020 Conference, Hudson unveiled the Center for Workforce Development, which studies economic trends and future U.S. workforce issues. [Note: The corporations, through public/private partnerships, will be free to design a workforce for their own purposes.]


More Pew Charitable Trusts Grants to Education


Hudson Institute, Inc.

Grant Approved: 06/08/1995 – Indianapolis, IN

Amount: $ 400,000/38 mos.

Purpose: To analyze the implementation of public charter schools, over two years.

Contact: Dr. Chester E Finn Jr., Ph.D, Project Director

Education Excellence Network


GOALS 2000 and Hudson Institute

Modern Red School House design team: William Bennett, Denis Doyle, Pierre du Pont IV and Chester Finn


Chester Finn & Diane Ravitch as Advisory Consultants on GOALS 2000


Education Excellence Network's Education Policy Committee [1994] 12.


Co-Chairs: Chester Finn and Diane Ravitch


[Note: The EPC interfaces with GOALS 2000 advisors on education policy.]


Lamar Alexander, Senior Fellow Hudson Institute

Jeanne Allen, Center For Education Reform

Leslye Arsht, GOALS 2000 Coalition

William Bennett, Empower America

Clint Bolick, Institute for Justice

[See Dr. Dobson & Focus on the Family: the 'Christian' Think Tank]

Samuel Brunelli, American Legislative Exchange Council

[See Faith-Based Welfare Reform: All that Glitters is not God, The Empowerment Network  --

Empowerment: Blueprint for Change, Sam and Robin Brunelli]

Linda Chavez, Manhattan Institute [nominated by Bush for US Sec. of Labor]

Denis Doyle, Hudson Institute

Pierre du Pont IV, Partner Richards, Layton and Finger [Hudson Institute]

John Fund, Wall Street Journal

Stephen Goldsmith [Chairman of Manhattan Institute's Center for Civic Innovation]

Joan Grady, US Dept. of Education, Mid-Continent Regional Education Laboratory

Wade Horn, National Fatherhood Initiative

[NFI advisory includes William Bennett, Dick DeVos [CNP, Amway] and Jeff

Kemp - Dobson's WA state affiliate. See Faith-Based Welfare Reform: All that Glitters is not God]

William J. Hume [Trustee at the Heritage Foundation]

David Kearns, New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) [former Xerox CEO]

Byron Lamm, State Policy Network [Heritage Foundation org]

Joseph Murphy, Vanderbuilt University

Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

Mitchell B. Pearlstein,* Center for The American Experiment

Donald M. Stewart, The College Board

Herbert J. Walberg, Research Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago

     [Note: Walberg is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution;

       See Charter Schools, Part X: The Hoover Institution]


Mitchell B. Pearlstein, Ph.D.*


Mitchell B. Pearlstein is the president and founder of the Center of the American Experiment, a conservative think tank based in Minneapolis, Minnesota… Pearlstein then spent 2.5 years in the U.S. Department of Education, during the Reagan and Bush administrations, where he worked with others who led and lead the voucher and school commercialization movements, including William Bennett, Chester Finn, and Lamar Alexander.


In 1990, Pearlstein, with the help of the Bradley Foundation, a welcoming editorial in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and other support, launched the Center of the American Experiment, which he at the time called a “conservative think tank,” and was self-styled as a knock off of the Heritage Foundation. The Center was one of many such conservative, regional or state “think tanks” created in the late 1980s and early 1990s… Also see Center of The American Experiment.  [emphasis added] 


Hudson Institutes Chester Finn on education:


“The tradition of local control may need to be altered to admit the influence of external change agents.”

  [Chester Finn, Jr., “Reinventing Local Control,” Education Week, January 23, 1991.] 


Chester E. Finn, Jr. is a founding partner with the Edison Project, a school-for-profit company. Microsoft’s billionaire co-founder Paul Allen is also a partner with the Edison Project. 


Chester Finns white paper on Charter Schools 1997: “Charter Schools in Action” is a two-year study [Part I in a series of seven reports] by the Hudson Institutes Educational Excellence Network. Supported by: The Pew Charitable Trusts


See: Amy Sherman, Hudson Institute, Faith-Based Welfare Reform Report [coming soon]

Additional information: Watch Unto Prayer report The Hudson Institute



PART IX: MORE Strategists for Charter Schools





  1. Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett, Thy Will be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, HarperCollins Publishers, 1995, pp. 69-70, 822
  2. Ibid., back cover.
  3. Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, The New Right and the Republican Party, South End Press, 1988, pp. 45-6.
  4. “Racism, Intelligence and the Working Class,” Progressive Labor Party, 4th Edition, February 1995,
  5. “Does Rocky II Signal a SUNY Comeback?”, Scott Christianson, Empire State Report, July 1999,
  6. Emanuel M Josephson, Rockefeller “Internationalist”, Chedney Press, 1952, p. 90-91.
  7. Ibid., pp. 92-93.
  8. Erica Carle, “The Chamber of Commerce: Its Power and Goals,” December, 1983.
  9. “State to Help to Light the Genome Path: Research Teams Focus on Banishing Diseases,” Patricia Anstett, Detroit Free Press, Feb. 13, 2001;
  10. Robert Lederman, “GW Bush Gang: IG Farben 2001”,
  11. Suzanne Rini, “Life on the Norplantation: The Bell Curve and Eugenics,” Fidelity, March 1995, p. 40.
  12. Looking Back, Thinking Ahead, American School Reform 1993-1995, Chester Finn and Diane Ravitch, Hudson Institute, ©1994.