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Best Friends Obedience, Inc.

Dog Training the motivational way.

Offering Obedience and Agility Classes in Central Kentucky.

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Information about our Classes [Obedience] [Rally] [Agility] [Class Fees]

Group Classes are taught in 6 week sessions. Each class meets once a week for about an hour. The Motivational Method is a step-by-step process, where each week builds on the previous one. During class, the instructor will teach you how to train your dog to do the steps for that week. Your ultimate success will depend on the training and practice that you give your dog at home throughout the week. You will be provided with written "homework sheets" to help guide you through your training at home.

Obedience Classes

Everybody comes to class with different goals for their dogs. Our Level I classes provide a solid foundation, whether your goal is a well mannered pet or ultimately an advanced obedience title. Just as the weekly classes build on one another, there are multiple levels of obedience classes which progress through more and more advanced levels of training.

Level I is appropriate for adult dogs and puppies over 4 months of age. For younger puppies there is a special Puppy Class which provides socialization opportunities and age-appropriate training as well as basic puppy care.

Level I:

The best place to start with your dog, learn how to better your relationship and communication with your best friend. Learn all the basics from responses to your first command to how to work off leash and hand signals. We include basic house manners too, such as not jumping on guests or bolting through an open door to your home or yard.  This class covers all the basic commands, sit, down, stand, stay in all three positions, verbal and hand signals.  We work on heeling which is a controlled walk with you dictating how fast you get there without your dog pulling on the leash.  We work a lot on come since that can be considered the most important command.  We want you to enjoy your time with your dog.  A trained dog is a free dog.   [class schedule] [registration form]

Level II:

Further your training from basics to working around real distractions. Advanced training that will make owning a dog a real joy. A goal at this level is off leash control. After having laid a foundation, take your training to a new level, distractions and all.   [class schedule] [registration form]

Level III:

Train and prepare to show your dog to a Companion Dog title (CD.) Get comfortable with off leash work no matter what is going on around your dog. Learn the handling skills to better your own performance. Introduction to drive theory - Put your dog's Personality Profile to work for you by understanding how your dog thinks.   [class schedule] [registration form]

Open/Utility Workshop:

A continual class that works on all levels of AKC obedience including Open and Utility. Perfect your handling skills for competition. Your goal in this class is an Open title (CDX) and a Utility Dog (UD.)  This workshop goes year round and works on a punch card system.  Come when you can, get your card punched, so you never miss out on a class if you can’t come every week.  We have lots of fun every week, working on handling, retrieving, scent discrimination, jumping, etc.   [class schedule] [registration form]

Puppy Class:

Learn how to survive the puppyhood period. Proper socialization at this age is crucial. Start training on the right foot, since the puppies are learning from the start, teach them what it is you want them to know. This class is very important for people who have never owned a puppy before, or anyone with a new puppy who wants to start early training.  Puppies are like sponges, you want to be sure they learn what you want them to know.   [class schedule] [registration form]

Rally Classes

Rally Class:

Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler proceed at a brisk, but normal, pace through a course of designated stations.  There should be a sense of teamwork with the dog under control within a 2-foot area at the handler's left side.  Each station has a sign designating a particular skill that is to be performed by the team before proceeding to the next station. 

Our Rally class is not an obedience training class but rather a "Learning about Rally" class, teaching you about the sport and teaching the signs used in the routines.  All levels will be covered.  We will take a few signs every week and practice them and then do a short course including those signs each week.  On the last night there will be a more difficult course set up that will be run like a Rally Match.

To participate, the dog should already be trained to at least on-leash Novice obedience level.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Agility Classes

New for 2014!!!  As the sport of agility evolves, we have restructured our agility classes to include new techniques and allow more focus time for preparing you and your dog to meet the challenges seen on today's agility courses.  Each class session is now four weeks and the intermediate levels now have two parts.  We have added special focus classes for weaves, contacts, and jumping skills. 

