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Check out what's new in ~Ethan Embry: Amazing Actor~! And don't forget to join the mailing list, too!

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sexy 3/23/00 Yeah for updates!! Check out all the new stuff (pics, articles, links, etc.) and please, please drop me an email and let me know what you think!!

...and yes it is true!! Ethan is married and does have a baby boy named Cogian (after the Latin word for "to consider")!

10/10/99 Check out the Random section. Most of them are shoved in the "photo shoot" one, though. So be sure to look at them...they're extra cute.

6/20/99 Check out the Up and Coming and Rumored section!! Ethan is slated to co-star in a new CBS sitcom called "Work With Me." Ethan every week?? Do you think you can handle it girls??

5/11/99 I suck. Okay, I admit it. I've added two new pictures, though, so don't hate me too much. Look in the Disturbing Gallery and the Random Gallery. punkin' out

AND...Ethan may be set to star in the new Scream movie, due out in December of this year. Look in the Up and Coming and Rumored section.

3/30/99 It looks like a lot longer, but I HAVE worked on this page more than y'all think. Still not nearly enough. But, today I added 3 new pictures to the Disturbing Behavior photo gallery. Check them out. And soon things will pick up speed around here. I hope...

1/16/99 Well, it's been quite a while since I've updated, folks...but today I tried to fix all the screwy pictures in the Empire Records pictures section. Please email me if there's anything else wrong.

I also added 2 Misc. pictures for your viewing pleasure. More updates soon, promise...

12/3/98 Today, I added a whole new section called Up and Coming and Rumored. It has rumors about Ethan (are him and Heather still together? I dunno, you tell me!) and the lowdown on his up and coming films. Any feedback is appreciated.

I also added a new Misc. pic. Go check it out.

11/19/98 I completely made over the ImaGes section. It looks a lot better (in my humble opinion) and I added a few new pictures. I'm working on updating the Empire Records section soon, don't worry. Tell me what you think of the new layout!

11/6/98 Look in the Misc. Pictures section to see a picture of Eth's sister (also an actress), Kessia Kordelle.

10/19/98 I added the new HTML for the *Ethan Ring* today. I still have no time to update as frequently as I'd like, but keep checkin' back.

10/1/98 I gave the whole mainpage a makeover today. Haven't had much time to work on it lately, but keep your great emails and suggestions coming!

9/13/98 I've given the VoiCeS section a new look and added quite a few downloadable sound files. I also put a helluva lotta new pictures that I picked up here and there in the various ImaGeS sections. They're marked with a "new" sign. The survey has been counted and re-counted and will be up VERY soon. I know I've been sayin' that forever now, but this time I mean it. So come back soon to check that out. And don't forget to sign the BooK before you leave.

9/6/98 Mouth off in the brand-spankin' new Book!

9/5/98 Test your Ethan Knowledge in the Ethan Quiz I added.

9/4/98 Check out the Miscellaneous Gallery.

9/1/98 We got our first award today from Ethan's Empire!! Check out the main page to see it. I also added a link to Ethan's Empire in LiNkS.

8/30/98 I put a few more Can't Hardly Wait pictures to the gallery and one more Empire pic. You'll notice that I gave the picture galleries makeovers. Also check out the WoRdS section for a new interview with Ethan.

8/23/98 I've added a new picture of Ethan and his girlfriend, Heather, to the miscelleaneous gallery. If you wanna check it out yourself it's the current issue (Sept. 3, 1998 issue) of Rolling Stone magazine with Shania Twain on the cover. He's featured in a layout on page 86 entitled "The Young and Reckless." I also added two other pictures to that gallery.

Ethan and his gee-tar 8/20/98 Check out the Empire Records Gallery and the CHW gallery. Click here.

8/17/98 I've added some Bad Attitudes pics and updated here and there. Click here to see them.

8/13/98 The Ethan surveys have been pouring in!! Thanks so much to everyone who has participated both in the survey and in the YouR TurN contributions. I should be posting the results of the survey sometime in the next week or so. Keep an eye out for it!

I've also added a mailing list thingie from List Bot. If you are interested in recieving email one or twice a month concerning Ethan and this page look at the bottom of the main page.

8/8/98 I made a new section by your request called ThE 4-1-1 It's filled with really neat facts about Ethan and includes a bio, filmography, a few pics and information about Ethan's two upcoming movies, How to Make the Cruelest Month and Taken.

Eth crackin' everyone up8/7/98 Yeah!! We got a banner!! Check out the LiNkS section to see it. Two words: Elisa rocks!!

8/6/98 I've given the WoRdS section a makeover and added some cool interviews and pictures in the process. I also put Elisa's awesome Can't Hardly Wait page in the LiNkS section, too.

The First Ever ~Ethan Embry: Amazing Actor~ Survey has been completed and is being sent out. I have emailed many already, but if you have not recieved a copy yet go ahead and email me with the word "Ethan" somewhere in the subject field. The results have been great so far!

Nooooo! 8/4/98 I added another picture to the Disturbing Behavior gallery and a few to the White Squall and Vegas Vacation gallery.

I am also creating an Ethan survey to email out pretty soon and post the results in the "YouR TurN" section. Please email me if you'd like to participate.

8/2/98 I added a larger version of the picture to your right to the ImaGe gallery. It's from "Disturbing Behavior" and a little gory at that...

Can't Hardly Wait July '98 I started this website sometime in July. Can't remember the exact date. Maybe the second week or so? Lots of people have dropped by in a short amount of time and the support from fellow Ethan fans is great.
