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The Irish Heritage Management Class 1998-2000

Sadhbh Warren
BA Hons
MA in Irish Heritage Management
Cork, Ireland

The Heritage Management Class of 1998 /2000

Veronica "The Artist" Bannon
Sarah "I'll do it" Buckley
Fiona "Singin'" Canavan
Sarah "The Boss" Cannizzo
Caroline "Caffreys" Crowley
Geraldine "Is that my mobile?" Healy
Olive "Artists muse" Holland
Anne "Weddings" McCormack
Deirdre "It's a swan!" O'Brien
Aisling "Smiley" O'Donoghue
Ken "Ideas" Owens
Tony "Action" Twomey
Sadhbh "Punctual" Warren

Irish Heritage Management Studies

University College Cork offers a two year full time masters in Irish Heritage Management. The Masters is open to holders of an honours primary degree or equivalent in a range of subjects: Archaeology, Anthropology, English, Folklore, Geography, History, History of Art, Irish and Music. Other suitable applicants include those with non-humanity qualifications, and those with considerable work experience in the sector. This years class include TCD students, visiting Americans and native Corkonians! Just some of the work we do during the year involves field trips, helping to organise a conferance, interviews and of course, our huge exhibition just before Christmas!
Come see our class exhibition on The Honan Chapel
And you thought all students did was study...

The Irish Heritage Management Class of 1998 working hard on their field trip. Honest...
Want to get to know us a bit better? Come on in and visit Sadhbh Warren