“Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from them moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion... But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism...” (Protocol 17)
Every summer John MacArthur and Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California host a youth camp and church carnival. Regeneration Summer Camp draws 800 to 1,000 high school age youth from Grace Community Church and MacArthur-related churches all over the United States. The five day camp is traditionally held at the end of July and culminates in a church Carnival immediately following the Sunday evening service. For many years Regeneration Summer Camp was held at Glorieta Camp in New Mexico but the venue changed in 2013 to Point Loma Nazarene University. Grace Community Church also sponsors a Juniors’ Winter Camp for grades 4 through 6 at Forest Home Camp and Retreat Center.
Forest Home Conference Center in San Bernardino, CA was established in 1938 by Henrietta Mears to train promising young men such as Billy Graham and Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade, to be agents of change who would draw Christians into the global ecumenical and interfaith movement. Teachers at Forest Home included Billy Graham, J. Edwin Orr, Harold Ockenga and Charles Fuller, who with Orr and Ockenga co-founded the National Association of Evangelicals. Charles Fuller was also the founder of Fuller Seminary and worked closely with John MacArthur’s father, Jack MacArthur, who directed the Charles E. Fuller Evangelistic Foundation which funded Fuller Seminary in 1947. Today Fuller Theological Seminary is an ecumenical think tank which has fostered, nurtured, and promoted the apostasy of the Christian church globally. For more information, please read John MacArthur's Father's Involvement at the Highest Level of the World Ecumenical Movement.
Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA was originally the headquarters of the Theosophical Society and is also the alma mater of James and Shirley Dobson. Point Loma Nazarene University’s Campus Tour actually features a tribute to the Theosophical Society. (See “Focus on the Family Ties to The Theosophical Society”) The Theosophical Society was founded in 1885 by Madame Helena P. Blavatsky to promulgate the secret doctrine that a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, who are advanced spiritual beings, are guiding the evolution of humanity toward perfection and immortality.
Glorieta Camp in New Mexico was owned by the Southern Baptist Convention for 50 years but sold in 2013 to a for profit organization, Camp Eagle. The SBC sold Glorieta Camp for $1 and paid below market prices to homeowners on leased land who had been given assurances they would receive fair market value for their homes. Technically, it was LifeWay Ministries of the Southern Baptist Convention which owned and sold Glorieta, making it possible for the SBC to avoid the bad publicity.
A former member of Grace Community Church expressed genuine concerns about the events of the 2010 Regeneration Summer Camp held in Glorieta, NM and the Grace Community Church Carnival which followed:
“At this year’s event, Rick Holland, John MacArthur and Austin Duncan attended and preached. GCC also invites several other churches in various states. The camp was 5 days of ‘activities’—small groups, dozens of games...a well-known ‘Christian’ rapper, Austin and Rick taking stage and rapping, more games (some starting as late as 10:00PM). These games were continuous the whole conference. I’ve been told that one game involved teams trying to avoid touching a pig’s head.
“...we attended a CARNIVAL at GCC last night. Another unbelievable event—20+ ‘activities’, including bowling, face-painting.... judging from the Carnival activities, I would say that GCC needs no help planning these pagan activities... And I kept noticing one child after another being paraded up to ‘pose’ for a picture after the wicked adults had painted their faces...’”
Pagan activities? Face painting? Pigs head?
The major festivals of the pagan world are Samhain (October 30-31), Imbolc (February 1-2), Beltane (April 30-May 1) and Lughnasadh (August 1). During these celebrations, pagans honor their false gods by painting their faces and bodies and participating in warrior games, fertility (sex) rituals and even animal and human sacrifices.
As previously stated, John MacArthur’s “Regeneration” youth camp is traditionally held at the end of July and generally coincides with the dates of the Celtic Druid festival of Lughnasadh. 1. The 2010 camp/conference was held from July 26-30, and the annual Grace Community Church “Carnival” which followed fell on Sunday, August 1, the feast of Lughnasadh:
Sunday, August 01, 2010 Summer Family Fest: Campus Carnival
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: Campus-wide
Ministry: Children’s Ministry
This summer Sunday-evening event has become a family favorite. Join us after the evening service for a great time of games, food, and fun. Activities for all ages and interests will be available across the campus.
Summer Family Fest: Building the Family One Blast at a Time
“Since early times carnivals have been accompanied by parades, masquerades, pageants, and other forms of revelry that had their origins in pre-Christian pagan rites, particularly fertility rites that were connected with the coming of spring and the rebirth of vegetation.” (Pagan Revelry: The Days Are Evil)
According to the Fellowship of Isis, Lughnasadh is also the Celtic Druid “Festival of Regeneration,” the name chosen for John MacArthur’s annual summer youth camp:
“(Druids Calendar) August 1 (Kerea 22), widely known also as Lammas and Lughnasadh, is the feast of regeneration.
“From The Coming Age issue 11 (Lux Madriana):“Regeneration. The festivals of late summer open the great Mysteries of Life cycle which spans a quarter of the year. They celebrate the Goddess as the Source of all life, the Creatrix and Sustainer of the cycles of existence through which the soul moves. The ultimate revolution in the life of every soul... turning back to the Goddess is particularly a subject for meditation during the late summer and autumn. The symbol of the Festival of Regeneration is the ear of corn... This festival is concerned with the movement between lives and the resurgence of new life, celebrating the Mother of our rebirth and the Daughter as Our Lady of the Dark Gates, She who guards and guides all souls in the transition from one life to the next. For each soul must pass through many existences, on this world or elsewhere... Throughout this journey [back to the Goddess] our Lady is watching over us, giving us life and strength. Ears of corn and bread made from the new wheat may be offered at the Rite on this day.”
The feast of Lughnasadh on August 1 is “the last of the four great fire festivals of the Celtic year,” during which the veil between the material world and the spirit realm is lifted. The period preceding the actual feast is set apart for rituals invoking the pagan gods:
“One of several historic sources for the four Celtic fire festivals Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh and Samhain is the early medieval Irish tale ‘Tochmarc Emire’... One of these days is Lughnasadh, marking the beginning of fall. It takes place on the 1st of August, a date internationally agreed upon, or on the day of the full moon next to this date, if you want to celebrate when the ancient Celts probably did.” (The Order of Bards & Druids)
“Celebrated on August Eve or August 1, this is the last of the four great fire festivals of the Celtic year... Often, celebrations would last for weeks or even the entire month beginning mid-July and commencing thru mid-August... Lughnasadh is ruled of the celestial lion, Leo... Typical astrology places Leo from July 23 to August 22... As Leo is ruled by the sun, and at Lughnasadh, we honour the sun God in his role as the provider of the harvest; the life-giving rays of the sun enabled the fields to grow.” (PaganFest)
“Lughnasadh or Lughnasa ... is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season that was historically observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Originally it was held on 31 July–1 August, or approximately halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox However, over time the celebrations shifted to the Sundays nearest this date. Lughnasadh is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals; along with Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane.” (Lughnasadh)
According to Wikipedia, “Lughnasadh is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and is believed to have pagan origins. The festival itself is named after the god Lugh.” (Lughnasadh) “Lugh,” which means Shining One (‘Lucifer’?), was a giant of the Nephilim in Genesis 6.
