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Kahtlin's Story

~**This story was writen by Kahtlin. She does not know Hanson. This story is complity fiction.**~

As Katie and Shellie sat in the room neither of them were thinking that
this was going to be the best day of their lives. Their daydreams about
Hanson was suddenly burst by the announcement from the radio DJ saying
that the competition to spend a day at home with Hanson was finally
going to be drawn. Both of them froze as the DJ slowely dialed each
number. As he pressed the last number a screach from the phone made
their hearts competly stop. It was the sweetist sound they had ever
heard.(apart from Tay's voice) The two girls franticly bolted to the
phone and answered it with a half scream/ crying
'how much do you love Hanson?' asked the DJ
The girls knew they had won and all they could think of doing was
screaming. They were so excited. Their life was complete!
'congratulations' the DJ said loudly trying hard to get his voice heard over the screaming.
'you'll both be spending the best day of your life with Hanson tomorrow!'
The girls still couldn't believe thay had won. Their dreams had come true.
The DJ took their details and told them where to go and what time to be at the radio station so they could get a limo to the boys house.

That night neither of them could sleep and all they could think of was what they were going to wear and say to Ike, Tay and little Zac. It must have been the longest night ever! It just seemed to go on and on.

Finally morning came and the girls were ready even before the sun had come up! They drove off to the radio station where they were greated by some managers and other important people. They were shown to the limo and headed off to the Hanson house where they would meet the boys of their dreams.

Suddenly the limo stoped and the window wound down. Thinking something was wrong the girls stuck their heads out the window to see what the matter was. And their they were greated by the sweetist angel. It was Zac!!!
'hiya girls' he laughed reviling that million doller smile.
'Tay, Ike their here' he screamed
As Tay roller-bladed over the girls just sat their watching them in owe.
They were speechless.
'So you must be the lovely ladies who won the competition!' said Tay with his beautiful baby blues sparkling in the sun.
The girls could say nothing, all they managed to get out was
'uh huh'
Chapter 2
