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The Transformation of the Church

~ A Database of Historical and Current Data on the Strategic Partnerships &

Interlocking Directorates of Organizations in the Global Ecumenical Movement


The World Evangelical Fellowship:

Commission on Theological Education &

The Association of Theological Schools/ATS


Editor’s Note: The role or the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF in theological education is comprehensive and global; encompassing the planning and development for all theological curriculum and leadership development. WEF’s name was changed [2001] to World Evangelical Alliance.


The Association of Theological Schools/ATS serves as the accrediting agency for most post graduate theological study and for most of the seminaries in the U.S. and Canada.  ATS plays a pivotal role in the transformation of the church.  Consider the fact that ATS accredited schools train the majority of all U.S. pastors and theological professors. Add to this the questionable and extensive partnerships between ATS accredited institutions and the private foundations; through the largesse of the foundations, which are run by powerful corporations, ATS is virtually under their control. But this coexistence is how it was designed to be.


Overview for this section:


World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF

World Evangelical Fellowship’s Commission on Theological Education

–History of WEF’s Commission on Theological Ed., 1973 - 1982

WEF’s ICETE––International Council for Evangelical Theological Education, 1980

WEF's MANIFESTO––Renewal of Evangelical Theological Education, 1990

–US sponsor of WEF’s ICETE:

Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges/ AABC [North America]

Association of Theological Schools/ATS

ATS’s Role as an Accrediting Agency, since 1936

Rockefeller Brothers Fundfor Theological Education, 1954

–The Fund’s History

–The Fund’s Trustees

–Rockefeller Brothers Fund Archives, 1941-1989––grants awarded

–Other U.S. Foundations Supporting ATS include:

Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Grants available to ATS members

–Lilly Research Grants & Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology Grants

–Sample Grants–– Selected Proposals to the Lilly Theological Research Grants Program


ATS Faculty’s Grants Directory– 750 funding sources including:

–National Institutes of Health––National Human Genome Research Institute

–National Human Genome Research Institute's––Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications/ELSI Research Program

Link to a Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:

The Association of Theological Schools: Intersection of Religion, Science and Cloning


Grants offered/available to ATS members include:

–Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies

–Carnegie Corporation of New York

–Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

–Templeton Prize

–Human Genome Research Institute

Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies, Jerusalem

Tantur is the Vatican’s [Pope Paul VI] dialogue center for “Christian unity”


Pew Charitable Trust Grant to ATS for Incarnating Globalization–

incorporated into all ATS-member’s curriculum

ATS Executive Committee

ATS Leadership Education under directorship of:

Fuller Theological Seminary's Richard Mouw––

The Public Character of Theological Education Project


ATS Membership – a merger of Protestant /Catholic doctrines/theologies


ATS Denominational Listing


ATS Alphabetical Listing


Orgs with ATS Affiliate Status––includes:

–Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences



WEF/World Evangelical Fellowship’s

Commission on Theological Education


Editor’s Note: WEF’s name was changed in 2001 to World Evangelical Alliance/WEA

History of WEF’s Theological Commission


1973 - WEF authorized the development of three commissions: 

Theology, Mission and Communications.*


Note: The WEF Communications Commission was placed under the auspices of Ben Armstrong,

Exec. Secretary of the National Religious Broadcasters.


1975 - First meeting of the WEF Theological Commission in London


1980 - “The Theology of Development” - Hoddesdon, England 

Results of meeting were published by Ronald Sider:

Evangelicals and Development: Towards a Theology of Social Change


1982 - WEF Theological Commission pilots a curriculum for Th. M. degree

source: The Dream That Would Not Die: The birth and growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986, David M. Howard, The Paternoster Press, 1986.



WEF’s ICETE/ International Council for Evangelical Theological Education, 1980 /


ICETE's history is rooted in the emergence of networks of evangelical theological schools in the third world during the late 1960s and early 1970s. From among these new associations came a call in 1978 for some means by which they might be in regular contact and collaboration at the international level. The WEF Theological Commission agreed to sponsor the project, and ICETE was formed in March, 1980, at meetings in Hoddlesdon, England. In the years since its founding ICETE has become an established international forum for dialogue and cooperation among evangelical theological educators. ICETE has also taken a leading role in fostering renewal and excellence in evangelical theological education worldwide. And ICETE has sought to ensure that the interests and concerns of theological education are effectively voiced within the larger venues of evangelical cooperation globally. ICETE's membership now covers all major regions of the world…” emphasis added


“ICETE is a global community, sponsored by seven continental networks of theological schools, to encourage international interaction and collaboration among all those concerned for the enhancement of evangelical theological education worldwide.”



Enhancement of evangelical theological education worldwide:

• networking… [and collaboration] … for regional accrediting bodies

development worldwide of programmes…that embrace in one integrated whole the spiritual, behavioural, practical and

academic formation of Christian leadership

development worldwide of programmes [one template] of evangelical theological education…

ICETE's earlier General Directors: <

Dr. Paul Bowers (1980-82), Dr. Robert Youngblood (1983-88), and Dr. Roger Kemp (1989-97).

The current General Director is Dr. Dieumeme Nöelliste of Jamaica.

Youngblood is a professor at Bethel Theological Seminary––ATS member. See below.