Level I Agility (Introduction):

This class is for dogs that are new to agility.  Your dog is introduced to the agility obstacles safely and you will start to learn basic handling skills.  Obstacles are taught individually using positive reinforcement, in a step-by-step approach which increases the challenge as the dog's confidence increases.  You must have basic control of your dog on and off leash to participate.  Basic obedience is necessary and a good working relationship with your dog is required.  Wear shoes with good traction, and bring plenty of bite-sized treats, water, and a hungry dog!  Instructor's recommendation is required to move on to the next Level.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Level II Agility (Fundamentals):

The level after Intro is Level Two and is in two parts.  This level continues your dog's agility education with more challenging obstacles and sequences.  Focus on building a sound foundation of teamwork, motivation and obstacle performance that will serve you both well throughout your agility career.

Part 1 - Continue to progress your dog's obstacle skills towards competition.  Flatwork, intro to new obstacles and jumping skills.  To graduate from Level Two Part 1, your dog must have the instructors’ recommendation, must exhibit a great relationship with your dog during class.  Now is a good time to also take the contacts and weaves classes.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Part 2 - The second part of Level II.  Continue to progress your dog's obstacle skills and your handling skills, towards competition. You will start to use the flatwork skills with the jumps in a sequence of obstacles.  Continue to work on weaves and contacts in those classes as well.  To graduate from Level Two Part 2 and move to Level Three, your dog must have the instructors’ recommendation, must have done the weaves class and the contacts class, and have a great working relationship with your dog during class.  You should have been taught all equipment, but may not be proficient or at full heights yet.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Weaves Training Class:

Part 1 - This class will introduce weaves to your dog.  We use a combination of 2 by 2 method and channel weaves method.  Your dog must be fully matured physically to work on inline weaves due to the stresses inline weaving puts on a dog's body. Instructor's recommendation is required for Weaves Part 2.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Part 2 - Continue step-by-step weave training to learn how to build your dog's weaving skills to competition level.  This class is a pre-requisite for Level III agility.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Contacts Training Class:

This class will safely introduce the contact equipment (dogwalk, A-frame, teeter).  There are different styles of contact performance.  We use methods which promote a safe and reliable performance.  This class is a pre-requisite for Level III agility.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Jump Training Class:

This class will help your dog learn/improve various jumping skills using Susan Salo’s method of jump grids. Because a dog can jump doesn’t mean that he knows how to jump. When a dog understands how to jump… path, distance, appropriate takeoff place, weight transfer, angle of elevation, and height, he will run more smoothly, efficiently, and decisively… and therefore, be faster and less prone to injury. You can check out Susan Salo at [class schedule] [registration form]

ABC Jumping Drills:

This class features sequences from Nancy Gyes' Alphabet Drills--jump sequences based on patterns from letters of the alphabet.  Each letter focuses on specific handling skills or dog skills. [class schedule] [registration form]

Level III Agility (Novice):

Part 1: You have the foundation, now increase your handling skills to competition level.  Learn key handling skills, timing, including side changes.  Continue building teamwork with longer and more challenging sequences.  Contacts will be worked individually until your team is at full height.  Short weave sequences will be available.  Must have instructor's recommendation to move on to Agility Three Part 2.  [class schedule] [registration form]

Part 2: This is a continuation of the previous level.  At this level your dog must be able to perform all of the obstacles proficiently.  Contacts and Weaves are incorporated into the handling skills.  Discrimination and proofing are also taught.  The class will work towards running full Novice competition courses.  This is the class where it all comes together.  To graduate from Novice, your dog must readily perform all the obstacles, including straight line weaves and must be able to complete a sequence of at least 10 obstacles as a team.  Must have instructor's recommendation to move on to Competition Prep. [class schedule] [registration form]

Agility Competition Preparation:

Put it all together so you and your dog can show in agility competitions.  "Competition Prep" topics cover more advanced skills, including sequences seen in Open and Excellent/Masters levels of competition.  In order to get the most from the class, your dog must be comfortable performing all the obstacles, remain with you in a distracting environment, and be capable of performing a qualifying run at the novice-level or higher.  Learn how your handling affects your dog's performance. Work on distance and directional control.  Learn to analyze different handling options and discover what works best for your dog. Learn about agility competitions, what to do on a course walkthrough, etc.  Practice course run-throughs. Play agility games. [class schedule] [registration form]

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