“The Nephilim: These were the Sons of God who in Genesis interbred with humans, creating a race of giants. They were called ‘The Watchers’ in The Book of Enoch.
“The Tuatha de Danaan: This was a race of Celtic giants and father gods. Like the Cainites and other giants, they were said to dwell in underground kingdoms or inside hollow mountains. One of the chief deities was Lugus, a name that translates to ‘Shining One’, revealing an astonishing connection to Sumer’s deified giant kings.”
Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways
“The Irish Sun God, Lugh, literally ‘the shining One,’ was a god of skills and was even said to be able to come into human form worship among the Druids for whom he was the primary deity. He was also the God of the Harvests, Fire, Light, and Metallurgy, and he was the protector and defender of the weak and ill. As the King of the Tuatha De Danaan, a mythical race of early Celts, he was one of the consorts of Dana, the first Great Mother Goddess of Ireland. As such, much of the Celtic Lughnasadh celebration focused on him. Though this Sabbat is named in honor of a god, the Goddess aspect features prominently, too. The Irish Goddess Dana, as Lugh’s Queen, is also venerated... The Goddess is honored and thanked for brining forth the fruits...” (p. 174)
The festival of Lughnasadh was also called Lammas and the “feast of first fruits” in order to Christianize/Judaize its forbidden customs and dissociate it from the Druid god, Lugh.
“In some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere, August 1 is Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, ‘loaf-mass’), the festival of the wheat harvest, and is the first harvest festival of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be harvested at Lammastide. The loaf was blessed, and in Anglo-Saxon England it might be employed afterwards to work magic:... a book of Anglo-Saxon charms directed that the lammas bread be broken into four bits, which were to be placed at the four corners of the barn, to protect the garnered grain. In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present freshly harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it is referred to regularly, it is called ‘the feast of first fruits’. The blessing of first fruits was performed annually in both the Eastern and Western Churches on the first or the sixth of August (the latter being the feast of the Transfiguration of Christ).” (Lammas)
Lugh was a mighty warrior and the Celtic god of war—a giant like Nimrod, the mighty hunter of men who defied God. (Gen. 10-8-9) Lugnasadh was therefore an ancient warrior festival which included “funeral games” alleged to have been held in honor of Lugh’s deceased foster mother, Talti. It is more probable that the “funeral” was for the human victims who were sacrificed.
“Recent evidence that Druids possibly committed cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice—perhaps on a massive scale—add weight to ancient Roman accounts of Druidic savagery, archaeologists say. After a first century B.C. visit to Britain, the Romans came back with horrific stories about these high-ranking priests of the Celts, who had spread throughout much of Europe over a roughly 2,000-year period. Julius Caesar, who led the first Roman landing in 55 B.C., said the native Celts ‘believe that the gods delight in the slaughter of prisoners and criminals, and when the supply of captives runs short, they sacrifice even the innocent’... Recent gruesome finds appear to confirm the Romans’ accounts, according to Secrets of the Druids, a new documentary airing Saturday on the U.S. National Geographic Channel.” (Druid Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism)
The ancient festival of Lughnasadh was also a festival of “warrior magic” invoking the warrior god through ritual magic. Initiation rites, chanting and dancing in circles incited the warriors into a frenzy, creating altered states and a group mind which lowered inhibitions regarding the taking of human life.
Anna Franklin and Paul Mason, Lewellyn Publications, 2001
“The Traditional Craft celebrates Lughnasa as a festival of warrior magic and male energies. the warrior here is a psychic warrior; his weapons are his body, mind, and spirit. These must be trained to work in harmony. The warrior faces his own fears; he develops his spiritual courage and hones his will.” (Lammas: Celebrating the Fruits of the First Harvest, p. 138)
“The Deities of Lughnasadh are Danu (Anu), the Mother of Gods and Men, and Lugh, the patron of scholars, craftsmen, warriors and magicians.” (The Druid Way)
“Lughnassadh is named for the Celtic God Lugh. The derivation of his name is a bit obscure but may mean ‘light.’ He is viewed as the God of many different things including: 1) sworn contracts. 2) the plow. 3) the master of the fields. 4) the young warrior and champion of the gods. 5) a thunder god. 6) the bringer of storms. 7) a lightning god. 8) the supreme craftsman of all crafts.” (Wisdom of Wicca)
“Lugh - The Solar god of the Gallicans (Celts). Could Lugh be the origin of the name Lucifer the Light Bringer?
1. Ireland, Wales. The Shining One; Sun god; god of war; ‘many-skilled’; ‘fair-haired one’; ‘white or shining’; a hero god. His feast is Lughnassadh, a harvest festival... ‘He was carpenter, mason, smith, harper, poet, Druid, physician, and goldsmith. War, magic, commerce, reincarnation, lightning, water, arts and crafts, manual arts, journeys, martial arts, blacksmiths, poets, harpers, musicians, historians, sorcerors, healing, revenge, initiation, prophecy.’ (Celtic Deities)” (LUCIFER: More On Lucifer)
The warrior theme is apparent in John MacArthur’s Regeneration Camp as seen in the photos below, which show many campers with painted faces and bodies participating in games that are traditionally held during the festival of Lughnasadh.
These Regeneration campers and counselors are emulating the
*Regeneration Summer Camp Promo*
Celtic Druid Torch Ritual & War Cry
Source: National Geographic
(*CAVEAT*: There is nudity in this photo
which highlights the demonic nature of Druidry)
According to National Geographic, the ancient Celts were a warrior culture, “a civilization of aristocratic warrior tribes. The word ‘Celtic’ comes from the Greek Keltoi, first appearing in the sixth century B.C. to describe ‘barbarians’ living inland from the Mediterranean Sea.”
“For hundreds of years the Celtic warrior represented the quintessential barbarian warrior to the settled peoples of the Mediterranean... Their attacks on the battlefield were fearless, wild and savage, but they were also skilled and deadly....
“The Celts were a warrior culture. Fighters were admired like heroes and courage in the battleground was an important virtue. The Celtic elite fighters functioned as models, which should inspire other warriors by their courage. The Celts cut off the heads of killed enemies and collected them...