1. Contextualization

2. Churchward orientation

3. Strategic flexibility

4. Theological grounding

5. Continuous assessment

6. Community life

7. Integrated programme

8. Servant moulding

9. Instructional variety

10. A Christian mind

11. Equipping for growth

12. Cooperation



US sponsor of WEF’s ICETE/Theological Council:

AABC/Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges North America


AABC accredits Bible colleges at the pre-graduate level.

Listing of AABC Accredited Colleges


Editor’s Note: The Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges (WEF's ICETE-U.S. sponsor) has as its “sister organization” the Association of Theological Schools/ATS.

ATS serves as the accrediting agency for most post graduate theological study and most of the seminaries in the U.S. -- ATS plays a pivotal role in the Transformation of the Church. Consider the fact that ATS accredited schools train the majority of all U.S. pastors and theological professors. After reading about ATS, below, it is hoped that the reader will understand how all Christians are strongly influenced by what is happening in the “schools of divinity.


Association of Theological Schools [ATS]


This section includes…

ATS’s Role as an Accrediting Agency, since 1936

Rockefeller Brothers Fundfor Theological Education, 1954

–The Fund’s History

–The Fund’s Trustees

–Rockefeller Brothers Fund Archives, 1941-1989––grants awarded

–Other U.S. Foundations Supporting ATS include:

Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation



Association of Theological Schools/ATS's Role as an Accrediting Agency, since 1936


“The Association of Theological Schools has functioned as an accrediting agency since 1936. ATS member schools conduct post-baccalaureate degree programs designed to prepare persons for a wide variety of positions of ministerial leadership and teaching and research in the theological disciplines…The Association of Theological Schools, through its Commission on Accrediting, is recognized by the United States Secretary of Education for the accreditation and pre-accreditation of freestanding theological schools…”


Rockefeller Brothers Fundfor Theological Education, 1954



“At the present time there is no important foundation in this country that is not controlled, usually directly but sometimes indirectly, by the Rockefellers or their agents, to be converted to the propaganda, conspiracies and other uses of the Rockefeller Empire.”

~ Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist", NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 91.



The Fund for Theological Education – History


“The Fund for Theological Education was established in the early 1950s as a response to a perceived crisis in Protestant theological education. At that time, a group of influential seminary educators, clergy, and interested lay persons had become convinced that the quality of those entering the ministry had declined and that many of the best and brightest students were choosing professional careers outside the ministry. In order to encourage talented college graduates to consider the ministry, an unprecedented initiative was launched in 1954 to attract promising but otherwise undecided candidates to seminary education. Begun in close affiliation with the American Association of Theological Schools , the Fund for Theological Education grew both in scope and size over the next forty years and became a leading force in support of excellence in theological study …

“A new kind of scholarship program for theological education was envisioned in 1953 by two nationally known educators, Nathan Pusey, President of Harvard University, and Henry Pitney Van Dusen, President of Union Theological Seminary, New York…Pusey and Van Dusen were not alone, and they were able to convince the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to support a new initiative that would enable highly qualified college graduates considering but undecided on a ministerial career to enroll in an exploratory year of theological studies. In 1954 an eminent board of directors was established under Pusey's leadership in close cooperation with the American Association of Theological Schools to guide the new program…”


The FundTrustees

Editor’s Note: Membership reflects associations with other organizations including: Ford Foundation, Board of ATS/Association of Theological Schools, University of Chicago [Rockefeller-influenced], Candler School of Theology/Emory University, Interdenominational Theological Center [Atlanta, GA], etc.


Rockefeller Brothers Fund Archives, 1941-1989––grants awarded

~ edited – see web site for extensive listing

American Bar Association Fund for Public Education, 1967-1976

American Council on NATO, 1959-1962

American Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences, 1953-1969

American Society of International Law, The, 1971-1976

Asia Foundation, The, 1959-1976

Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1950-1983

Association for the Study of Abortion, Inc., 1966-1976

Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada, 1964-1987

Boy Scouts of America - National Council, 1958-1976

Brookings Institution, 1953-1969, 1977

Carnegie Corporation of New York - General, 1954-1976

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, 1974-1979

Club of Rome, 1973-1976

Columbia University - Teachers College, 1954-1969

Commission on Private Philanthropy & Public Needs

Educational Testing Service, 1953-1980

Foreign Policy Association, 1947-1982

Fund for Theological Education, Inc., 1952-1956, 1970-1982

Fund for Theological Education, Inc. - Handbook, 1968-1969

Fund for Theological Education, Inc. - Rockefeller Doctoral Fellowships in Religion Program, 1973-1976


Other U.S. Foundations Supporting ATS



• Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Lilly Endowment, Inc. is an Indianapolis-based, private philanthropic foundation created in 1937 by three members of the Lilly family…through gifts of stock in the  pharmaceutical business, Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly Endowment exists to support the causes of religion, education and community development. Lilly Endowment awarded FTE $3 million for a series of initiatives to attract candidates of quality to the practice of ministry and theological scholarship.

• The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. was established in 1936 by the late Henry R. Luce, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time, Inc…

In 1998, the Luce Foundation awarded FTE a four-year grant of $700,000 to support its new programs designed to promote excellence and diversity in theological education and ministerial formation.

Henry Luce III is on the Princeton Theological Seminary board of trustees emeritus with John M. Templeton, Jr. president of the John Templeton Foundation.

