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Other Odds & Ends Left Scattered About My Den

A Bit About Meself

I've never claimed to be sober or sane, being the type
to try all things before making up me mind, & I've read
more books than any one else I've met & that was just 
during grade school.  I've been suicidal in the past &
I've got scars & poems to prove it but I'm pretty certain
that it was all a bluff.

I'm related by blood to no one I know, have never known
who me parents were/are/could have been, & things in me
life have led me at times to believe that who ever me
parents were, they were into some whacked out shit, just
because of images that appear in me brain when me soul
goes a'wandering.

I've taught meself memetics, neurolinguistic programming,
& rudimentary psychic conditioning, have had a smattering
of chaos theory cram sessions & even helped form a secret

I'm planning to eventually take over the world & establish
a benevolent tyranny, abolish all forms of money, & crush
repressive social mores.  Or perhaps I'll just try & get by as
 a struggling writer...

my bookmarks...  not yours

engine parts
back to the front... this will dump you back up at the front of the Den

food for your head

Charles De Lint - fairy tales for today, simply awe-inspiring. Robert Jordan - the Wheel of Time series... amazingly dense, incredibly long... if you plan to be bed ridden for about six or so months, pick up all the books in this series & expect to be elsewhere in yr head for a looooong while Clive Barker - he started out being a master at horror, but along the way he morphed into an incredible writer of modern fantasy... Philip K Dick - greatest insane science fiction author to ever walk the planet, & we are just now barely feeling the effects his work will eventually have on philosophy, magick, science, & religion... this man was a prophet & a visionary & grossly under appreciated during his lifetime Robert Anton Wilson - co-writer of one of the greatest conspiracy classics of all time, the Illuminatus Trilogy, also the author responsible for the Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, which was the book that got me banned from the adult section of the public library when I was thirteen... heheheh... anywho, read Quantum Psychology by this man, it is the most useful book you'll ever read if'n you want to figure out what Reality & yr head have in common Michael Moorcock - you gotta read Elric. yeah, it may seem like another ordinary pulp fiction anti-hero, but when you start to grasp the underlying metaphors... my gods!!!!! & the dancers @ the end of time... & the whole overall concept of the Eternal Champion roaming about in time & alternate realities, & the Chaos/Order duad monad thing just sorta seeps into you as you read. Very cool. Terry Brooks - easy reading, well plotted fantasy Stephen R. Donaldson - Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever just rewrote my view of reality when I was fourteen. I read all of them twice, & formulated my own personal view of multi-dimensional realities in part from themes pulled from his books... & invented what turned out later to be an RPG based on the world he had made (I didn't know what an rpg was until someone saw me & my friends playing the game I had made & calling it AD&D, which was a baaaaaaad thing in the christian school I was attending... so they took away my baaaaaaad thing I had made... I told them I had made it myself, & they didn't believe me. bastards. anywho....) Piers Anthony - I can't keep up with this man... he writes too damn much. I've read nearly fifty of his books, including 20 some xanth novels, Tarot, Phase, Bio of a Space Tyrant, Adept, & the odd little inbetween one shot novels he apparently pulls from his ass while working on his taxes... this man must have a voice recognition adaption on his computer or something) Neal Stephenson - I've done worn out Snow Crash & the Diamond Age... not the greatest writer, but a superb storyteller, & the future he portrays is undeniably possible & utterly magical all at once Stephen King - speaking of storytellers, this man is a master... admittedly I enjoyed his earliest work the most, & at times I find myself loathing the fact that I am reading such a pop author. Neil Gaiman - I first discovered Neil when he was writing Sandman... I read compulsively, even as my parents were burning the issues they found lying around because it was 'demoniac.' nowdays he's got several normal books in print, including Neverwhere, which left me longing for a release into some supernatural world beneath the streets of the city myself Timothy Leary - not exactly a novelist, but his writings have greatly influenced my life, my view of society, & the way I interact with every person I ever meet Anne Rice - quite hit & miss w/ her, sometimes she grabs me, sometimes she don't Marion Zimmer Bradley - Hope I spelled that rite... quite a body of werkings here, if'n ya gets me meaning Nancy Collins - the Sonja Blue Collection defines where vampire tales should go from now on & while yr at it, heres a few books to keep an eye out fer- Media Virus - written by some guy, book long lost, great... read it. The Holographic Universe - this one defines my viewpoints except where my views differ... of course Drugs & Magic - published by illuminet press I believe, great for the bathroom... & as fer toilet books ya cannot ferget The Book of the Subgenius The Ticket that Exploded... WSBurroughs... I loved it, my favorite of his cut-up books...

musick to incant by

Tori Amos (lyrics bring me into a little grove of paper birch deep in the forests of my mind where a feast has been prepared & the sidhe are celebrating) Skinny Puppy - (the body of work produced by these musicians firmly established a form of music never before explored by mankind, dealing with issues ranging from heroin addiction to vivisection, toxic waste to self-illumination... & those who aren't supposed to hear the message are literally unable to decode it... falls into a spectrum of music as magic, much like Psychic TV, or Laibach, or the post-Puppy Download) Morphine - (very relaxing, mellow bluesy jazzy music, pure & heartfelt & soooooooo relaxing) Tool - (at times an almost religious experiance, probably cause of all that acid I did while listening to Tool over & over & over again) Sisters of Mercy - (since I first discovered the album floodland I have been required by my psyche to own it, & have purchased it more than ten times) Nine Inch Nails, & the Natural Born Killers soundtrack & the Lost Highway soundtrack... Trent ain't faking anything... a bit commercial, but fuckit, its still good music Offspring - (boy, these guys pretty much just lay into our culture & present it for what it is over & over) They Might Be Giants, King Missle, Mr. Bungle, & the Dead Milkmen (LAUGH DAMMIT) London After Midnight - (murky & deep, gothic & sensual... what more could you want?) Coal Chamber - (they just rock, all bent up & twisted & pissed... like what I thought Korn should be, instead of what Korn ended up being)