“One of the main motivations of Celtic warriors was the pursuit of glory and to this end the Celts loved exhibition when in battle... Warriors often painted themselves with woad, a blue dye, or used war cries in order to intimidate their enemies. Celtic warriors would also wear horned helmets or helmets topped with horse tails into the battle to intimidate their enemies and make themselves appear taller...” (Celtic Warriors)
In his commentary on Leviticus 19:28, British theologian Adam Clarke noted the striking parallel between the marks on the body which were customs in ancient pagan idolatry and the mark of the Beast that will be mandatory during the Tribulation.
“Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”
“It was a very ancient and a very general custom to carry marks on the body in honor of the object of their worship... Most of the barbarous nations lately discovered have their faces, arms, breasts, etc., curiously carved or tattooed, probably for superstitious purposes. Ancient writers abound with accounts of marks made on the face, arms, etc., in honor of different idols; and to this the inspired penman alludes, Revelation 13:16,17; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4, where false worshippers are represented as receiving in their hands and in their forehead the marks of the beast.”
“Ye shall not...print any marks upon you:”
LADY GAGA - APPLAUSE album cover
Interspersed among the Regeneration Camp and Forest Home Camp photos are pictures and information from pagan sources which expose the pagan origins of these customs. Regeneration and Forest Home campers may not realize it but they are “learning the way of the heathen” which God has forbidden His people to do:
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen...
For the customs of the people are vain.
...they are altogether brutish and foolish:
...a doctrine of vanities.” Jeremiah 10:2-3,8
Summer Solstice Celebration at Stonehenge
“You can make stencils to use when body painting, using symbols that represent your particular religion, or totem animal, or you can also use Celtic knotwork. Each is common. Face painting is always fun for everyone, especially the kids!...” (Lughnasadh: Activities at Lammas)
Summer Solstice Celebrations at Stonehenge
“...faces blackened with soot or red ochre. English Morris men can be found with faces painted in various colors including red, yellow, black, and green. Such traditions are constantly being reinvented... For your Lammas celebrations, you can paint on tribal marks and Celtic patterns, or make up yourself and your friends to represent totem animals associated with the festival... Children find face painting great fun, and it is perfectly safe.” (Lammas: Celebrating the Fruits of the First Harvest, p. 142)
“Celtic Tradition says that Pictish warriors painted their bodies with woad to present a threatening appearance to their enemies. Woad is a yellow flowered plant, and gives a blue color, much like that of blue jeans today... You can make stencils to use when body painting, using symbols that represent your particular religion, or totem animal, or you can also use Celtic knotwork. Each is common.
“Face painting is always fun for everyone, especially the kids!... Paint your face to look like your totem, or to look threatening, much like the warriors did in their time...” (Lughnasadh: Activities at Lammas)
“Julius Caesar tells us (in De Bello Gallico) that the Britanni used to colour their bodies blue with vitrum,...The northern inhabitants of Britain came to be known as Picts (Picti), which means ‘painted ones’ in Latin, and may have been due to these accounts of them painting or tattooing their bodies.” (Wikipedia)
Summer Solstice Celebration at Stonehenge
*Forest Home Summer Camp Promo*
6-Pointed Star on Forehead & Illuminated Eye
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:” (Rev. 14:9)
Contradicting God’s Word, John MacArthur teaches: “Those who take the mark of the Beast can still be redeemed.”
“The overarching theme of Chinese sexology, of course, is the union of yin and yang.”
“Resonating on many levels, it is physically man and woman and metaphysically masculine and feminine. As technical terms in sexology, yang may refer to the male gender, the male member, or sexual essence; whereas yin may refer to the female gender, the private parts of both sexes, or sexual secretions. Leaner and more abstract than such mythical personifications as Venus and Apollo or Shiva and Shakti, the yin-yang paradigm nevertheless gives ample scope for man and woman to play the roles of heaven and earth and adds a metaphysical dimension to the commerce of the bedroom... The glorification of yin in early Taoist philosophy, and the emphasis on the balance of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine, gives way to the search for pure yang in alchemy, meditation, and sexual yoga.”
Source: Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women’s Solo Meditation Texts, Douglas Wile, Feb 1992.
Regeneration Summer Camp Promo
The campers and counselors in this section are displaying Wiccan hand signs which reveals they are Wiccans, Druids or other pagan cult and that they are invoking pagan gods at the Lugnasadh / Regeneration festival which is Camp Regeneration. According to Crafting Wiccan Traditions by Raven Grimassi, the upraised thumb and pinky finger on the right hand is the sign for invoking the “Horned God.” The same configuration on the left hand invokes the “Crescent Crowned Goddess.” The upraised forefinger and pinky finger is the Wiccan gesture for banishing spirits, i.e., the Holy Spirit. These hand signs are used in Wiccan rituals to establish communication with demonic spirits. The author of Crafting Wiccan Traditions also sells stone images of the Horned God and Crescent Crowned Goddess in his store for only $200.
This camper/counselor is invoking the Horned God and the Crescent Crowned Goddess.
Regeneration Camp / Satanic Hand Sign
The next photo is Pastor Rick Holland, one of the three leaders of Camp Regeneration in 2011. For 25 years Rick Holland served as the Executive Pastor of Grace Community Church under John MacArthur. Note Pastor Holland’s hands in the photo below. He is summoning the Horned God and the Crescent Crowned Goddess as he preaches to the youth assembly. This is also a Masonic hand signal. It is unnatural to do, especially with both hands, accidentally.
Pastor Rick Holland at Regeneration Camp 2011
Rick Holland is not blessing the youth but is casting a spell on them.
“A wandless spell is a spell which is performed without the use of a wand. This form of magic can be particularly volatile, and can only be used effectively by powerful and disciplined wizards and witches. Sometimes, specific hand gestures focus the power of the spell and guide it to the target. This magic can be coupled with silent magic to cast spells under any circumstances.” (Harry Potter Wiki)
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?
who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:4
Another tradition of Druid festivals and John MacArthur’s Regeneration Youth Camp is the sacrificial pig. Offering a ritually sacrificed pig is performed on Lugnasadh not only in covens but in synagogues and churches as well as Regeneration Camp:
“In some covens (and in synagogues and some churches) a part of the August harvest is placed on the central altar as an offering of thanks to the bountiful deities...
“Lughnasadh has always been a Sabbat where only grains and vegetables were sacrificed, as animal sacrifices were usually reserved for the autumn holidays. But in Romania’s Transylvanian Alps, high in the dark Carpathian Mountains, there is a ritual enacted on the first Sunday of every August that has obvious pagan roots and does involve animal sacrifice. At daybreak, a procession of peasants take a live sow up the steep slopes of Mt. Chefleau where it is ritually slain in thanks for the abundant harvest. The blood of the animal must be allowed to flow into the earth. Then the fingers of the right hand touch the blood on the ground and are used to mark the sign of the cross—for protection and self-blessing—on the forehead. For centuries the local priests in this deeply Catholic land have tried to no avail to put a stop to this odd and ancient ritual. The peasantry, though they now offer their thanks and prayers to the Christian God, are convinced that their next harvest would be blighted should this ritual ever be allowed to go unobserved.