The Luce Center in Atlanta, GA serves as the center for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological education/The Fund/FTE.

• Local Atlanta Foundation

• The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations

• The Booth Ferris Foundation

• The William Randolph Hearst Foundations

The Hearst Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1945 by publisher and philanthropist William Randolph Hearst;…

In 1993, the Foundations established a scholarship fund at FTE to promote diversity in theological education

• The General Mills Foundation


Association of Theological Schools/ATS


This section includes…

Grants available to ATS members

–Lilly Research Grants & Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology Grants

–Sample Grants–– Selected Proposals to the Lilly Theological Research Grants Program

ATS Faculty’s Grants Directory– 750 funding sources including:

–National Institutes of Health––National Human Genome Research Institute

–National Human Genome Research Institute's––Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications/ELSI Research Program

Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:

The Association of Theological Schools: Intersection of Religion, Science and Cloning

Other Grants offered/available to ATS members include:

–Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies

–Carnegie Corporation of New York

–Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

–Templeton Prize

–Human Genome Research Institute

Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies

Tantur is the Vatican’s [Pope Paul VI] dialogue center for “Christian unity”

Pew Charitable Trust Grant to ATS for Incarnating Globalization––

incorporated into all ATS-member’s curriculum




Grants available to ATS members

Found on the Association of Theological Schools/ATS website:

Lilly Research Grants & Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology Grants

(Henry Luce, the son of missionaries, founder of Time magazine.)

Sample Lilly Grants –– Selected Proposals to the Lilly Theological Research Grants Program

ATS Faculty Grants Directory––750 funding sources

The online Faculty Grants Directory provides information on over 750 funding sources for scholarship and research for those teaching theology or religion in graduate institutions, and for administrators and project leaders seeking funding for institutional or collaborative projects.

Listing of ATS Sponsors and Grants

ATS Faculty Grants also support “projects designed to address a range of ethical, social, and legal issues” related to the Human Genome Project:


National Institutes of Health

National Human Genome Research Institute


National Human Genome Research Institute's

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications/ELSI Research Program

Link to a Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:

The Association of Theological Schools: Intersection of Religion, Science and Cloning

Other Grants offered/available to ATS members


partial list


The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies

Editor’s Note: See Watch Unto Prayer report––

Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies: Origin of Character Education Coalitions


The Bradley Foundation, Inc.

Carnegie Corporation of New York


Editor’s Note: See Watch Unto Prayer report:



Earhart Foundation

Ford Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


“The Foundation is interested in family planning and reproductive health efforts in the developing world.”

Editor’s Note: See Watch Unto Prayer report: Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Establishment––Behind the Conservative Curtain: Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front for Corporate / Government Takeover


Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

National Institutes of Health National Human Genome Research Institute


National Human Genome Research Institute’s

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program


Pew Charitable Trusts

Rockefeller Foundation

Stewardship Foundation [Weyerhaeuser]

United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies

Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies, Jerusalem



Tantur's History & Aims


Editor’s Note: Tantur is the Vatican’s [Pope Paul VI] dialogue center for “Christian unity.”


“In October 1963 Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant observers at the Second Vatican Council shared with Pope Paul VI the dream of an international ecumenical institute for theological research and pastoral studies...

* We assist the search for Christian unity and interchurch harmony among diverse Christian communions. We seek a broader and deeper understanding of each other's faith and traditions, ethics and social witness, liturgies and pieties.

* We explore the relationships between Christians and peoples of other world faiths, especially Jews and Muslims...”



Templeton Prize


Grant Description: “The Templeton Award is not for good works. It is an award for progress in religion. The award is intended to encourage the concept that resources and manpower are needed for progress in spiritual knowledge and to help people see the infinity of the Universal Spirit. The Templeton Prize, in the amount of £600,000, is awarded annually to a living person of any religious tradition or movement. There is no limitation of race, creed, sex, or geographical background. Nominations are sought from all major religions of the world.” ~ emphasis added

See TOC database, Control over Christian Educational Institutions, Templeton Foundation



Pew Charitable Trusts Grant to ATS for Incarnating Globalization


Following was found 3/11/00 – no longer available:


Globalization in theological education has been a decade-long emphasis of ATS and appears as a consistent theme throughout the accrediting standards adopted in 1996. ATS is currently engaged in a three-year project entitled “Incarnating Globalization: A Strategy for Implementing Global Perspectives in Theological Education. The project focuses on two major areas: (1) accreditation and globalization in theological education and (2) cross-cultural relationships of theological institutions. The first track addresses the cross-cutting globalization theme in the new ATS standards of accreditation…. The information learned from this report will be reported in an essay on globalization to be added to the new ATS Handbook of Accreditation.”

ATS Grant from Pew Charitable Trusts for Globalization

Found at: Pew Charitable Trusts <

The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada

06/13/1996 - Pittsburgh, PA

“For a project designed to facilitate the incorporation of global perspectives in theological education. $412,000 / 3 yrs.”

Link to a Transformation of the Church/TOC report:

The Association of Theological Schools and City Transformation



ATS Executive Committee ~ not posted on ATS web site ~


ATS Leadership Education

ATS Leadership Director is Fuller Theological Seminary's President Richard Mouw

The Public Character of Theological Education Project Includes:

The Character and Assessment of Learning for Religious Vocation.

