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I'm not all that picky when it comes to music, but I do have many favourites. One of my obsessions right now is Sarah McLachlin, I love her music. I think she has one of the best voices out there at the moment. And it doesn't hurt that she's Canadian! I didn't really know much about her until the first Lilith Fair Tour. I got excited about it because of the other people in it like Jewel, Meredith Brooks, and Shawn Colvin but when I saw a television special of one of the concerts I immediately was amazed by Sarah's voice. Needless to say, I rushed right out and bought "Surfacing".

Aside from the music already mentioned I will also listen to almost anything else. I don't really have a favourite genre because I enjoy such a variety of music from the "golden oldies" to alternative and everything in between. I even have a secret (although not so secret now) passion fo for musicals, but I've only had the opportunity to see two big productions: "Phantom", and "Titanic". I saw "Phantom" in Toronto about six years ago when Colm Wilkinson was still the Phantom. I saw "Titanic" last May when I was on a school trip in New York. That was quite the experience for me, seeing a realy Broadway musical on Broadway itself.

Not only do I enjoy listening to music, I also enjoy making it. One of the most enjoyable aspects of high school for me was being a part of our school's concert band. It was the most amazing experience. I highly encourage anyone out there to take advantage of the opportunity to take music in school, if possible. Playing my instrument, which was clarinet and for a brief period flute as well, became a great stress reliever for me. It was also an opportunity to meet and spend time with a lot of interesting people and I even got to travel! I also found a lot of satisfaction in being a part of a group striving towards common goals: having fun, doing our best, and making beautiful music. It's the only thing I really miss since graduating. I even miss waking up to be at practice for seven in the morning three days a week!


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