“Modern covens that wish to mimic this custom, especially those following Slavic traditions, might choose to bring a pig (even a small guinea pig would do) into the Lughnasadh circle and honor it. Pigs have been sacred to the Mother Goddess in almost every culture on earth, probably because they efficiently convert small amounts of raw grain quickly into large amounts of lean meat, therefore the pig symbolizes abundance just like the Goddess of the Harvest. Use red wine spilled on the ground to represent her blood and mark yourselves with equilateral crosses or pentagrams as a way of self-blessing.” (Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways, Edain McCoy, p. 175)
“The pagan Anglo-Saxons performed animal sacrifice in honour of the gods... There are several cases where animal remains were buried in what appears to be ritualistic conditions, for instance at Frilford, Berkshire, a pig or boar’s head was buried with six flat stones and two Roman-era tiles then placed on top... Archaeologist David Wilson stated that these may be ‘evidence of sacrifices to a pagan god.’ (Anglo-Saxon Paganism)
“In some cases, animal skulls, particularly oxen but also pig, were buried in human graves, a practice that was also found in earlier Roman Britain. Certain Anglo-Saxon burials appeared to have ritualistic elements to them, implying that a religious rite was performed over them during the funeral.” (Wikipedia)
“The pig and its wild relative, the boar, are probably the most important totem animals of the Gaelic Celts, particularly in terms of their connections with the Otherworld, as providers of spiritual nourishment. When we consider that the Celtic / Gaelic system is in fact two systems, incorporating the ‘realms of the moon’ and the ‘realms of the sun’, that have over time merged into one system, we begin to realise why the boar and the sow have become the totem animals par excellence of the Gaelic Celts. They represent the twin forces of masculinity and femininity - the wild, untamed boar, the warrior’s challenge, and the sow as the giver of Life and Death… In the ancient Celtic system the boar is associated with the South and the element of Fire. It is connected with the life giving power of the sun. At the festival of Beltaine pigs bladders used to be carried by the Fool...
“On a spiritual level the boar acts as a guide that leads the warrior-hunter on a quest to the Otherworld... The boar is also the traditional food of the Samhain feast, a time when the two worlds meet..’” (Dalraida Celtic Heritage Trust)
“Lugh’s father is Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and his mother is Ethniu, daughter of Balor, of the Fomorians. In Cath Maige Tuired their union is a dynastic marriage following an alliance between the Tuatha Dé and the Fomorians. In the Lebor Gabála Érenn Cian gives the boy to Tailtiu, queen of the Fir Bolg, in fosterage...
“When the sons of Tuireann: Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba kill Lugh’s father, Cian (who was in the form of a pig at the time), Lugh sets them a series of seemingly impossible quests as recompense. They achieve them all but are fatally wounded in completing the last one. Despite Tuireann’s pleas, Lugh denies them the use of one of the items they have retrieved, a magic pigskin which heals all wounds. They die of their wounds and Tuireann dies of grief over their bodies.” (Wikipedia: Lugh)
“Lughnasadh is one of the Celtic quarter day festivals, celebrating the beginning of the harvest and the ripening of first fruits. This is a time for friends to come together, unite, feast, dance and be merry. Our previous Lughnasadh celebrations have often included burning a wicker man, vegan feast, lamb or pig spit-roast, games and challenges, community-focused ritual, usually finished off with some drumming and dancing around a big bonfire.” (
Dancing around a pig’s head mounted on a makeshift altar is an annual ritual at Camp Regeneration as it is in many pagan cults and cultures during festivals held to honor their false gods.
The Sabbath Covenant website blasphemes Jesus Christ as “The Pig Sacrifice of Ishtar,” the Anti-Christ, and promotes “True Messiah Yahshua” as the Passover Lamb:
“Christianity literally robs us of the sign, the seal, and the deliverance of YHVH and our salvation teaching us a lie:
The Sign is Sungod Day
The Seal is the believe in The Trinity
The Sacrifice for Salvation is through the Easter Pig of Ishtar named Jesus
“This ‘image of man named Jesus’ is the image of the False Messiah or Anti-Christ based not on Yahshua the Jewish Rabbi and Messiah (as we have been led to believe) but rather Tammuz the second member of the Babylonian Trinity. Jesus represents The Pig Sacrifice of Ishtar (ham on Easter) in name and ritual as I will prove. The True Messiah Yahshua represents the Passover Lamb.”
The Pig Sacrifice of Ishtar at Regeneration Camp?
The Fellowship of Isis “celebrates the Goddess” on the Feast of Regeneration:
“(Druids Calendar) August 1 (Kerea 22), widely known also as Lammas and Lughnasadh, is the feast of regeneration.
“From The Coming Age issue 11 (Lux Madriana):“Regeneration. The festivals of late summer open the great Mysteries of Life cycle which spans a quarter of the year. They celebrate the Goddess as the Source of all life, the Creatrix and Sustainer of the cycles of existence...” (Fellowship of Isis)
The pig is sacred to the Great Mother Goddess and, in some cultures, a pig is sacrificed in her honor on the feast of Lughnasadh / Regeneration.
“As the King of the Tuatha De Danaan, a mythical race of early Celts, Lugh was one of the consorts of Dana, the first Great Mother Goddess of Ireland. As such, much of the Celtic Lughnasadh celebration focused on him. Though this Sabbat is named in honor of a god, the Goddess aspect features prominently, too. The Irish Goddess Dana, as Lugh’s Queen, is also venerated... The Goddess is honored and thanked for brining forth the fruits...”
“But in Romania’s Transylvanian Alps, high in the dark Carpathian Mountains, there is a ritual enacted on the first Sunday of every August that has obvious pagan roots and does involve animal sacrifice. At daybreak, a procession of peasants take a live sow up the steep slopes of Mt. Chefleau where it is ritually slain in thanks for the abundant harvest. The blood of the animal must be allowed to flow into the earth. Then the fingers of the right hand touch the blood on the ground and are used to mark the sign of the cross—for protection and self-blessing—on the forehead.” (Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways, (p. 174))
Note that the Druids require that the blood of their pig sacrifice flow into the ground in order to “regenerate” the earth.
“The live ritually slain... The blood of the animal must be allowed to flow into the earth.”
John MacArthur claims that the blood of Jesus Christ flowed down from the cross and soaked into the ground.
