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The Circle

On a mountain, in a forest there sat
an Old Woman and her Granddaughter......
They await the Sun Rise.
The valley and meadows below them are
covered by a blanket of mist.  Each tree and
blade of grass is adorned by dew drops,
like pure diamonds. Every creature of the
Great Earth Mother awaits the Sun - the new
day -a new life. The silence is loud.
The old woman, an Elder loved by all
who know her, draws the girl child under
her blanket and folds it around her little body.
They share the warmth of an everlasting
moment of Love.  The Old One speaks softly
as the Sun Rises in celebration of the new day
-She speaks for happiness, health, and
abundance for all People.
She sprinkles the golden corn pollen
on the sweet Earth as an offering to the
Sacred Keepers and sings her song
of Beauty.
She looks into the awe filled eyes of the child
and says......."Where do you begin and I end?
Where do you end and I begin? We are one. 
We are the Circle, the Circle is All.
My thoughts are inside your thoughts. I live
there now inside you, even when you do not
see me any more. I am with you,
we are Always.  Remember.........
Your Grandfathers and Grandmothers are
inside of  you. They are the blood that flows
through you.  They speak to you. 
Learn to hear them. They pass their wisdom
on to help - through you.  All people have
good medicines, and they pass it to the next
generation of their people. Only that which is
pure is kept and passed on.
Listen and bring back the values.  Honor all
Life, all people, all the Earth and the Sky
Nations.  You my child, are all these and more
- Remember - remember...tell the Children
of the People this....Remember us around the
fires, and when you sit in the circle and walk
along these Paths - remember -
tell them for us......
Author Unknown

The Legend of the Eagle and the Turkey

(A new legend with and old lesson)

In the beginning, when all things were new, even before the Ancient Ones walked the earth, two great birds, the Eagle and the Turkey, lived on a high mountain. Every day they would walk down the mountain, this was before birds learned to fly, to eat and visit with other creatures. This went on for many years. One day the Eagle begin to wonder about the purpose of his wings, surely the Creator had given to him for more than just beauty. So, stretching them to their full length, he began to flap them. Much to his surprise he begin to lift from the ground. Day after day he practiced, until he could stay off the ground for minutes and then hours. One day, as he and the Turkey begin their long walk down the mountain, Eagle decided that it was time to show Turkey the marvelous thing he had discovered. No longer would they have to walk down and back up the mountain, now they could fly. "Look, brother Turkey!' he exclaimed, as he stepped to the edge of a nearby ledge and spread his wings, "I can fly!" With that he stepped off the ledge and began to flap his wings. "Look out!" shouted the Turkey, "You're going to kill yourself, you fool!" But the Eagle just spread his wings and begin to soar higher and higher. "Come on, brother Turkey. " Shouted the Eagle, "Spread your wings and fly with me." But the Turkey, being the rational and logical creature that he was, was not about to take a chance on something he could not understand. So, shaking his head in disbelief, he trudged slowly down the mountain, while the Eagle soared above. Oh, later the Turkey tried flying, but to this day he never gets far off the ground and he never flies far when he does.

So what, my children, are we to learn? The Eagle did not understand how the wind, something he couldn't see, could not only hold him up, but, when he let it, could lift him to great heights. His mind told him it was not logical, his mind told him it was impossible, but he listened to his heart and he soared. You and I must make the same choice, we can listen to our mind and follow the path of logic and reason, or, we can listen to our heart, step off the ledge of impossibility, spread our wings and soar with the Eagles!!

