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Richard's Link Library

Statistics and Phone Directories

Medical Reference Legal News! Government Academic Subjects musiclinks YA/Kids links TV and Cable Networks

Phone Books

TollFree Directory-1-800 numbers, includes ATT, Sprint and MCI numbers.
Email Addresses- Listings of those with email addresses.
National Directories- Lycos: People and Businesses(see hint below).
National Reverse Phone Dir.- Find an address using the phone number(see hint below).
*Hint: You can get a map of the person or place looked up by clicking on the name and
hitting neighborhood map on the two above National and Reverse Directories.


World Stats- CIA's(Central Intelligence Agency) World Fact Book:General Info on every place on earth.
World Census Info- International Databank-Census and population info for anywhere in the world.
1999 U.S. Statistical Abstract- Statistics on anything and everything from the U.S. census Bureau, very thorough(Also has links to the 95-98 Editions).
Occupational Outlook Handbook- Gives descriptions of careers, information about employment outlook, and statistics about occupations.

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