The Public Character of Theological Education Project.

Editor’s Note: Mouw is a Consulting Editor for Christianity Today



ATS MEMBERSHIP – merger of Protestant and Catholic doctrines/theologies


Daniel O. Aleshire, ATS Executive Director:

“I like doing the work that I do because ATS gives me a chance to be a part of the wide variety of expressions of Christianity in North America in the context of those expressions.  I get to see Methodists and Methodist chapel, and Roman Catholics and Roman Catholic liturgy, and Anglicans, and Episcopalians in that context…” emphasis added


Editor’s Note: 50+ ATS members represent Roman Catholic universities.

Also represented are Quaker, Unitarian Universalist, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, Seventh-Day Adventist and Swedenborgian institutions.

ATS Denominational listing

ATS Members –– Alphabetical Listing


~ partial list

     Anderson University School of Theology Church of God (Anderson, IN)


     Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


     Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) of Trinity Western University

––A consortium of five seminaries:

Canadian Baptist Seminary

Canadian Theological Seminary

Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary

Northwest Baptist Seminary

Trinity Western Seminary/TWS––The Graduate School of Theological Studies

Editor’s Note: Dr. Martin Abegg and Dr. Peter Flint are both TWS Adjunct Professors. Flint is Co-Director of the Dead Sea Scroll Institute located at TWU, Canada. Abegg and Flint, with Dr. Eugene Ulrich are the editors of the Dead Sea Scroll Bible: the Oldest Known Bible Translated for the first time into English–– “translates all the Biblical texts from Qumram and this texts [sic] are a 1000 years older than those used in most English translations of the Bible.” During a recent seminar [April 2001] at the Messianic congregation Beit Hallel [Tacoma, WA] Flint described the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll as “The discovery of the Century.”


    Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS)

ACTS [Based at North Park Theological Seminary] 11 Member Schools:

–Catholic Theological Union

Chicago Theological Seminary [faculty member Robert Moore see below]

-Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 

Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 

–McCormick Theological Seminary 

–Meadville/Lombard Theological School 

Mundelein Seminary 

–Northern Baptist Theological Seminary 

Seabury-Western Theological Seminary 

–Trinity Evangelical Divinity School/TEDS [see below] 

North Park Theological Seminary[EMNR’s Eric Pement see below] 

Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Recently Lilly Endowment awarded an additional $2.2 million to coordinate, monitor, evaluate and otherwise assist two clusters of North American theological schools [see ACTS, above] that have received Lilly Endowment support to carry out programs aimed at strengthening congregational ministry.

Editor’s Note: Eric Pement of Lausanne’s EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions hosts/hosted the North Park Theological Seminary’s LINKS page and he serves as the North Park webmaster for ACTS. EMNR will be covered on the Transformation of the Church/TOC database.

    Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

BDS’srelated sites” includes:

The Global Center

Editor’s Note: Bill O’Brien of the Global Center, Samford University serves on the USCWM/ U.S. Center for World Mission [Ralph Winter] Int’l Journal of Frontier Missions/ IJFM Editorial Committee [See EMNR & Missiology—a future TOC report.]

Beeson’s Founder Timothy George

~ Christianity Today, executive editor with J.I. Packer [Regent College]

~ He has been active in the evangelical dialog with the Roman Catholic Church…”

Others on the Beeson faculty include:

Gerald L. Bray

~ ordained minister in the Church of England.

Lewis A. Drummond

~ regularly speaks at crusades and conferences sponsored by the Billy Graham Association

Beeson Adjunct Faculty includes:

James M. Houston

~ M.A., University of Edinburgh; M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., Oxford University.

~ Former Principal, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Interdenominational Spirit

Currently, the student body at Beeson is represented by some thirty different denominations. Our faculty is also interdenominational. Beeson has five endowed chairs: (1) The Anglican Chair of Divinity, (2) The Methodist Chair of Divinity, (3) The Presbyterian Chair of Divinity, and two other non-Baptist chairs. The divinity school is therefore in the unique position of being an interdenominational and an evangelical school within a Baptist university.


Samford University's Beeson Divinity School will present a conference on American Evangelical identity Oct. 2 and 3.

"Pilgrims on the Sawdust Trail: Evangelical Conversations" will bring together scholars and church leaders to examine recent discussions and new initiatives among Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, Pentecostals, mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics.

Speakers include Timothy George, dean, Beeson Divinity School; Richard Mouw, president, Fuller Theological Seminary; Richard John Neuhaus, president, religion and public life; and Thomas Oden, professor, Drew University Theological School.

Editor’s Note: See Regent College, below, for more info. about Houston, co-founder of Regent College

    Bethel Theological Seminary


BTS faculty includes:

Ronald Youngblood

~ BTS Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew

~ ICETE Director (1983-88) [see WEF’s ICETE/ International Council for Evangelical Theological Education]

~ International Bible Society, Chair of the Board (IBS publishes the New International Version/NIV)

   Calvin Theological Seminary


Following found on the related-Calvin College web site:

Calvin College’s Seminars in Christian Scholarship

The seminar program was originally funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts in 1995 for five years… Building on the Pew funds, additional seminars have been held with grants from Calvin College, the Lilly Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts, the John Templeton Foundation, Fieldstead & Company, and the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities.

