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I have to be like all the rest of the proud parents in America. The only problem is I don't have many pictures of my little girl yet. All I can show off is her ultrasound pictures, so I decided to put them on the internet. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do.

My little girl is 9 weeks old here. If you look carefully you can see some small facial features. If you can count real well then you see two arms and two legs. She doesn't quite look human here. She looks more like a cartoon charecter.

You might have a hard time making out the picture if you look to your right , you should be able to see a head. The picture is a side view of her face. You can see the curve of her forehead that leads to her nose, down to where her lips are and stops with her chin. The dark circle close to the nose is her eye.

I added this picture just for fun. This is a picture of her feet. The whole time we were at the Doctor's office she kept sticking her feet up in front of the camera, so they thought they would take a picture of them for me. If you look real close you can see ten toes. They are pointing toward the right.

She is Finally here

