Hey Everyone! I'm Royce, Donte's Muse! When I'm not helping him make fics or manage his awesome sites, I keep on the lookout! I'm here to guard his pages from viruses and other bugs. Sure, I can be a little grumpy at times (Like when he's playin' games instead of managing his sites or writin' fics) But, Overall I'm the nicest muse anyone could ever have. (BTW, anything else he tells you is a complete lie...)

Hey Everyone! I see you met my captor, uh, I mean muse, Royce. What a great guy. I could just kill him...anyway, welcome to my rants section. I put this up mainly so I could spout off about anything or anyone that's bothering me in the PR Community. Now, I won't name names, but if I really get heated I might give some subpar descriptions. >:) But, anyway you'll probably be interested in what I have to say, maybe you won't. I dunno. But that doesn't mean I'll shutup. :) I can keep talking, and talking, and talking...

Feel free to comment about my rants. E-mail me! :)

My Rants


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