   Campbell University Divinity School


    Candler School of Theology, Emory University


Candler’s Youth Theological Initiative


“The Youth Theological Initiative (formerly known as Youth Theology Institute) began as a dream of Dr. Craig Dykstra of the Lilly Endowment many years ago.” [Candler sponsors Youth Summer Academies.]

James Waite, president of the Rockefeller Fund for Theological Education was the dean of Chandler for fourteen years:


In 1991 he was appointed Executive Director of the Association of Theological Schools, where he created a variety of new initiatives, with particular focus on racial/ethnic minority students, the relationship between technology and theological education, and faculty support programs. Prior to his work with ATS, Waits served for fourteen years as Dean of the Candler School of Theology of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. During his time at Candler, he also served as the first Director of the Carter Center [in partnership with Emory University] and held a faculty appointment as Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Divinity. He currently serves as a trustee of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton and is a former member of the visiting committee of the Harvard University Divinity School. In 1999 he was awarded the distinguished service award by the Yale Divinity School for his contributions to theological education… He also is a member of the board of In Trust, a publication for trustees and administrators of theological schools in North America, and of the Advisory Board of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA.


Chicago Theological Seminary/CTS


CTS’s Center for Community Transformation

In 1998, Lilly Endowment Inc. awarded CTS a grant of $1.5 million to fund a bold and experimental approach to theological education… the center's mission is to discover new ways to prepare transformative leaders for transformative communities.


At the core of this five-year research project is the conviction that there can and must be a much deeper partnership between theological education and communities of transformation which are already working successfully to bring about greater justice and mercy, healing, health, and vitality.


CTS Faculty includes:


Robert Moore

[Moore is a collaborator with Gordon Melton on the International Religions Directory Project.

Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Spirituality… M.A., University of Chicago, 1970; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1975. Diplomate, Alfred Adler Institute of Chicago, 1983; Analyst, C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, 1987.


Dr. Moore is a senior professor in the Center for Theology, Ethics, and the Human Sciences, an interdisciplinary institute for advanced study in the philosophical, theological, and ethical implications of the various human sciences. [Probably funded by the Templeton Foundation.] For over a decade Professor Moore was the Chair of the Religion and Social Sciences Section of the American Academy of Religion [Located at the Luce Center, Atlanta, Georgia; site of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological Education/The Fund/FTE.]


He also serves as President of the Institute for World Spirituality, an organization working toward the creation of interfaith cooperation for the human future.


Dr. Moore's work on structural psychoanalysis, decoding the deep structures of the human self, has led to his receiving international recognition as a major psychoanalytic theorist. In addition to his practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, he teaches and has served as a Training Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He lectures widely in the United States and abroad on topics relating to psychoanalysis, social ethics, and human spirituality. He serves widely as a consultant in leadership and organizational development to business and government.


Author and editor of numerous books in the field of psychology and spirituality, he is the Series Editor of the Paulist Press series on Jungian Psychology and World Spiritual Traditions, an interdisciplinary series relating psychoanalytic insight to the major traditions of human spirituality. A comprehensive list of his audiotaped lectures and books on psychology and spirituality is available through the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Dr. Moore is perhaps most widely known for his work on ritual leadership and the masculine psyche. His five volume series on masculine psychology and spirituality (co-authored with mythologist Douglas Gillette) is the most influential theory of masculinity in today's international discussion. The structural psychoanalysis outlined in these books has put him at the forefront of theory in masculine psychology, masculine spirituality, and masculine initiation. These volumes, include King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine; The King Within; The Warrior Within; The Magician Within; and The Lover Within.


Church of God Theological Seminary   (Cleveland, TN)


Claremont School of Theology/ CST

CST’s Youth Discipleship Project

Summer Youth Discipleship Community ––“All costs are paid for by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.”


Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions of Columbia International University


Guest Faculty


Phill Butler, B.S., has served as president and international director of Interdev since 1974. Formerly, he was president of Intercristo and director for an annual Cambridge communications course in Cambridge, England. Butler received his training at Bob Jones University.


John Maust, M.A., is president of Media Associates International. He has served as …assistant news editor of Christianity Today, a missionary with Latin American Mission


Jim Stamoolis, D.Th., serves as the executive director of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF). Formerly, he was president of Management Consultant Associates, Inc., graduate dean of Wheaton College Graduate School, and a missionary to South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). TEAM is an associate member of the World Evangelical Alliance . Stamoolis holds [a degree from]… Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Covenant Theological Seminary

Youth in Ministry Institute


“The Youth in Ministry Institute (YIMI) is a new program of Covenant Theological Seminary, the seminary of the Presbyterian Church in America.  And we are seriously funded by the Lilly Endowment, a generous group.”


Dallas Theological Seminary

DTS Center for Christian Leadership

Howard Hendricks

Chair, Center for Christian Leadership


Bibliotheca Sacra

Bringing the light of God's Word to believers for over 150 years.


The oldest theological quarterly in the Western Hemisphere, Bibliotheca Sacra has long been recognized as an excellent source of evangelical scholarship.

