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Hi and thanks for visiting. Young children begin a time
when they love to help out around the house. The kitchen being
such an important place to really clean, there may be
some things the young one's can not do. When the children
turn 5 or 6 this is a good time to introduce them to 'DISHES'.
At first they will love it. As they get older they will begin
to find ways of getting out of this task. So here are a
few other things that I let my girls help out with, and how I
make them safe for children.

DISHESI take out anything glass and sharp
and run the water warm and let them soak
until the water temperature is ok for them.
APPLIANCESI give the girls a paper towel and
sray cleaner on it for them. I make sure
they are wearing gloves to protect
their skin.
REFRIDGERATORI simply empty out the fridge, give them
a damp cloth and let them go to town.
With this task I always go aback over with
a good disenfecting cleaner.
FLOORFirst, I give them the broom and let them
sweep all the dirt to one area.
Then, I let them use one of those 'easy' squeeze
sponge mops. I give them the bucket of
water solution and let them scrub away.
I do usually have to mop up
some standing puddles that are left.
COUNTERI clear off the counter for them, spray
the solution and give them a damp rag
to wipe it up with.
LAUNDRYMy girls just love this one. I first show them how to seperate the clothes, how much detergent and softner to add. And made a mark with black marker so they can easily identify where to turn the knob to & pull. The dryer was easier for them to learn, add the clothes out of the washer, set the time, push the button. ** You gotta read a story about this one. You'll find it below.

You just have to remember that to younger children these things can be very exciting at first. Get 'em into it early and it'll be easier to get them to do it later.

**Ok, here is my story: The first time I let my 2 oldest do this they were so excited!! Every 5 minutes they would run to the laundry to check on the load (I thought they were only checking on it). Well, what I did not figure out real soon was that if the washer was done they would stop the dryer and swap out the clothes. They had been such good troopers and tried to help. After I figured out what was going on I had 3 loads of clothes half dry in baskets... In their haste they had washed a pair of snow boots and a baseball glove. The washer was going somethin' awful. When I check to see what was going on they had crammed 15 pair of blue jeans into the washer. They really didn't do too bad and it did not take alot to fix it up right. They had both just tried each task together and they overdone it. They used almost a '40 load' bottle of Snuggle. And they were so excited about helping out that the piles of seperated clothes we had made had all began to run together and they washed everything together. So... if one minute you have a laundry room full of clothes waiting for the washer and your child informs you that 'almost all of the clothes are done' it's time to really check out what has been going on in the laundry room.