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I am very honored to be able to share with you the poems
of Wak'Tame.Not only are they beautifully written but they
hold much "TRUTH" and "LEARNING".Wado to you Wak'Tame for
allowing me to share with others all the truth,beauty and
wisdom that I myself saw and felt as I read each poem.
Wado.. Winters Child


The Drum
Heartbeat of our Mother
Calls to each of us
In a different way.

Each stroke
Is the Mother's pulse
Beating to revitalize
The people who understand

The Drum sounds
And through the Arbor Gate
We enter the Sacred Place
Honoring many

The Ancestors, Spirits
Those who have crossed over
We dance for each of them
And honor the legacy left

Toe heel, touch the Earth
In perfect timing with the Drum
Each step a Prayer, a Message
Offered to Creator, out of Love

Some dance clockwise
Others move counterclockwise
Tis the way your Ancestors danced
That you are called to Honor.

The Powwow has Pan Indian
Set Patterns and set Style
Some the Regalia for tourist show
Others deep conviction of their past.

Whatever reason you are here
Do it with honor and respect
Dance Arbor belongs to Creator
He commands the best from you

Each Step, Each Movement
Let it be a Prayer sent High
And When the Dance is over
Leave the Arbor with head held high

Written ByWak' Tame
September 8, 2000


As long as the sun
Shall shine and
The rivers flow
This land is yours
The treaty reads.

What lies
Contained within
These words
The land was gone
While the ink was still wet

And so the story
Keeps repeating
Give a little
Take a lot
Soon to have it all

Just a small parcel
To build a home
A little more
plant my crops
taking, taking, always.

Down through the ages
Our land has disappeared
Constantly, steadily
One promise they did keep
To won the ground we tread upon.

Even now in modern times
The theft goes on
Mineral rights
Trees to timber cut
Greed is still in command

But go careful now
The Mother rumbles restlessly
She is stirring, waking up
Soon to rise up and stretch
Her land to soon reclaim.

Soon the dust will settle
Our homeland will return
Caretakers we will once again become
Stand firm and strong
Turtle Island will be healed.

Written By Wak' Tame
October 11, 2000


High on the mountain cliff
The Gray Wolf stands
Watching patiently
Making sure he was not followed.

Earlier he passed the Sentinel Rocks
Knowing this landmark signifies
The point of no return
If he must remain forever

The silence of the surrounding forest
Brought a twinge of loneliness
But this task he must face alone
His time might come this night.

Wolves mate once for life
His mate much younger left behind
Young ones at her side to raise
Tears streaming from his eyes

The bloody furrow on his side
Inflicted while protecting family
So painful and so deep
Has drained him of his needed strength.

Under the rock crop he lay down
To rest and gather strength
His breathing slower still
The end could very soon be near.

He stirred and looked around
had felt someone cleansing his would
His mate had follow and stood by
Helping and watching protectively

The pups lay off to the side
Watching as the events unfold
Knowing that if it all reversed
He would do the same for her or them

Throughout the night, her vigil stood
Cleansing and feeding her mate with love
By morning sun the eyes were clear
The old Gray would live on longer

Yes, wolves mate for life
Dedicated to each other's needs
Ever alert and responsive be
Following Creator's plan of life

Ready at a moments notice
To lay down life or limb
To protect their mate and family
Up and to the very end

No greater love can ever be found
Close and ever vigilant
A gentle nip placed on the shoulder
Reveals the intensive depth of feeling

Written ByWak' Tame
October 20, 2000


Two nickels to rub together in my pocket today
My pants may be threadbare, my shirt may be torn,
But don't dare to judge me by appearance alone
I stand richer by far in ways so unheard.

I don't measure richness in the usual way
Checking and savings are not in my plan
No hoards of silver or gold laid aside
Land have I none to claim for my own.

Caretakers of objects, not owners for sure
A gift given today may be passed on again
A brother or sister more in need may arise
And become the receiver of this wondrous prize

The shirt from my back I would gladly share
And pants from my loins were the need for be there
Because I know that were the coin tossed my way
A brother or sister would be there this day.

Tis the way of our People to give from the heart
Withhold nothing no matter how important it be
Our richness does come from the deeds we have done
And the friends at our side when our turn chance come.

So, my friend do not look down your nose at me,
Do not judge by the appearance you outwardly see
I stand wealthier by far in so many ways
Each brother and sister worth a fortune they be.

Written By Wak'Tame
July 3, 2000

Click On Pictures For Links

You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild

Please come back and sign my guest book after seeing the rest of my site,I really would like to know what you think.This was done for you.Wado (Thank You)

Graphic Mailing List


Hi there,We wanted a way to be able to at times sent out attachments to those of you that want them.They would range from maybe a new Wallpaper,or a Wintersworld calender,a new poem or story,pictures,and even tubes.But in order for us to do this we had to add a new sign up site.The one we use for the WintersWorld update newsletter is not sit up to send attachments or even imbedded images,so we'er going to try this new site for you that WANT ATTACHMENTS or IMAGES!!Just click on the button and it will take you to the sign up place.Also you CAN join BOTH !! Also we want you to know that at NO time will your name be known to anyone other than myself and oldguy. ALL d/ls will come from US ONLY!! And they will be scanned and virus free!!.One last thing.We can not control the way that your server will handle these,so there will always be a d/l along with an embedded image for those of you that can not see images.Ok thats it..We hope you will like this ideal.If you DO PLEASE let us know!.Thanks much...
Winters and oldguy
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While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child