Fashion Emergency
By: Julie
Alrighty.. these guys wear some pretty freaky cloths.. And some of the things they wear are cause for some ridicule. Sad, but true. Here's some pictures of the guys in some pretty CrAzY get-ups...
The matching thing.. yes.. First of all, if your gonna wear matching cloths, at least wear COOL matching cloths. And second of all.. whats up with Chris? Is he purposely trying to be the odd-ball out? Nice try Chris, but you're STILL not cool :p
Big poofy jackets are a big NO NO guys. They went out last Winter. It doesn't look like Chris likes them much either, judging from the expression on his face.
NO.. just.. NO! This should never happen. It really shouldn't. It's not even funny.. NEXT PICTURE PLEASE!
WHY?!?! Thats all I wanna WHY?! I don't know WHERE they came up with THESE get-ups.. nor do I care to. *shakes head*
Who told poor Chris that those glasses were cool?! Oh, wait.. he probably picked those out on his own.. mah bad...
Hmm.. JC and Chris in straight-jackets.. yes, very interesting indeed. So, why you guys are all tied up like that..*giggle*
Umm... NO.. I don't find this funny guys.. not funny at all.. Dressing like that does NOT make you cool.. NEVERMIND what Joey told you..
Ok.. Joey, who told you Ronald McDonald died and that you could take his place? Lance.. NO, thats all I gots to say to you.. Chris.. you look like a tree.. a freakin TREE! Justin, I think you may have forgotton to button your cuffs.. and JC, no comment.
Chris looks like friggin' Freddy Kruger in this picture.. and Lance's shirt looks like something my dear old grandfather would wear. The rest of 'em are just too bright for me to look at.. I am now having problems with my vision due to this pic..
There's a similiar pic like this one up above.. but you can see them better here. All I gotta say is..JC skinned some kind of animal to make that vest.. BAD JC!! BAD BABY BAD BABY! I'm getting the whip out RIGHT now..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *ahem* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *cough, cough* HAHAHAHA! *snicker* HAHA.. Tee hee.. *cough* ooohh my.. That dress is very *sputter* BECOMING ON YOU JC!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ok.. I guess I can give them a little slack.. since these were their "younger" days.. But still..Justin.. SUSPENDERS ARE NOT COOL! I DON'T KNOW WHO TOLD YOU THEY WERE, BUT THEY'RE NOT! TAKE THEM OFF! Hey.. wait, I'm starting to like that idea.. Yes Justin.. take them off..Take it ALL off..*impure thoughts*
Another pic from their "young" years.. I see they're sporting the "wearing no shirt under the vest" 80's look here.. yes, very nice guys.. mmmhmm.. Really COOL.. And to Justin: No boy at the age of 15 should look that damn good.. its freakin' IIEGAL!!
Okie.. I see we let Joey pick out our clothes again.. How many times must I TELL you guys?! Joey is not allowed anywhere near the closet!! Next thing ya know.. you'll be wearing fake fur and dying your hair bright red!! Sheesh..
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