[Bibliotheca Sacra’s articles are ] written by respected scholars such as F. F. Bruce, D. A. Carson, Millard J. Erickson, D. Edmond Hiebert, H. Wayne House [Christian Research Institute], Alister E. McGrath [Wycliffe Hall, Oxford], Bruce M. Metzger, J. Dwight Pentecost, Robert L. Saucy, John R. W. Stott [strategist for the World Evangelical Fellowship; Int’l Fellowship of Evangelical Students/IFES], John F. Walvoord [Personal Freedom outreach/PFO board of reference with Norman Geisler; PFO is member of EMNR], and many more, Bibliotheca Sacra stands as an invaluable resource for serious Bible students.



CCL chairman Howard Hendricks


Leadership Evaluation and Development (LEAD), an intense, personalized one-week assessment experience which helps ministry and business leaders accelerate their leadership development


Spiritual Formation is designed to help Christians recognize and cooperate with God's formation work in their lives and to train selected students in the leadership roles critical to developing others.


Denver Seminary

Vernon Grounds, Denver Seminary Chancellor

~ Co-founder of Lausanne’s EMNR/ Evangelical Ministries to New Religions which interfaces with the Cult-watching/Discernment Ministries

~Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor

Leighton Ford [brother-in-law to Billy Graham], was the 1997 Denver Seminary Commencement speaker.


About Leighton Ford:

~ vice-president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association/BGEA where he served for 31 years

~ Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism [1976 –1992] as chairman of this international body of Christian leaders and serves as the Honorary Lifetime


Chairman of the

~"Transforming Leadership", published by InterVarsity Press – a comprehensive book on leadership

~Serves on the boards of World Vision US and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary [below]

~ Leighton Ford Ministries & Arrow Leadership Program

DS Faculty includes;


Gordon R. Lewis

~ co-founder of Lausanne’s EMNR with Vernon Grounds

~ CRI’s  [Hank Hanegraaff] Christian Research Journal––Contributing Editor


Douglas Groothuis

~ CRI’s [Hank Hanegraaff] Christian Research Journal––Contributing Editor

~ author with IVP/InterVarsity Press


Editor’s Note: Constance Cumbey believes that Groothuis’ book Unmasking the New Age, published by IVP, was published to counter the acclaim that she was receiving for her exposé of the New Age Movement. Groothuis has been a board member of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project and a long time Contributing editor to the CRI Journal [Hank Hanegraaff]. Hanegraaff has also served on the SCP board.  See Christian Research Institute and Spiritual Counterfeits Project reports in the TOC database.


Craig L. Blomberg

~ a professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary

~ Listed previously as a CRI [Hank Hanegraaff] EQUIP University professor

~ Co-author of How Wide The Divide?: A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation, with Stephen E. Robinson [Mormon and faculty Brigham Young University/BYU] InterVarsity Press, 1997 is an initial dialogue between LDS and Evangelical academics seeking first to find common ground, and second to delineate differences between two religious traditions. Dr. Blomberg is a professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary; Dr. Robinson is professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University.


How Wide the Divide? web site  <<<Warning––Mormon web site

How Wide the Divide? back cover: "Mormons and Evangelicals don’t often get along very well. They often set about trying to convert one another, considering the faith the other holds as defective in some critical way. Unfortunately, much of what they say about one another simply isn’t true. False stereotypes on both sides prevent genuine communication."


Editor’s Note: This same openness to non-Christian religions is being extended to Catholics, Mormons, Muslims and Buddhists in the World Congress on Families which has met for a conference at the Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs. Harold O.J. Brown, a longtime Contributing Editor to Christian Research Institute/CRI’s Journal [Hank Hanegraaff], is a representative/speaker for the Howard Center/ World Congress on Families


WCF is an NGO [non-governmental org] of the United Nations and has ties to the RAND Corp./Hudson Institute/CFR.


CRI’s/Hank Hanegraaff’s EQUIP University


Sampling of Free Resources Online Courses includes:


SoulCare 101––Online course in helping others by Dr. Larry Crabb

See Biblical discernment Ministry/BDM’s exposé on Larry Crabb


Introduction to Public Speaking in Ministry with Dr. Haddon Robinson, senior professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary [below]


Friendship Evangelism by Luis Palau Evangelistic Association/LPEA

See Biblical discernment Ministry/BDM’s exposé on LPEA


Guided Tour of the Bible––New Testament, Old Testament with speaker/author Philip Yancey


Editor’s Note:

Yancey is an Editor at Large for Christianity Today


See Biblical discernment Ministry/BDM’s exposé on Philip Yancey


    Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary

EBTS faculty includes:

Raymond J. Bakke

~Executive Director, International Urban Associates

~Senior Associate for Large Cities with the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism.

~co-founder of the Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral education (SCUPE)

See Ray Bakke & SCUPE http://toc-ats-scupe.html


Ronald J. Sider

~Evangelicals for Social Action

~Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor


Sider is also on faculty at Eastern College; now University; which is in partnership with World Vision.

Templeton Honors College/THC––Eastern College

THC Advisory Council


    Fuller Theological Seminary

Developed the strategies for Lausanne’s Missions and Prayer Mobilization

Fuller President Richard Mouw endorsed:

Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium, 1994

Donald A, McGavran – Perspectives on the World Christian Movement editor

Alpha Course offered by Fuller

Fuller’s Center for Lifelong Learning


Fuller faculty:

>School of Theology

>School of World Mission

>School of Psychology


See Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:

Fuller Theological Seminary


Richard J. Mouw, Fuller President

~ Professor of Christian Philosophy, School of Theology

~ Christianity Today, Consulting Editor

~ He is a regular columnist on "Beliefnet" Web Magazine.­­­



What is Beliefnet?

