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Reference Sources

Medical Legal News! Government Academic Subjects Statistics Phonebooks musiclinks YA/Kids links TV and Cable Networks

Ref. Books-General Dictionaries,Thesaurus, Anagrams ect.
Science Dictionaries-Biotech Life Science Dictionary and Dictionary of Cell Biology.
Legal Dictionary-World Wide Legal Association:Plain English Legal dictionary.
Ultimate Calender-enter month and year or year and get the calendar. Any Year!
Periodic Table of the Elements-from Los Alamos National Laboratories.
Quatations-Bartlett's Quotations-Quotations from famous authors.
Famous Shakespear Quotes
Hist. Documents-U.S. Const, Declaration of Indep., and other historical early documents.
Yahoo Maps-Maps made to order-Enter a City, street address, or cross streets and get a map made to order for anywhere in the U.S.
U.S Postal Service-:Zipcodes and anything else you would like to know.
ZipCodes- Purdue Univ.: Directories of Zip Codes, Intl zip codes, Internet country codes-Basically any code.
Unisys Satellite Weather Maps-Live infrared, vaport etc. weather maps.
BibleGospelNet-Passage lookup and word search for the Bible.
BibleStudyTools-Bible dictionaries, commentaries and encyclopedias.
CNN Financial Reference Desk-CNNfn:Government resources, company index, business terms. Note* check CNNfn link under NEWS! below for current stock quotes and finacial news.

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