*Behind The Music: Firebomber*

Behind The Music: Fire Bomber 1/? ******************************************************************** Narrator: They were on top of the galaxy. (Basara grins.) Basara: Bomber! Narrator: Their fame rose to dizzying heights. (Mylene's eyes glistens.) Mylene: I would do it all again if I could. Narrator: But for Fire Bomber, the fame just wasn't enough. Ray: It never was about being famous. Basara: I just couldn't be happy there. Narrator: When the dreams didn't die, the music suffered. Mylene: And there was a point where I just didn't feel like living. Narrator: But like a phoenix, they rose from the ashes of despair. Basara: It was all about the music, and once you have that, it could never end. Drums roll, words flash across the screen. Behind The Music: Firebomber Narrator: At a time when space was vast and lonely, the unexpected happened. (Akiko removes her shades.) Akiko: He was my fiance, but I think Ray was more hurt than I was. Ray: We were in the military together. When he died, it was like the world came to an end. Narrator: On November 10th 2031 Ray suffered the loss of his best friend. Akiko: Well, Ray started drinking. Ray: Whiskey, Vodka, Beer, Rum, Brandy. Anything I could get my hands on. I wasn't a person anymore. When **censor** died, It was like he took a piece of me with him. Narrator: It was at at a local bar where Ray found his destiny. Ray: So I was coming out of this bar (he scratches his head) I think It was Jimmy's or something, when I see this kid with a guitar. Narrator: That would be Firebomber Vocalist, Nekki Basara. (Ray laughs) Ray: I was drunk as hell so I thought I was going crazy, but I moved closer, and lo and behold there was this kid with a guitar; and he was singing his heart out to this mountain. I looked at him, and my life just took on a whole new direction Narrator: After that fateful day, Ray and Basara developed a deep friendship. (The music changes) Narator: On the day that the 7th expedition fleet left earth, a star was born. Mayor Millia: Mylene Flare Jenius. Catain Maximillian: Ever since she was a baby, she had spunk. (pictures of baby mylene float across the screen.) Narrator: It was that same spunk that would land Mylene a position in Firebomber. Narrator: COMING UP. Basara: We wanted a sound that was like fire. Narrator: When behind the music continues.

Behind the Music: Firebomber continued


The background for this section of the site was created by the fantabulous MizKitty... go check out her website here.