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The Cry Of The Lonesome Wolf

With pine trees in array,
she steps quietly out from her lair,
into the silence of the night.
Full crested moon, moves into sight,
helping yield her way.
Her fur, gray, soft, silky, warm,
well groomed. Shining, glimmering, showing her
sleekness in the moon light.
Her breath when exhaled, visible,
from the coolness lingering well into the night.
She climbs her steep rock, once again, like
many times before.
Once topped, she perches herself there.
With her head tipped back, her nose facing the
starry sky,
the cry of the lonesome wolf commences.
Enchanting, mono toned howling, heard, echoing,
piercing through out the stillness of the night.
Searching frantically for her mate.
Hoping he is near enough, to hear her plea.
Listening intently, with ears perked, erect,
straining, longing to hear, his response to her.
She howls once again, with more urgency
in her pitch.
Off at a distance, she hears him,
answering her plea.
She awaits with anticipation.
once found, he nudges her, rubs against her,
sniffing her familiar scent, and she him.
Tails wag in unison.
Frolicking, licking, nipping,
two long lost lovers, once again reunited.
Consummating their love, devotion,
until both sated, completed as one,
once again.
As they lie side by side, panting,
no longer can you hear the cry
of the lonesome wolf.

Used with permission by.. AKA MeuAmor

Running With The Wind

Frigidness in the air,
darkness befalls.
Snow covered mountains,
full moon crested,
they run side by side,
by the moonlight.
Their breath visible,
when exhaled.
Running With The Wind.

They have known each other
since they were pups.
Their spirits, always,
their minds, their souls.
They have frolicked,
in the snow of winter,
flowers of spring,
the grass of summer.
Never have they been separated.
Running With The Wind.

Their love growing,
year after year, as they both
reached, matured, into adulthood.
Leaving their pack,
to start one of their own.
Their love making,
reaching fevered pitch,
as she became in heat.
Impregnating her, with their
first consummation.
Running With The Wind.

Him, finding a den,
for her, and his awaiting family,
yet inside her belly.
A cave to protect her from the
elements, and their pups as well,
when born.
He sniffs carefully the den,
making sure no other predators
has marked this den as theirs,
he signals her to follow,
when he senses all is clear.
He is her protector, provider,
his life long companion,
his soul mate.
Running With The Wind.
Spirits of the wolf,
we are calling to thee,
as her pups begin to come into
this world.
Bless each one, guide them,
to become strong, good hunters.
May their spirits also,
run free,
and they too,
Running With The Wind.

08/14/2000 AKA

Leader Of The Pack

Full moon, starry sky,
illuminating, yielding their way,
the leader of the pack
emerges from their lair.
The pack follows.
They are animals of the night,
walking, running, hunting,
howling, mating, fighting,
by moon and star light.
Lone owls soar into flight, hooting
from every tree limb,
they too, creatures of the night.
The leader, muscular, sleek, gray,
hues of blue donned with in his fur.
The largest, wisest, oldest.
The pack treating him with utmost
respect, obeying his every command,
always, pleasing him.
He has sired many pups,
many wives he has taken.
He fights for his territory, never
allowing strangers approach or near
his women, family, his pack.
He is very protective of what is
rightfully his, he earned his title,
he fought for it,
with all of his spirit,
bared teeth and paws,
shedding his own blood.
That's why they call him,
what he is to them............
Leader Of The Pack.


Spirits Running Free

High in the mountains,
at night, you can hear their howling.
Their means of communication,
without hesitation,
their mono toned pitch, echoing
deep through out the valley.
Some sitting on snow covered rocky
cliffs, while others,
laying near, listening intently.
All, when speaking their breath visible
from the cold, their heads tipped back
looking at the full moon, as rays
penetrate light through the breaking of clouds.
the night.
Calling, of their spirits,
forever, to be.........
with our help,
Spirits Running Free.


Click On Pictures For Links

You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild

Please come back and sign my guest book after seeing the rest of my site,I really would like to know what you think.This was done for you.Wado (Thank You)



While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child