“That is to say they believe that the blood of Christ was all out of His body; every drop and it was fully collected as eternal: Never stayed on the cross, never stayed in the ground, was then transported to heaven where it remains now eternally... those views, may I say, are non factual and non biblical...” (The Precious Blood, Part 1)
MacArthur ridicules the doctrine of the blood atonement and those who hold fast to the truth:
“The third thing they say, which is a corollary following on that, is that it is preserved in heaven. It is presently preserved in heaven. In Hebrews, you'll notice...I want to show you the verses that they appeal to...
“And they take it that when it says he entered the holy place that is the presence of God. He entered through His own blood means that He took His blood in there. His resurrection body they believe was bloodless. And that His blood was eternally separated from His body so he entered into heaven in His glorified body, which is bloodless, carrying His blood in some large receptacle, where it is forever preserved in heaven. …
...And the reason it is preserved in heaven takes us to the fourth point in their view and it is this point. That it is still being poured out on the heavenly mercy seat. That there is in heaven some kind of mercy seat, as there was in the Old Testament tabernacle and temple, and that blood is still being poured out. For that they go to Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 24 where it says, ‘Speaking of heaven you come...verse Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and when you come to the heavenly Jerusalem you come to myriads of angels, you come to the general assembly, the church of the firstborn, you come to God, the Judge of all, and you come to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and you come to the sprinkled blood.’ So they say the sprinkled blood is still in heaven still being sprinkled. And as one man said to me, ‘My sins were literally washed away by the pouring out of the literal blood of Christ on the literal mercy seat in heaven.’ So the blood is still being poured out in heaven. And every time a person a is saved, in some way their sins are washed away by the pouring out of that blood on a heavenly mercy seat.” (The Precious Blood, Part 1)
To further discredit the doctrine of the blood atonement MacArthur attaches it to the false “blood of God” teaching—that Jesus had “divine blood”—a heresy which denies His humanity and work as Mediator between God and man.
“The fifth and final point that they make is that because of this when the Bible speaks of the blood of Christ it is never speaking symbolically. It is never speaking symbolically. The actual fluid is meant, in each case, and does have saving properties, saving capabilities. They go back to chapter 9 of Hebrews and verse 13, ‘For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works?’ So they see, here it is, the literal blood of Christ is literally cleansing the conscience from dead works. Now do you have it? Let me review it. They say the blood of Christ was not human; it was divine. It was the blood of God. As the blood of God it was eternal and incorruptible. Since it is eternal and incorruptible it is preserved forever in heaven. In its preservation in heaven it is still used by being poured out a heavenly mercy seat to wash away the sins of those who are being saved. Therefore, when we look at the blood of Christ in the Scripture and we see it referred to, it is that actual literal blood which is being referred to not a symbol for death.
“As the blood of God it was eternal and incorruptible. Since it is eternal and incorruptible it is preserved forever in heaven. In its preservation in heaven it is still used by being poured out a heavenly mercy seat to wash away the sins of those who are being saved.
“Now, all of those views, may I say, are non factual and non biblical and they represent a misunderstanding of those passages.” (The Precious Blood, Part 1)
John MacArthur’s position is that salvation was accomplished by the death of Jesus and the word blood is merely a “metonym” or substitute word for death. However, death can be applied to any number of pagan saviors who did not shed their blood on a cross for the forgiveness of sins. (See: Copycat Saviors Debunked) Which may explain MacArthur’s contempt for the blood and for the Word of God, which teaches that Jesus Christ, the great High Priest of our profession, fulfilled the Levitical law that required the high priest to carry the blood of the sin offering into the most Holy Place and to sprinkle it on the Mercy Seat.
Leviticus 16
14 And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward; and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.
15 Then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people, and bring his blood within the vail, and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and before the mercy seat:
Hebrews 9
6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.
7 But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people:
8 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing:9 Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;
10 Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.John Calvin, a Jew, did not miss the typology of Christ’s fulfillment of the Levitical law:
“Then the meaning is, ‘No wonder if the rites of the Law have now ceased, for this is what was typified by the sacrifice which the Levites brought without the camp to be there burnt; for as the ministers of the tabernacle did eat nothing of it, so if we serve the tabernacle, that is, retain its ceremonies, we shall not be partakers of that sacrifice which Christ once offered, nor of the expiation which he once made by his own blood; for his own blood he brought into the heavenly sanctuary that he might atone for the sin of the world.’” (Commentary on Hebrews 10:13)
Disdaining the types and figures which God used in Scripture (“there is in heaven some kind of mercy seat”), John MacArthur trifled with the blood atonement by mocking it as a “fantasy and fetish about the blood”:
“Now, all of those views, may I say, are non factual and non biblical and they represent a misunderstanding of those passages. This is not new. I want to give you a sense of history. The source of much of this thinking was generated by a man named J.A. Bengel, B-E-N-G-E-L. He was born in 1687 and he died in 1752… And the current movement is Bengelian theory revisited. It’s an echo of this fantasy and fetish about the blood.” (The Precious Blood, Part 1)
Charles Spurgeon had a few words to say about MacArthur’s “fantasy and fetish about the blood”—
“ALL through Holy Scripture you constantly meet with the mention of ‘blood.’ ‘Without shedding of blood is no remission.’ ‘The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin.’ ‘Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ.’ The word ‘blood’ is recorded over and over again, and if any complain of the preacher that he frequently uses this expression, he makes no kind of apology for it, he would be ashamed of himself if he did not often speak of the blood. The Word of God is as full of references to blood as the body of a man is full of life and blood.” (“Blood Even on the Golden Altar”)
Spurgeon preached often about the sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat and had strong words for those who deride it:
“Albeit that the guilty are taken up to dwell with God, and our poor prayers are accepted of God, neither we nor our prayers carry any defilement into the holy place, because the atoning blood is there beforehand…
“When Aaron had thus filled the place with the sweetly-perfumed smoke, he took the blood of the bullock of the sin-offering, and carefully sprinkled it seven times on the mercy seat, and on the ground around the mercy seat. What a mercy it is for you and me that the spot where we meet with God is a place where the blood of the great sacrifice has been sprinkled, ay, and that the ground of our meeting with God, the place on which the mercy seat rests, has also the blood mark upon it!
“We are unclean by nature, and by practice, too, what could we do without the sprinkling of the blood? See how the Lord insisted upon it in the case of his ancient people, yet there are some in these modern times who deride it. God forgive their blasphemy!” (“Blood Even on the Golden Altar”)
Spurgeon asked, “What could we do without the sprinkling of the blood?” Christians through the centuries have found relief and consolation by trusting in the blood of Jesus to cleanse and deliver them from sin, and from its guilt and condemnation. Blessings that spring from our reliance on ‘nothing but the blood of Jesus’ are: eternal life (John 6:53), propitiation (Rom 3:25), justification (Rom 5:9), redemption and forgiveness (Eph 1:7; Col 1:14), peace (Col 1:20), access (Heb 10:19), cleansing (1John 1:7; Re 1:5) and victory (Rev. 12:11). See also: “The Three-fold Efficacy of the Blood of Jesus.”