Editor’s Note: Exploring the Beliefnet web site it becomes obvious that all world religions are promoted, even the Goddess religion. See Starhawk below.


Following found on Beliefnet.Com:


The Evangelical Mind

By Richard Mouw

Evangelicals and Catholics: A New Partnership


We're fighting the culture war with 'an ecumenism of the trenches'

Roman Catholics in the United States have been in the middle of a passionate public debate lately, about the tensions between churchly authority and academic freedom in Catholic higher education. Since I am a seminary president…


I have a vested interest in what goes on in contemporary Catholicism, having devoted considerable energy in recent years to evangelical-Catholic dialogue…


All of this was forever changed for me in the 1960s. The Second Vatican Council, convened by Pope John XXIII to open the windows of the Roman Catholic Church to the breezes of theological change, has been one of the great spiritual events of my lifetime. In my continuing efforts to be a faithful Christian in a "post-Christian" culture, I have regularly looked to Roman Catholics for companionship—and often, wisdom and inspiration--on the path of discipleship.


Nor am I alone in this. Evangelical theologian Timothy George [see Beeson Divinity School founder above] has pointed to an important new phenomenon that he labels "an ecumenism of the trenches," where evangelicals and Roman Catholics have found common cause on a number of social issues, and are even increasingly finding occasions for praying and studying the Bible together.

Evangelicals and Roman Catholics have exciting new opportunities for dialogue and cooperation. And as we talk and work together, we may actually learn some new things about what it means to serve our Living Lord in a contemporary world in which we can emphasize the strength of our common convictions, even as we continue to engage in friendly arguments about the important things that still divide us.


Editor’s Note: The reader is encouraged to explore to believe it!


Beliefnet Interviews Presidential Candidate George W. Bush


In the final weeks of the election, George W. Bush discussed his faith and policies with Editor-in-Chief, Steve Waldman.

~ excerpt…


BELIEFNET: Do you think that all major religions are equally true?


BUSH: I think that we're all God's children, and far be it from me, as a lowly sinner, trying to decide who gets to go to heaven and who doesn't, for example. I mean at one time, in 1994, I said, "My faith says you must accept Christ to go to heaven." And there was a significant backlash because, as typical in politics, the full story wasn't told. And there was a typical backlash amongst, you know, some Jewish people in Texas that basically felt I had said that they can't go to heaven. I worked hard to make it clear to people, far be it from me to tell you I get to decide who goes. I'm working on myself. I'm focused on me.

And so to answer your question, there are great religions in the world, and it's important to recognize that there are great religions in the world. And there are many shared tenets of the great religions. "Love a neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself." And there are some wonderful callings. I just happen to be a Christian…


BELIEFNET: If you believe that the way to the Kingdom of God for you is Jesus Christ, in a sense don't you have a moral obligation to try to urge other people to follow the same path?


BUSH: Not in my line of work I don't. My line of work is political. My line of work [my job] is to walk the walk, and respect others, and respect their religions. And secondly, I'm not so presumptuous as to play God. There are many great religions in the world. God is all-powerful and all-knowing, and, you know, we'll never know until we get to heaven the ultimate answers to many of the religious questions. But the president of the United States' job is not to try to convert people to religion. The president of the United States' job is to set an example, to make sound decisions, to respect religion, and, if asked, to herald religion. But the key is not to hold out, you know, my religion is better than yours…


Featured Beliefnet Columnists

even includes:


Starhawk [a witch]

Beliefnet Columnist


Starhawk is the author of numerous books, including "The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of The Ancient Religion Of The Great Goddess," "Dreaming The Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics," and "Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority and Mystery." Her first novel, "The Fifth Sacred Thing" won the Lambda award for best Gay and Lesbian Science Fiction.


She is a major contributor to "The Pagan Book of Living and Dying," and with Anne Hill and Diane Baker, she co-wrote "Circle Round: Raising Children in the Goddess Tradition," In October, 1999, HarperSanFrancisco published the 20th anniversary edition of "The Spiral Dance."


A feminist and peace activist, she is one of the foremost voices of ecofeminism, and travels widely in North America and Europe giving lectures and workshops.


She consulted on the films, "Goddess Remembered" and "The Burning Times," directed by Donna Read and produced by the National Film Board of Canada, and co-wrote the commentary for "Full Circle," a third film in the same women's spirituality series. Starhawk continues her collaboration with Donna Read, working on an hour-long documentary on the life of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas.


She lives part-time San Francisco, where she works with Reclaiming, an organization offering classes, intensives, public rituals, and training in the Goddess tradition. She lives the rest of the time in a little hut in the woods where she gardens obsessively. Reclaiming publishes a magazine and maintains a website: that links to Starhawk's own website.


Columns and articles by Starhawk

What Would the Goddess Do?   Sep 21, 2001

Here are some suggestions of how to embody the energy of the Goddess in these troubled times.

Grounding as a Daily Practice   Jul 31, 2001

Dances with Tear Gas   May 29, 2001

Even in the midst of toxic gases and riot cops, magical energy sustains us.

