"Raining Sunshine" by L.M. Shard
G - DS UST, Scully POV - "I cry for what I've lost, for what I've missed, for what I won't let myself see."
"A Rare Bootleg" by FirePhile
R - DRF - A night to get drunk and forget about the world. Post-Trust No 1.
"A Rare Saturday Morning" by Karen
G - Reyes, Doggett - 'It was getting harder and harder
to forget. And easier and easier to remember.'
"Reaching" by Gatorgurl
"Recalled To Life" by Katherine Scully
PG - DSR - This is my response to a challenge by SHODDS, Have Doggett recalled to active duty for a mission.
"Red" by Gina
PG-13/R - DS UST, Doggett POV, Scully POV - Doggett loses his temper and Scully is incensed.
"Refuge" by Jenna Tooms
NC17 - DSR - Scully seeks a safe place, and finds it.
"Rekindled Friendship" by Traci
"Releasing" by coolbyrne
PG - DSR implied - post-ep: Release
"Rematch" by Grace Thompson
R - Not wanting Alex to die, here is my version of
the season finale. Enjoy!
"Remember To Breathe" by Jessica
PG13 - DSR/RST - A night in a cottage together..Hmm...:)
"Reunion" by Andra Marie Mueller
PG-13 -> NC-17 - The mysterious death of his closest friend reunites Doggett with his ex-wife and begins the discovery of long buried secrets that will forever alter the lives of the agents of The X Files.
"Ripped Apart" by spookycc
PG-13 - S/D, Scully angst, Doggett POV - Fill-in-the-blanks for the Jebus slug ep - "Roadrunners". No
offense, Vince, but this wasn't no "Pusher". :)
"Ritikki" by Kristi
PG - FRVS series - DS casefile - Doggett and Scully get investigate a strange car crash possibly caused by aliens... or not...
"Roadkill" by spookycc
PG13 - DRF - missing scenes, post-ep, Provenance, Providence. POV shifts
between first person Reyes and third-person Skinner.
"Ruminations on REM" by Eisoj5
PG - Scully's thoughts during the final scene of "Via
Negativa" in Doggett's house.