To my nephews, I wish I had started when you were very young sending you Baptismal Birthday cards. I hope you don't mind now that you are grown if I send you one on occasion -- on the occasion of your baptismal birthday -- to help you remember Who you belong to now and forever. I love you, but as you know, my love compared to the love of God is infinitesimal. With all my love and best wishes, Your aunt and your godmother |
at Messiah |
The following "page" is from the Portals of Prayer:
Monday, September 11
What If I Forget?
The Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
Romans 8:26
What happens if I forget all that God has done for me? What if I'm in a car wreck and I lose my mental capacities because of a head injury? What if due to the ravages of age I can recall neither the deeds of my Savior or His precious name? What happens if I can no longer pray?
These questions reflect concerns we might have about our relationship to God. We need to remember that our relationship to God through faith in Jesus Christ is not founded on our abilities, but on God's grace.
If we can no longer handle our business affairs we give a trusted friend or relative "power of attorney." That person can transact any necessary business for us. The Holy Spirit, given to us in our Baptism, acts with spiritual power of attorney. When we can't pray because of our weakness, the Spirit prays for us with sighs too deep for words.
How similar the closing days of life to the first days! The baptized child who does not yet comprehend the faith it has received lives in the grace of God, just as some elderly persons who no longer have the ability to ponder or pray are sustained in their Christian life by the grace and power of God.
judi 1/19/98 (12/28/01)