Magical Activism   Apr 18, 2001

A soon-to-be-signed multinational pact threatens what we pagans hold sacred. It's time to fight back.

The Eostar Bunny   Mar 19, 2001

... and other Pagan heralds of spring.

The Witches of Brazil   Feb 21, 2001

In a land where a variety of gods, goddesses, and spirits are taken for granted, Wicca is one more pagan faith for the mix.

Celebrating Brigid   Jan 19, 2001

The evolution of a ritual.

How to Make Brigid's Cauldron   Jan 19, 2001

What I'll Be Doing This Solstice   Dec 18, 2000

Cleansing rage, transforming frustration, and inviting renewal.

Rooting for the Trees   Nov 30, 2000

When nature gets sick, appreciation can heal.

Samhain   Oct 11, 2000

Honoring the Dead

Finding the Holy Grail   Sep 11, 2000

'Sacred places are all around us.'

Praising Evolution   Aug 10, 2000

A meditation on breath and life

The Land of the Disabled   Jul 9, 2000

In this realm, independence becomes a rare and precious commodity.

Listening to the Land   Jun 1, 2000

Ecologically speaking, it's healthy when nature and human beings participate in a mutual admiration society.


Returning to the Fuller Theological Seminary faculty…


Robert J.Clinton

~ Fuller theological Seminary, Professor of Leadership, School of World Mission

~ Visiting professor to Regent University


William A. Dyrness

~Professor of Theology and Culture, School of Theology

~Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor


~ CO-AUTHOR, Changing the Mind of Missions with James F. Engel

Engels is at Eastern College––

School of International Leadership and Development/SILD and


Development Associates International/DIA


James Engel is an Advisory Editor for Christianity Today.


Both SILD and DIA are partners at the Cambridge University, School of Divinity, CARTS CARTS –– Center for the Advancement of Theological Studies

Eastern College has now been renamed Eastern University; EU is in partnership with World Vision


Dr. Jehu Hanciles

See Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:


Cambridge University, School of Divinity ––CARTS & Currents on the World Christian Movement


Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.

~Director of the David duPlessis Center for Christian Spirituality and Professor of Church History and Ecumenics

~ associate professor of church history and ecumenics

~ Society for Pentecostal Studies

past president

~ cochair of the International Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue,

~ cochair of the local Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue

~ consultant to the Commissions on Faith and Order of the National and World Councils of Churches


See Watch Unto Prayer report:

The Assemblies of God, Roman Catholic Church & World Council of Churches Together


Russell Spittler

~Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor

~ Society for Pentecostal Studies

past president


Paul E. Pierson

~ Latin American Mission/ LAM, Chair of the Board

~ Overseas Crusades, Chairman of the Board [Dick Hillis]

Now OC International


Group Watch on OC:


OC’s founders were from Youth for Christ [Billy Graham], including Dick Hillis.


In 1979 an evangelical coalition called "Amanecer" was established to promote evangelical growth in Guatemala. The idea of Amanecer came from an evangelical congress, called "Discipleship Around the Whole Nation (DAWN/ James McGavran), held in the Philippines by Overseas Crusades.

~Christ for the City, board member

~ World Impact, board member


See Transformation of the Church/TOC database report: TOPIC/ Trainers of Pastors International Coalition

TOPIC is an associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF.


Wilbert R. Shenk

~ Paul E. Pierson Professor of Mission History and Contemporary Culture, School of World Mission

~currently coordinating work on A Missiology for Western Culture with the Pew Charitable Trusts.


J. Dudley Woodberry

~ Professor of Islamic Studies, School of World Mission


See Transformation of the Church/TOC database report:

Fuller Theological Seminary


Other Prominent Christian leaders associated with Fuller Seminary:


Billy Graham–– helped in the founding of Gordon – Conwell Theological Seminary


Bill Bright–– Attended Fuller; attended Princeton Theological Seminary


Harold Ockenga––co-founder of the National Assoc. of Evangelicals/NAE, 1942


Henrieta Meares––Gospel Light Publishing, Forest Home Conference Center [CA] affiliated with Campus Crusade


C. Peter Wagner––faculty FTS/School of World Mission; attended Princeton Theological Seminary

See PTS below; John M. Templeton [son of Sir John Templeton] is a Trustee. Templeton Hall is located at Princeton Theological Seminary.


Ralph Winter––USCWM/ U.S. Center for World Mission

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, editor


Donald McGavran

~ "A Church for Every People by the Year 2000," first coined by McGavran, Bliss & Gill

~ founder of the School of world Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary


This innovative school [Fuller’s School of World Mission] began in 1965 with thirteen students and a vision shared by seminary founder Charles Fuller, President David Allan Hubbard, and Donald A. McGavran, founding dean of the School of World Mission. Dr. McGavran's vision continues to be strongly felt as a driving force of the School. He saw his ministry as a rediscovery of the original focus of the Christian mission which is to communicate the Gospel so that people repent and put their faith in Christ and become his followers in the context of worshiping, nurturing, serving bodies which we call churches. He believed these churches should grow and multiply but that they should not look the same in every culture.


Rick Warren––Saddleback Community Church and author of The Purpose-Driven Church


Jesse Miranda––Haggard School of Theology/Azusa Pacific U.; now with Vangard University

more to be added


Association of Theological Schools – Part 2