In another sermon, “When I See The Blood,” Spurgeon stated, “I do not know how sufficiently to follow Satan in all his windings into the human heart but this, I know, he is always trying to keep back this great truth — the blood, and the blood alone has power to save... for Christ in heaven is always presenting his blood before his Father’s face.”
Why is MacArthur adamant in his opposition to teaching the blood atonement as it is presented in the Word of God?
John MacArthur has stated that the success of his ministry is the fruit of the ministry of his great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, who was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, Canada, among other high positions in Freemasonry. (See: John MacArthur: Freemason) Masonic publications have spread the heresy that Jesus’ blood was collected at the foot of the cross and carried to Europe and Great Britain. (See Part 11) For example, Holy Blood, Holy Grail was coauthored by Michael Baigent, who was a Freemason, Grand Officer of the United Grand Lodge of England and editor of Freemasonry Today.
“The myths and stories surrounding the lost Grail are assuredly old...but it is alleged that the Grail was the sacred vessel that once contained the blood of Christ. One story insists that the Grail is a cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper... Another story says the Grail was the cup held aloft by Joseph of Arimathea at the foot of the cross to catch streams of blood flowing from the wounds of the dying Savior. Still another legend insists that it was Mary Magdalene who held the cup at the foot of the cross and caught the blood of Christ in her precious jar. One version of the story claims that Mary Magdalene, traveling under the protection of her brother Lazarus and Joseph of Arimathea, brought the Holy Grail to the coast of France. On one point, many of the legends seem to agree: the Grail was a sacred vessel, holy because it once contained the blood of Jesus.” (New Age Journal)
Freemasonry is based on apostate Judaism and books written by Jewish rabbis, such as Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah, which teach that man becomes a god by means of spiritual enlightenment, as opposed to the forgiveness of his sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. John MacArthur was mentored by a Jewish rabbi, the late Charles Feinberg, founder of Chosen People Ministries and the Charles L. Feinberg Center, whose Master of Divinity program for Messianic Jewish Studies requires intensive study of rabbinic texts, such as the Talmud.
“These unique training needs are the focus of a program emphasizing biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek exegesis, and the understanding of rabbinic texts. Essential matters of theology and practice are treated through intensive study of Jewish law, religion, culture, sociology and history. Students are encouraged to explore this rich heritage, and to develop effective methods to reach and serve today’s Jewish community.” (John MacArthur’s Spiritual Mentor a Jewish Rabbi)
The Shulchan Aruch is the Talmudic Code of Jewish Law studied by Rabbinical students in the Yeshivas and Messianic Jewish schools such as the Charles L. Feinberg Center, where students are “encouraged to explore the ‘rich heritage’” of rabbinic texts and Jewish law and to take courses at Jewish institutions. The Shulchan Aruch was authored by Yosef Karo, a Sephardic Jew and Kabbalist born in Spain in 1488. Leon De Poncins wrote of the supremacy of this Talmudic Code of Law in his 1929 book, Freemasonry and Judaism, Secret Powers Behind Revolutions:
“The Talmud is very long and confused; consequently a learned rabbi, Joseph Karo, composed at the beginning of the year 1500, a revised abridged, and clear edition called Shulchan-Arukh, and the reputation and authority of this work have remained unchanged. It has become par excellence the Judaic code for Jews of all countries.” (Poncins, p. 200)
What does the Talmud say about Jesus Christ and Christians? The Schulchan Arukh equates a Christian to a pig:
“It is worthy of note that the following list of unclean things is given in Biur Hetib, a commentary on the Schulchan Arukh:
“‘A woman must wash herself again if she sees any unclean thing, such as a dog, an ass, or People of the Earth; a Christian (Akum), a camel,(47) a pig, a horse, and a leper.’” (The Talmud Unmasked, Chap. 2)
Rabbi Shapira–Return of the Kosher Pig
In his 2013 book, The Return of the Kosher Pig, Rabbi Itzhak Shapira endeavors to convince the Jewish people that, according to the Talmud and other rabbincal writings, the Messiah would be divine and, therefore, “Yeshua of Natzeret” fulfilled the Old Testament Messianic prophecies. In his mission to win the Jews to “Yeshua”, Rabbi Shapira finds himself up against two centuries of Jewish calumniation of Jesus Christ and Christians as “pigs.”
“One of the main differences between modern Judaism...and Christianity is the division on this important question of the identity of the Kosher Pig and what he symbolizes... In essence, it is practitioners of Christianity (and for a moment I will include Messianic Judaism) who are considered unkosher by their faith in the eyes of a Jew. The pig in the eyes of Judaism is the one who adopted this false premise that God will take the form of a man, which is considered idolatry, k’firah, in the basic principles of Judaism...
“The bigger question to ask in connection to the pig is: Who is the one who ultimately is offensive to the Jewish people. The answer is clear: It is Yeshua or, as some Jews call him, יש״ו (Yeshu) which is an acronym for ‘May his name be blotted out.’ The name of Yeshua represents the greatest name of uncleanness in Judaism today, as it has throughout the last 2,000 years...
“Even in the traditional Hebrew prayer Aleinu, we read in one of the final phrases that, ‘they bow down to vanity and empty things.’... The strong possibility that this particular comment was added to the prayer clearly emphasizes the deep emotions (not emotions of love) that most of the Jewish world holds toward Yeshua as the ultimate symbol of tameh—the unkosher animal forbidden by Jewish dietary laws—the pig.” (The Return of the Kosher Pig, pp. 9, 11)
“Strangely, in Judaism, the Messiah is likened to a pig. What a seemingly inappropriate connotation, one would think, as it represents the symbol of uncleanness among our people. Why a pig? you might wonder. In Hebrew, the word pig, or hazir, literally means ‘to return.’ Our sages teach us that the rejected Messiah will become pure and clean again to His people. There is no name that is hated more than Yeshua’s name, but in fact His name will be brought back to the lips of every Jew in exaltation in the days ahead of us.” (Yeshua, The Kosher Pig)
A typical Jewish response to Rabbi Shapira’s Return of the Kosher Pig:
“The bottom line, no matter how Messianic Jews try to ‘spin it’ in the present with various new tricks, Yeshua will never be Kosher just as no matter the number of times one scrubs a pig will ever make the pig Kosher either!...