Written By Marty Soaring Eagle Eastern Cherokee Alliance January, 2000

painting by:Lee Bogle


Sunrise, the awakening of a new day,
Sunset, the time for slumber and rest.
In between is the eternal struggle.
In between are joy and sorrow,
In between are laughter and tears,
In between are wonder and disappointment,
In between are discovery and heartache,
In between are life and death,
In between are you and I.
Yes, we are here,
searching, struggling
to find the way,
to find our way,
Through this maze called life.
Searching for answers,
all we find are questions.
Searching for reason,
all we find is confusion.
Searching for the sweet waters of peace,
we find ourselves in the parched desert of fear.
In those moments of darkness and despair
Our battered, bruised spirits cry out,
And from the heavens come the resounding reply,
In that fleeting moment
we find the answer.
Our sorrows, our tears,
our heartaches and disappointments
are of our own making.
We struggle to find our way
in stead of following the way set before us,
We are so busy looking for "signs"
that we never start the journey,
We see before us a rough and rocky path
and keep looking for an easier way,
We are so busy worrying about what we can't see
that we miss the beauty that surrounds us,
We are so worried about what we don't know
that we waste the knowledge we do have,
We are so busy trying to satisfy our desires,
that we miss out on the greatest gift of all,
Not a love driven by lust or physical desire,
not a love that is self-centered and self-serving,
But a love that exists
for the sheer delight
of loving another,
the sheer delight of loving another
simply for the sake of loving them.
A love that gives all, demanding nothing,
expecting nothing,
and requiring nothing in return,
a love that defies logic or reason.
A love that instead of asking, "Why?"
declares, "Why not"
It is this kind of love
that can never be diminished
by time, distance or circumstance.
So. if we are to find true joy,
If we are to find true peace,
If we are to find true balance,
Then, some where between
the Sunrise and the Sunset,
We must find

Written By Marty Soaring Eagle January, 2000

Why Not Stop?

Hello, he called out, as i passed
Why not stop and set a spell?
For there is much i have to
and much you need to
For i have lived upon the earth
a very long, long
and i have yet to make of it
any reason or
i thought i knew all there was to know
and what life was all
But now i know, after many years,
there is much i haven't found
We'll talk of life,
We'll talk of love,
We'll talk of days gone by.
i'll tell you things that will
make you
And some that will make you
So, slow down now, come,
set and rest
You know you really
Come listen to this old man's words
they'll really do you
But i had places to go
and i had things to do.
Maybe, someday when i have more time
i'll stop for a minute or
So i just kept on walking,
each day i did the
i never even paused long enough
to learn the old man's
So days turned into weeks,
and months turned into
But still his invitation
rang clearly in my
So i fought and struggled to do
what i thought i had to
Now i could tell the old man
some things he wouldn't
So, i went back to the old house
that he had set
i climbed the creaking steps
and knocked on the aging
He's not here, a voice echoed from
you're to late, for yesterday he died.
Now i set beside the road
calling out to those who pass
Why not stop and set a
For there is much i have to
and much you need to

Written by Marty Soaring Eagle

Vision Quest

A Vision Quest is the ritual seeking of communication with the spirit world. A Vision Quest may be taken for a variety of reasons; to complete a puberty ceremony, to prepare to become a healer or shaman, to fulfill a vow, to participate in other ceremonies and/or to seek spiritual guidance in his or her life. Individuals blessed during a Vision Quest may receive sacred ceremonies, names, objects, songs, prophecies, teachings and/or spiritual powers from an animal, bird or other being. Such powers may be related to specific healing or spiritual assistance during a difficult undertaking. The person may also receive teachings or prophecies that will entail great suffering and difficulty. The teachings may not be understood at the time but may gradually reveal themselves later in life. The experiences of a Vision Quest are personal and private, but some of the lessons need to be shared. The following was shared with me by a man I know so I might share it with others.


The Quest

He set upon the mountain
on a dark and moonless
He set alone in darkness
waiting for the
He doesn't know how long he set there
waiting for the
Waiting for the Sun to come
and chase the night
He doesn't know how long he set there,
he had lost all sense of
He doesn't know how long he set there
resting from the
He doesn't know how long he set there
his mind filled with confusion
and with
There was so much going on that
he couldn't figure
But as he set and listened
he begin to
He heard a voice old and wise
tell him exactly
why he had been brought
"My son, it said, you have been brought
here to
That those things worth having most
are things that you must
To learn that what has come into your life
comes not without a
The question is, my son,
what are you willing to
You questioned why the long, hard way
you were led to get to where you
was chosen when it seemed
not very
from your struggle and your
were easier paths by which
your goal you could
But, you see, my son, the easy path
is not the better
For it is in the struggle of life
that we find victory every
A path that will be double hard to
is set before you
And if you choose to follow it
we will help you find your
Often you will feel lonely,
and often
but remember, my son,
the path you walk
is for the greater
So, when you are feeling heartache,
when you are feeling
Remember it is from the greatest
that the greatest victory we gain."

Written By Marty Soaring Eagle

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While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child