Who are "BDJ", you ask? We're a band. That's right. A BAND. (Ok, not really.. but pretend for entertainment purposes) BDJ stands for Branded Drunk Jiggalos. Yeah, thats us. The band consists of me (Julie), David, and my friend Brie. This was David's idea, and I must say, it was a damn good one. He is SO cool man. Below is the e-mail I sent Brie, it'll give you a feel for who we are. For future reference, "Ju" is a friend of Brie and I's. I've also included our pictures so you can see the faces BEHIND the band. Hehe, cool, huh?!

Subj: We Welcome You..
Date: 3/8/01 11:58:24 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Jsilver317
To: BriePuff

Briezay.. you are now a part of a band. Don't ask questions. Just go with the flow. We are called "Branded Drunk Jiggalos".. BDJ for short. (Get it? hehe.. Brie, David, Julie? Hehehe) Anyways, David wants Ju to be in the group, cuz he said he'll get us all the fans, but ya know.. thats up to J funktified. Here's our "stage names":

David: The Bisexual Sensitive Lovah a.k.a "Nsane Barney"
Julie: The Kinky Tease Ghetto Homie a.k.a "Blazin' Bandana"
Brie: The Psychedelic Spazztic JC Jumper a.k.a "Sergeant Pepper"

(David made up these names, mind you)

Our songs we are going to perform:
I Want You Back - Then we're going to SWEAR we wrote it and it's original.
This I Promise You (Foo') - This will be the follow up.. it's original too.
I Want My Crack - This might feature a guest appearence by JC if he's available.

Ok, well, thats it. Welcome to the band! Remember that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT and prostitution is not legal, no matter what Joey says. (Only in Vegas, damnit) Have a NICE day!


So, yeah, thats pretty funny, eh? Our first album is going to be called "Will Sing For Jack Daniels" Coming soon to a store near you! Here's some pics of us:

This is me (Julie) being my ghetto self. I think I was drunk or something.. yeah..

This is Brie.. attacking the camera. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

David's picture is unavailable at the moment, but he's one sexy bitch.

So, there ya have it! The Branded Drunk Jiggalos. We're gonna be the next NSYNC! You can say you knew us way back when and feel all special. Look for us on MTV, if you see a girl humping Carson Daly's leg.. thats me.


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