“Can there be a greater stumbling block than [Christianity]? All the prophets spoke of Moshiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior, who would gather their dispersed ones and strengthen their [observance of] the mitzvos. In contrast [the founder of Christianity] caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humiliated, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.” (Expurgated by medieval Christian censors from the Mishneh Torah of Rambam, Chapter 11)” (Menashe’s Blog)
Rabbi Shapira has informed us that, in Judaism, “There is no name that is hated more than Yeshua’s name,” referring to the name of Jesus. Elizabeth Dilling wrote similar words in her 1963 classic, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today:
“The ultimate object of hatred in Talmudic Judaism is Christ, and the targets of Talmudic hatred are not just Gentile non-Jews, ‘the people who are like an ass—slaves who are considered the property of the master’ (Talmud, Kethuboth 111a). Of these non-Jews, the Christians are most insanely hated and loathed because their doctrines are the opposite of every Talmudic doctrine. They rank not just as animals, like the rest of non-Talmudic humanity, but almost as vermin, to be eradicated. Language in the Talmud is virtually exhausted to find foul and hated names for Christians... Christ is always the ‘idol’ denounced by the Talmud, while real idolatry in regard to spirits, planets, child burning to Molech, Baal filth, are permitted in Judaism.
“Characteristic of charging as a crime against others what Talmudists themselves are doing, a Sanhedrin passage denounces Christ as a sorcerer (Talmud, Exhibit 76). It was to refute this Talmudic teaching of hate against Christ, that Martin Luther wrote his ‘Shemhamphoras’ on the charge that Christ did His miracles by sorcery, using the Tetragrammaton, which, in some Talmud passages, He is said to have stolen and hidden in His flesh!” (Chap. 3, The Talmud & Bible Believers)
In his 1892 book, The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians, Rev. I. B. Pranaitis disclosed why the name of “Jesus” is infrequently mentioned in Jewish writings:
“Since the word Jeschua means ‘Savior,’ the name Jesus rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach Schemo Vezikro—‘May his name and memory be blotted out’.” (Chap. 1)
The Zohar, which is the foundational work of the Kabbalah, which is Jewish occultism, calls non-Jews “pigs” and other unclean animals, as opposed to Jews whom God has given the distinction of being “men”:
“In continuation of the Zohar there it is written:
“ a similar fashion [as it is with the holy spirit of ‘man’ apure animals – the Sulam] it is concerning Satan’s camp, which is impure. The spirit which spreads to the other nations stems from the impure side, and is not the aspect of ‘man’ – and therefore it is not called by this name and does not have a share in it. [As was mentioned previously, ‘You are called men, etc.’ – the Sulam]... the Torah started describing them with the words, ‘And these are impure for you’ – such as the pig, birds, and animals of Satan’s camp. The spirit which permeates them is called impure, and their bodies are the dress of that spirit, therefore it says, ‘flesh of pig’ – pig is it inside, and the flesh is only the dressing of the ‘pig.’” (Come & Hear)
I. B. Pranaitis wrote that the Talmud also teaches that Christians are pigs and must be shunned “because they are given to the shedding of blood” which brings to mind John MacArthur’s accusation of having a “fantasy and fetish about the blood”:
“An Israelite must not associate himself with the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood.”
“Buxtorf (Lex.) says: By wild pig the author here means the Christians who eat pork and, like pigs, have destroyed the vineyard of Israel, the City of Jerusalem, and who believe in the ‘suspended’ Christ. Else the letter ain is dropped in this word because they, as worshippers of Christ who was hanged, are also dropped.’ (The Talmud Unmasked, Chap. 2)
In his book, Rabbi Shapira argues that “Yeshua” upheld the Torah, and that “a great crime was committed against Yeshua over the last 2,000 years by those who claim to represent him.” In stating this, he makes a distinction between the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, and the Christian Messiah, Jesus, whom he rejects as the “Son of God” along with the Trinity.
“In this book, I present the case for the Divine Messiah differently. I approach the matter through the eyes of a Jew who has heard from missionary and others in the past about ‘Jesus Christ,’ but never about Yeshua haMashiach. Let me state up front that I am not a missionary and the goal of the book is not to convert anyone to Christianity, either. However, I do believe that there is great significance in the name Yeshua rather than Jesus.” (p. xii)
“...I suggest we view Yeshua in a slightly different light than ‘God, the Son’ as he is known within the Trinity and Christian circles.” (The Return of the Kosher Pig, p. 265)
Rabbi Shapira does not believe or teach the triune Godhead, that God exists three Persons, but that God manifested himself as “Yeshua” and takes on many other forms or manifestations as well.
“ the Hebrew Scriptures, HaShem takes a human form through a reduction or tzimtzum... The conclusion is clear—HaShem, blessed be his name, can take any form he chooses to take as long as he does not violate his own words. Even in the Shma, we see a remez that God is one (echad) but can take many manifestations since his name is repeated three times in the prayer... HaShem can take as many manifestations through tzimtzum as he chooses in order to accomplish his purpose.” (p. 274)
“The Messiah represents the manifestation of HaShem through tzimtzum. HaShem is one, yet has many manifestations. The word one, or echad in Hebrew, can mean multiple parts and can be compound in nature.” (p. 276)
“If we are honest, faithful, and truthful to the voice of Moses and the Prophets, we will conclude that our Messiah is not a fleshly king but rather a heavenly king who will reign over Zion.” (p. 279)
Rabbi Shapira is a Modalist which is one who conflates God the Father and Jesus Christ. His book, The Return of the Kosher Pig, is setting up the Jewish people to receive a false messiah – another Jesus – Yeshua haMashiach who is a “non-fleshly, heavenly manifestation” of God rather than the incarnate Son of God:
“Modalists deny the Trinity yet acknowledge Yeshua or Jesus as God. The problem is that the unity of the individual persons is taken to the extreme where Jesus is the same person as the Father or where they are merely different manifestations of God...
“Shapira spends the majority of the video trying to demonstrate that YHWH or Ha Shem is a compound unity by quoting the Zohar, a Kabbalistic text, and quoting from the TANAKH. However, 13 minutes roughly in the video, Shapira says the following:
“The Zohar explains that God is truly a compound unity, ok, and to argue that this is not is arguing against Judaism. That is why when a man approached Yeshua and asked him what is the greatest commandment, Yeshua replied in Mark 12:29 Shema Yisrael Adonai Eleheinu Adonai Echad. Christianity on the other hand misunderstood its compound unity and understood that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are all three different personas, well that is not true either. That is not the point I bring in my book and that's not what I believe. I believe that God is a compound God, he is ONE and he is absolute, without beginning and end, but at the same time he can manifest himself in anyway he chooses for.” (Warning: The Modalist Heresy of Itzhak Shapira)
The hidden agenda of Messianic Judaism – the milieu in which Rabbi Shapira ministers and John MacArthur was mentored – is to reimage the origin of the Christian faith and teachings of Jesus and to reimage Jesus as the false Messiah of Rabbinical Talmudic Judaism (“Yeshua”) who will be acceptable (kosher) to the Jews. In other words, whereas “grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17), “Yeshua” will teach and uphold the corpus of Rabbinic, Talmudic and Noahide laws, falsely named “Torah.” As one Messianic pastor put it,
“Recent...scholarly studies cast new light upon the historical background and foundational formation of Jesus teachings in the Old Testament. This evidence is bringing about a reimaging the faith and practice of Jesus from being a rebel or entrepreneur of a new faith to a refiner and preserver of the preexisting faith of Israel.
