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Sadhbh Warrens World...

My name is pronounced Sive, for those of you who aren't up to speed on two thousand year old Irish names! I was born in Dublin, but moved to Cork at the age of five. I recently completed my BA in UCC, majoring in English, and went on to the MA in Irish Heritage Management.
This is probably one of the few photos of me acting reasonably well-behaved and composed. A far better place to find interesting photo's of me is the centre pages of the University Examiner, UCC's weekly student newspaper, which I write articles for weekly, usually on nightclubs or consumer affairs. It's probably the only genuine excuse I have for spending so much time out. Still, if it's a choice between study and a night out, I'll be responsible and pick study. Honest.

As you can see from the photo of Denis, Solange and I at The Clubs and Societies Ball last year, being a student can be really tough sometimes, but I think I'm up to the job! I am very involved in the Clubs and Societies of UCC, and tend to pick up more and more hobbies as I go along.

Every year Rag Week in January takes up a lot of my time, as the students of UCC try to raise money for charity through drinking, debauchery and embarressing themselves publicly. This year the amount of money raised is expected to be close to £35,000. If I don't feel I'm getting my weekly dose of arguements on that committee, I wander along to the Philosoph or the Law Society.

If I'm feeling that bit more peaceful and goodnatured, and don't feel like using my voice for yelling at other people , I'll go along to The Choral Societies practices every Tuesday evening. For those of you who don't believe I can sing, we actually came second in the North Wales Choral Festival in November. And that's not counting my position on the Comedy Society, ot the time I spend with the Spanish Society, WARPS or Med and Ren...

When I'm not slaving for voluntary committees, I'm trying to persuade people to give me money for working. But no one has very much sympathy for me when I tell them that I spent all summer working on the beach for one of the nicest hotels in America Gurneys Spa, Inn and Resort.

Back home in Ireland I work for Gorby's Nightclub on Oliver Plunkett Street and can generally be found working whenever anyone's having a good night out in Cork. And it quite a lot of the places where they're having a bad night too...

So that's pretty much all I can think of to tell you about my day to day life. The really interesting details, of course, will never ba able to make it onto the Web as you never know who might find them. But you've got enough here to get the general idea, and take a little poke around my life if you want to. And if you don't, why are you here anyway?

Thanks for visiting!

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