Madame Giry's Conservetoire - To my knowledge the first Madame Giry-dedicated website to appear in the annals of Phantom of the Opera Websites. Please visit this great site!
The Mary Millar Memorial - A site with a guestbook dedicated to the late Mary Millar who immortalized the role of Madame Giry on the Original London Cast.
Official Phantom of the Opera Site - Several of the images in the Gallery on this site were obtained from this excellent website!
Das Phantom der Oper Online - Marvelous site with tons of information about the German productions, including Hamburg and the upcoming Stuttgardt shows.
The Phantom Artists Net Site - Sort of self-promotion :) My friend Jen and I run this online archive of great Phanart by various talented artists!
Toryn's Phantom Underground - Very nice site featuring the infamous Hall of Pain and a section dedicated to former Phantom Thomas James O'Leary.
Raphael's Phantom Artwork Archive - Homepage of a very talented Phan artist!
Richard Dye's The Phantom's Domain - Nice site with photos from international productions
The Phantom in Australia - A fabulous site dedicated to Phantom productions Down Under with lots of pics and info! Much thanks them for the use of Australian Madame Giry images!
The Phantom of the Opera - This is an excellent site run by Eleanor Lem and has great pages of Phantom humor, the Labyrinth Library of phics, and much more!
The Phantom's Realm - Run by Silke, this site is quite interesting with sections on the Austrian Phantom production, some artwork, images, and phics. - Large collection of links related to many musicals. A good resource for musical fans.
Image Contributors: Lee Martin, Toryn Farr, Raphael, Richard Dye, Liz of the Aussie Poto site, Eleanor Lem, Silke D. Spiel, Regula, Lynsey, Sarah Maykopf
Sound Contributors: Eleanor Lem
Translation: Regula
Website Assitance: Jen Spengler
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