“The modern church, overall, lacks this knowledge.” 3.
There are solid reasons to believe that ancient Israel was the polluted fountainhead of the Druidic pig and human sacrifice.
“There are many other examples, however, of customs linking the Celtic Druids specifically with Israel. English historian, Williain Borlase, in his Antiquities Of Cornwall (1754) presented many pages of such evidence: Druids worshipped but one God and allowed no graven images, identical to the Hebrews, and in contradistinction with almost all other ancient religions.
“Consecration was by sprinkling with blood, as in the Old Testament Hebrew worship. Druid priests were clothed in white, similar to the Hebrew priest’s white ephod; sacrificial victims were bled to death, and the blood was collected in basins which served to sprinkle the altars; bulls were sacrificed, and the image of a bull (the heraldic sign of the Hebrew tribe of Ephraim) was carried into war.’ While they performed their horrid rites of human sacrifice, the drums and trumpets sounded without intermission, that the cries of the miserable victims might not be heard.’ (Compare Jer. 7:31-32, the Hebrew/Phoenician place of human sacrifice was called Tophet, meaning 'the drum’). They prayed with uplifted, hands, examined entrails for necromancy, and held the oak in veneration. The Druids used the magic wand in imitation of Moses’ rod, poured libations, sacrificed upon the tops of rocks, investigated truth by lots, anointed rock pillars with oil, and marked out boundaries with stones. (pp. 104-132, 161) In these and so many other distinctive ways, the religious customs of the Celts and Hebrews bear an unmistakable resemblance!”
Source: Brooks, Jory S. (2001). “The Hebrew-Celtic Connection : Language, Cultural and Religious Ties.” Midwestern Epigraphic Journal 15:88-90. Brown, J. Wood (1897).
The Anchor Bible Dictionary identifies the area of Mount Hermon where the tribe of Dan relocated and intermarried with the Hittites, who had intermarried with the fallen angels as the sacred site where ritual sacrifices were offered.
“Hittite and biblical records support the use of Hermon as a dwelling place of gods... Ritual centers were located at the foot of Hermon: the valley of Lebanon under Mount Hermon (Josh.11:17) and Baal-hermon (I Chr. 5:23).” 4.
The Hittite and Biblical records also document the ritual sacrifice of pigs by the Hittites, presumably at Mount Hermon with the Danites, whom God judged for their human sacrifice and swine offerings.
“Outside of the Pentateuch, the Hebrew Bible refers, rather obliquely, to the prohibition against pork only three times, each in Isaiah (65:2-5; 66:3; 66:17; Ackerman 1992:203). Isaiah 66:3 contrasts proper cult performance with acts that are prohibited:
‘Whoever slaughters an ox is like one who kills a human being; whoever sacrifices a lamb, like one who breaks a dog’s neck; whoever presents a grain offering, like one who offers swine’s blood; whoever makes a memorial offering of frankincense, like one who blesses an idol. These have chosen their own ways, and in their abominations they take delight.’
“Each of these ‘abominations’ alludes to magical performances that had a certain currency in the larger world of the eastern Mediterranean. The quintessentially pagan custom of worshiping cult images is the least obscure of these, but the Hittite evidence may hold the key to helping to clear up the enigma of the others. We know, for instance, that the Hittites resorted to battle-line human sacrifices on more than one occasion: ‘If the troops are defeated by the enemy, then they prepare the offering behind the river as follows. Behind the river they sever a human, a billy-goat, a puppy (and) a piglet. On one side they set halves and on the other side they set the (other) halves... Then on one side they burn a fire before the gate (and) on the other side they burn a fire. The troops go through, but when they come alongside the river, they sprinkle water over them(selves)...
“The Hittite rite may not be so far removed from the covenant-making ceremonies of Syria-Palestine if the propitiation of malevolent forces and the restoration of divine good will can be thought of in terms of a covenant.”
Source: “Pigs at the Gate: Hittite Pig Sacrifice in Its Eastern Mediterranean Context,” Billy Jean Collins, pp. 63, 65.
Many of the blasphemous references to Jesus Christ have been expunged from the Talmud and other rabbinical writings, however, the frequent use of the pejorative “pig” to slander Christians makes it difficult to resist the suspicion that the pig’s head mounted on a makeshift altar (trash can) at Regeneration Camp is intended to mock Jesus Christ or Christians, or both. The pig’s head may even prefigure decapitated Christians who refuse the mark of the Beast – the Jewish occult symbol of the Six-Pointed Star – during the Tribulation period. Or it may represent the total destruction of Christianity, as stated in the Protocols of Sion.
“Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from them moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion... But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism...” (Protocol 17)
Notice that in the process of destroying the Christian religion the youth are being “re-educated” in “new traditional religions” and “afterwards” in the religion of Talmudic Judaism. “New traditional religions” refers to ancient pagan traditions such as Druidry, Wicca and Freemasonry. Re-educating Christian youth in pagan and Talmudic religion requires transitioning them away from Christian doctrine, which John MacArthur does well in his popular book Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ. Re-education also involves mind control tactics which degrade young people to the level of slaves. (See: Parts 2-5: John MacArthur’s Slave Book)
There is an understated pig theme at Camp Regeneration which is the grand theme the festival of Lugnasadh, the main event of which is sacrificing a pig in honor of the Goddess. The Camp Regen pig motif is carried even further with a mortifying game in which Christian youth are made to slog in the mud like swine.
1. Regeneration Camp dates and venues:
2010 – July 25-31 – Glorieta, NM
August 1 – Summer Family Fest: Campus Carnival
2011 – July 24-30 – Glorieta, NM
June 26 – Summer Family Festival
2012 – July 29-August 4 – Glorieta, NM
2013 – July 22-26 – Point Loma, CA
2014 – July 21-25 – Point Loma, CA
2. See also an excellent article with photos at Pilgrim Covenant Church:
3. “Hebraic Studies That Present a Striking Case for Reimaging the Historical Development of the Faith and Teachings of Jesus,” John K. Cairns, June 2013, pp. 9-10.
4. Freedman, David Noel. The Anchor Bible Dictionary, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1992, p. 158.