I Want You Back


The Concept:

The guys are dancing in front of foil, playing pool, playing basketball, jet sking, and driving around in a car. The only thing that really has to do with the song is JC driving around with the girl, although, I don't know why he would want her back...

The Video:

AN NSync video starts out with the girl riding her bike...why? The we get the "Cause I I I I I..."and we get a cute shot of each of the guys and they start playing pool.

Joey pushes Lance into the water....ahhhh sucker! Then he helps him up. If I were Lance I would have gotten up and bitch slapped Joey.

More basketball...get a new hobby Justin. Justin threatens Joey with the pool stick. "I swear, you touch Britney again! I'll shove this pool stcik so far up your ass you'll be tasing wood for a week!"

"I'm goin crazy without you..." Justin is twitching. Getting into JC's crack stash again Justin?

"When I want...you..back!" Ahhhh!!! I love the thing Justin does with his butt!! *teeny moment*

We get to JC's part and the only thing in the video that has to do with the song. JC drives his girlfriend....whore...bed buddy, whatever...home. Now seriously, if you were in a car with JC Shhhh-Zay of NSync, would ya get out?

Yeah, JC seems real upset that his girlfriend just broke up with him. He has his 3 minutes of grief, then he goes off and picks his friends up an they drive around town havin fun.

"I said that everything would be all right..." The camera shows Chris and if you look in the backround, JC goes to take a shot, and Justin grabs his pool stick and pushes it out of the way so HE can take a shot. Arrogant bastard...

Chris and Justin get in a water fight (Wet NSync.....Hmmmm....) Then they all get out of the car to chane places, and JC get's back in the drivers seat.

Joey grabs himself.....*laughs evilly and raises eyebrows*

Justin spins the ball with his finger and Chris runs up and takes it...HAHAHAHAHAH!! Chris got you in check!

The skank is standing there with her bike, I guess waiting for JC to come back but I don't hink he's going to. He's got Bobbie now.

"When I want you back.." Look in the backround. Chris is strangling JC with the pool stick! Go Chris!

Justin throws a water bottle at Chris. Ha! Then Lance and Joey do that "homie" thing. Once again, I would have bitch slapped Joey.

My Thoughts:

Joey...in spandex...in cold water....heheheheheheheheheheheh *slap*

That skank bitch is riding around on her bike the whole video. I'll gave you a quarter if you run her over JC.

Once again, I kept pausing it at the scariest parts.

Justin is the only one who doesn't drive anything in this video.

JC's teeth are hella nasty.

Overall Ratings:

Joey: ***** (Just cause he was in spandex in cold water...)
Lance: **** (I don't know why)
Justin: ***** (He was too cute)
JC: *** (Those damn facial expressions)
Chris: ***** (For choking JC)
Video ***** (I Love this video)


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