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   Summer 1999   Summer   1999



  Summer of 1999 on the beaches of Lake Huron. Imagine Steve is 5'11" ... we made a deep hole in the ground and that is where the kids are standing.  






This pic was taken at Mike and Nancy's baby shower.



This is Corey last summer up at Oscoda fishing in the Ausable River. The fish is caught was 6 3/4 lbs and 27 3/4 inches long. WOW what a big Walleye!




This is Kaitlyn riding the horses on our vacation. What one do you think she had more fun on? Your guess is as good as mine. LOL




This was one of our two trips we made to Vegas. Too bad on this trip in August of 1998 we did not win no money$ : (



Corey and Kaitlyn on the beaches of Lake Huron. They were visiting their grandparents. They had a great time. Core makes it an annual event every summer. Maybe next summer Kaitlyn can go without mom and dad.

The children again in the fall of 98'. We just got home from the apple orchid. We go there every year. The kids just love it...well so do I.

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