Stupid Fwd
This is the coolest thing i have ever seen! Now I know what you are thinking "it's just a stupid chain letter" but it isn't! This letter will give you the chance to see Christina Agulaira kiss Justin Timberlake across the screen! And you should see Justin's reaction! Bye bye Britney!!
All the people listed above (Don't you mean BELOW idiot? Your so called "witnesses" are BELOW) are real live witnesses that this really works! And the more people you send it to the better it gets! Just read and believe!
littlehun55 writes:
sweetiepye00 writes:
jbaby0123 writes:
Okay, all you have to do is send this to 10 people, only 10 to get Christina and Justin to kiss! Right after you send this then click on the blue words below the stars and you will see the funniest thing on earth!!!And if you have more friends you are really lucky because you will see much more! But you have got to send this e mail first or it won't work!
Okay now that at least ten e mails have been sent click on the blue words below!
-> Christina and Justin <-
Whoa I am freakin out! I really didn't think this would work! But it does! Not only do they kiss, it looks like they french too!
I'm not beliveing this! Everyone has GOT to see this it will crack you up!!!
I sent it to 25 people and no only did I see Christina kiss Justin but I also saw Britney come out and slapped her!!!! (ROFL!! Now that would be a sight to see)
10-19= Christina kissing Justin!
20-29= Britney slapping Christina!
30-39= Britney and ----- ------ kiss!
40-49= Justin kisses a guy named ------- ----!
Okay Send! (Then scroll down!)