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On this page I have listed links that are related to Madame Giry and Phantom of the Opera. Also listed here are the names of people who have so generously contributed information and images to this website! Thanks so much for your help.

Madame Giry's Conservetoire - To my knowledge the first Madame Giry-dedicated website to appear in the annals of Phantom of the Opera Websites. Please visit this great site!
The Mary Millar Memorial - A site with a guestbook dedicated to the late Mary Millar who immortalized the role of Madame Giry on the Original London Cast.
Official Phantom of the Opera Site - Several of the images in the Gallery on this site were obtained from this excellent website!
Das Phantom der Oper Online - Marvelous site with tons of information about the German productions, including Hamburg and the upcoming Stuttgardt shows.
The Phantom Artists Net Site - Sort of self-promotion :) My friend Jen and I run this online archive of great Phanart by various talented artists!
Toryn's Phantom Underground - Very nice site featuring the infamous Hall of Pain and a section dedicated to former Phantom Thomas James O'Leary.
Raphael's Phantom Artwork Archive - Homepage of a very talented Phan artist!
Richard Dye's The Phantom's Domain - Nice site with photos from international productions
The Phantom in Australia - A fabulous site dedicated to Phantom productions Down Under with lots of pics and info! Much thanks them for the use of Australian Madame Giry images!
The Phantom of the Opera - This is an excellent site run by Eleanor Lem and has great pages of Phantom humor, the Labyrinth Library of phics, and much more!
The Phantom's Realm - Run by Silke, this site is quite interesting with sections on the Austrian Phantom production, some artwork, images, and phics. - Large collection of links related to many musicals. A good resource for musical fans.

Image Contributors: Lee Martin, Toryn Farr, Raphael, Richard Dye, Liz of the Aussie Poto site, Eleanor Lem, Silke D. Spiel, Regula, Lynsey, Sarah Maykopf
Sound Contributors: Eleanor Lem
Translation: Regula
Website Assitance: Jen Spengler

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