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Little Johnny

A teacher asks her class if anyone could use the word 'indefinitely' in a sentence. Well, Little Johnny has his hand raised in the back of the class.

But the teacher knows he's a trouble maker and that he doesn't know the answer, so she calls on Jim.

Jim replies, "Due to the weather, school was canceled indefinitely."

"Good" the teacher replies.

"What about you Jenny?"

Jenny says, "Since the bus broke down, transportation was stopped indefinitely."

The teacher then says that the sentence was too much like the other one, and she asks if anyone can use it in a different way.

So there's Little Johnny waving his hand.

And the teacher thinks ... (Maybe he really does know the answer), so she calls on him.

Johnny stands up and says,

"As I felt my balls slap off her ass, I knew that I was in ...definitely!

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